
Part - 6

On the other hand,,,,,

Joe lay in his bed looking up at the ceiling. He kept wondering why he felt so weird. His chest almost hurt because of how overwhelmed he felt. But why? Was it because he knew that he hurt Marine today? Or because of something else?

"Ugh!" He grunted and punched his bed. He felt himself tearing up but he knew that he had to be strong.

Tomorrow was the last day before the final performance and he needed focus. But before sleeping he decided to send Marine a goodnight text. He couldn't mess up his plans now.

"Goodnight, Baby..... Sleep well. I love you."

He typed, then threw his phone to the other side of the bed and dosed off.

Marine woke up to Joe's text. She blushed at the text and replied "I love you too. Hope you slept well. See you!" Marine got up to get ready and soon she left for the studio.

Marine was early, since she was the most tense about their performance at the VMA awards. She practiced and soon everyone came.

Jack and Joe were late, they came in together but did not talk. As they walked in, to everyone's surprise Joe walked straight to Hanna and hugged her... Jack hugged Marine.... Marine was shocked to see how swollen his friend's eyes were. She knew that he must have been crying over Hanna, who was hugging Joe.....

Joe jogged up to Marine and kissed her cheek. "Hey, love!" he said. Marine. answered with a smile. The practice went on but Jack kept making mistakes. He was completely out of his element. During the break Marine walked up to him. "Bro, let's talk." Marine said. "I...I can't" Jack said tearing up. "What happened?"

Marine asked concerned.

"He says that... Th- that I flirt with Lisa.... Jack said between sobs. Marine hugged him tightly. grabbed his wrist and dragged him to Hanna who was laughing in a corner with Joe..... Marine was too concerned about his best friend , to get jealous although she did notice.

Hanna looked at Jack Her eyes widened seeing how swollen his face was. He suddenly felt guilty for not even noticing him and laughing around with Joe even though she knew how hurt jack was.

"Ja-jack.. What ha-" "Shut up, fucker!" Marine yelled at her.

"Can't you see how much he loves you? How much he has cried? When did you become so blind, Hanna?" "Marine-ah, I-" Hanna tried to explain.

"No. Think about what you've done. I hope god gives you some brain. Please see what you're leaving behind because of your goddamn delusions!" Marine walked away and took Jack with him. Hanna stood there like a statue. She felt numb. She couldn't even breathe. She saw how defeated his sunshine looked. His smile that made everyone's day, had faded.

Hanna ran off crying. Joe's time stood still as he felt his heart break. "You'll pay for this." Joe said under his breath.

Joe reached home. He couldn't help his tears. He noticed how Marine had left with Jack and Hanna was all alone. He thought of going to meet her but he stopped himself. He wanted to confess to Hanna at the after party.

The flashes of Hanna smiling at laughing at her jokes today, ran through his mind. It was all good till Olivia Marine interrupted.

Her beautiful smile.

Joe blushed as he thought of her. He was going to dump Marine once Hanna said yes.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow. He fell asleep looking at a picture of Hanna....

"Please be mine, Hanna....be mine!!!!

"He said and kissed the picture before hugging the phone and sleeping.

Everyone were ecstatic to

see dreamers walking to the

stadium. There were cheers everywhere. But people did notice was that dreamers looked a little sullen. They looked sad but tried their best to smile for their fans. Joe kept looking at Hanna..... He wanted the performance to end as soon as possible so that he could confess to her at the after party Joe did not even spare Marine a glance. He couldn't care less about how Marine was breaking down inside. Joe and Hanna spent most of the time sitting together and laughing. Joe was genuinely enjoying his friend's company but Hanna was just pretending. She e saw how Jack could not even pretend to smile. He looked tired and done. He kept looking down and his eyes looked puffy every time he came from the washroom..... Hanna knew that his sunshine was crying. She wanted to hug him, kiss him and hold him tight in front of everyone but she knew that she had to stop herself for the sake of dreamers reputation and image....

Her thoughts were cut off as she felt Joe tug on her arm

"Hanna,,, what's wrong?" Joe asked.

"You know. Jack . I'm worried. Although I trust Marine-ah is taking care of him."

Hanna said.

"Mm. I'm sure."

Joe said plainly, "But from what I see right now Jack looks okay....

Hanna glanced over to Jack's side and saw

Lisa tolking to him. He saw how Lisa was making Jack laugh. It made her furious.

Joe tugged on his sleeve. "See? Lisa will take care of him. You can talk to him when he has time for you hanna could almost feel Joe's physical pain at Joe's words and decided to end it all with Jack at the after

party "You're right. He has Alice Lisa who will take care of him....

"And you have me, Hanna.....

Said Joe flashing a smile

Marine was with Jack

throughout the evening. Jack was barely functioning. He hadn't slept nor eaten but why was Hanna acting like she didn't care. Marine knew her best friend. Something wasn't right. Hanna was acting off as if she had been instigated or something.... Marine decided that she was going to makes things right between her best friend and her favourite friend...

"Give him some water" said Jackson to Marine when Jack came back from the washroom with puffy eyes for the 5th time during the awards.

"He's needs to pull himself together!" Whisperd Mark.... "I'll go." Said Lisa ..

And she went and sat next

to Jack telling him and

reassuring that everything

would be fine between him

and Hanna.... She caressed his

cheek briefly.

That's when Marine saw Hanna's eyes looking bloodshot. And she knew that she had to talk to her best friend immediately! She was getting a wrong picture. Marine was too fixed on Jack and Hanna to care about Joe ignoring him all day. It hurt, it really did. But she knew that he had to be strong for her friend Jack. She walked alongside Hanna as the left for the party.

Talk to me.....Now Hanna,,,,Now.... He whispered to her as they walked past the crowd.