Chapter 7: Eliminate Sorrow (The song)

For the next two days, Lin Xi brought Lin Zhibai to work at the company. Once there, she would let him focus on the recording of "Eliminate Sorrow." By the third day, Lin Xi suggested that her brother join her again, but Lin Zhibai declined.

"The song is officially recorded," he explained. "I don't need to oversee the mixing and mastering."

"Oh," Lin Xi nodded. "Is the production nearly complete? Have you signed the contract?"

"Yes," Lin Zhibai sighed. "Shinhwa's contracts are tough. I did all the work, yet my share is only 1.5%."

"You're a newcomer," Lin Xi reminded him. "Newcomers don't have the leverage to negotiate better terms. The company provides the platform and resources to publish and promote your work. After a year, they'll review your share based on your performance. All top entertainment companies in Qinzhou have similar contracts for new composers. You can't expect special treatment."

"I get that," Lin Zhibai replied. "Does the contract really change after a year?"

Lin Xi smiled. "If your song makes it into the top ten of the seasonal chart, you'll receive bonuses according to its rank. This is a hidden increase in your contract share, but you need to reach the top ten first."

"And if I do?"

"Then I'll wash your underwear for a year," Lin Xi joked, flipping her hair playfully.

Lin Zhibai just rolled his eyes.

Later, Lin Xi received a message from "Vice Minister Chen," summoning her to his office. Vice Minister Chen, a woman in her forties with a serious demeanor, greeted Lin Xi warmly.

"The company is considering reorganizing the music departments," she began. "The bottom ten departments will be dissolved and their staff reassigned to the top ten departments. Supervisors of the dissolved departments will become deputies to the top ten supervisors."

Lin Xi's face paled slightly. "How much time do we have?"

"Implementation is likely in December. You have nearly five months to improve your department's performance. Currently, your department is ranked thirteenth."

Lin Xi took a deep breath, realizing the gravity of the situation. "This is both a crisis and an opportunity."

"Exactly," Vice Minister Chen affirmed. "If your department gets dissolved, you'll become a deputy. The power and resources gap between a supervisor and a deputy is significant."

"I understand," Lin Xi said determinedly. "Thank you for the warning."

Returning to her office, Lin Xi felt the weight of the impending competition. All twenty departments would be vying fiercely to avoid dissolution. Her thoughts drifted to locking up the composers until they produced hit songs.

"Has the review for Lin Zhibai's song been completed?" she asked her assistant.

"Yes, it's passed and sent to your encrypted mailbox."

Lin Xi entered her office and prepared to listen to her brother's song, curious about his work. The title, "Eliminate Sorrow," struck a chord with her. She connected to the monitor speakers and pressed play.

The prelude, a sad and silent accordion melody, set a melancholic tone. As the guitar followed and the vocals began, Lin Xi was drawn into a trance. The lyrics and melody seemed to pierce her heart, evoking images of a young man, drunk and sorrowful.

By the chorus, Lin Xi's eyes were filled with tears, recalling her brother's struggles over the past three years. She listened to the song five times in succession, each time more moved than the last.

Finally, she called Lin Zhibai. "The song is very well written, too well in fact." she said softly.

"When will it be released?" he asked.

"After the Propaganda Department finalizes the promotional copy."

"Cut the knife to cut off the water, and the water will flow again; raise a cup to relieve sorrow, and the sorrow will become even worse," Lin Zhibai suggested for the copy.

Lin Xi was stunned by the profundity of his words. "My brother has grown up," she whispered.

To avoid recognition, Lin Zhibai agreed to release the song under a stage name. They settled on "Bai Di."

Lin Xi summoned her assistant, ready to release the song. "Contact all departments. Music Department 13 is ready to release a new song."

"Yes, Director!" the assistant responded.

"Make sure the song sheet for 'Eliminate Sorrow' is prepared. The composer will release it under a stage name."

The assistant brought the sheet, and Lin Xi filled in the necessary details with satisfaction. "It will be posted tonight!" she declared.

The assistant, on the way to deliver the sheet, glanced at it:

Song title: Eliminate Sorrow

Lyricist: Bai Di

Composer: Bai Di

Arranger: Bai Di