Lein and the others stood on the deck of the spaceship, gazing at the extraordinary sight before them. A magnificent floating city stretched out in the distance, seemingly suspended amidst the void. From this distance, the city resembled a cluster of islands connected by glowing bridges, forming an extensive and complex network. Towering structures loomed at various points, while tiny silhouettes flitted about—hovering up and down, weaving through the gaps between buildings into the vast emptiness beyond.
Lein narrowed his eyes, observing the small dots moving rapidly in the air. "Have we arrived?" he asked, turning toward Aleron and Tauriel, who stood beside him.
Tauriel nodded. "Yes, we have reached the EON Gateway, Master Lein," she replied firmly. Unlike Lein and Aleron, who were visiting this place for the first time, Tauriel had been to similar regions before.