
Lein ignored them. His gaze went straight to the reception desk in the corner of the room. Behind it, a middle-aged man with a long beard was arranging some documents. The white robe he wore had red accents at the waist, giving him a simple yet dignified appearance. At a glance, he looked like an ordinary person. However, Lein could sense a stable aura of power—at the Master level.

"Welcome, Sir."

Lein approached the large wooden desk where the man was seated. As he got closer, he noticed an emblem of a winged sun pinned to the man's chest—a symbol that seemed to hold significant meaning in this place.

"Welcome to Solareon, Sir. How may I assist you?" the man asked in a calm, experienced voice.

"We need a few caravan carts for transportation within the city," Lein said without unnecessary small talk. With a casual motion, he pulled out a small pouch containing several Gold Cosmos coins and placed it on the table with a soft clinking sound.