maddy’s support

When Dreams Unfold 

Episode 3: Maddy's support

Maddy turned to Victoria and said, "My friend Ava is actually the one looking for a job, Vic. She's a talented fashion designer and model, and she's eager to find a position in the industry."

Victoria's expression turned thoughtful. "Well, Ava, I might know of some openings. Let me make a few calls and see what I can find out."

Ava smiled, feeling a surge of hope. "That would be amazing, Vic. I'm really eager to get my foot in the door and start building my career."

Victoria nodded, her eyes still fixed on Ava. "Yes, well, I'll see what I can do. But tell me, Ava, what makes you think you can make it in this city? You're not exactly... connected."

Ava's eyes flashed with determination. "I may not have connections, Vic, but I have talent and drive. And I'm willing to work hard to achieve my goals."

Maddy nodded in agreement, supporting her friend. "That's what I love about Ava, Vic. She's a true go-getter."

Ava's embarrassment turned to frustration as Victoria continued to mock her on the phone. She couldn't believe her friend's condescending attitude and felt her face burning with humiliation.

"Hey, Vic, that's enough," Maddy intervened, sensing Ava's discomfort. "You're being really rude and unfair. Ava's talented and deserves a chance."

Victoria smirked, unfazed. "Oh, sorry, Maddy. I didn't realize I was hurting your friend's feelings. I'll try to be more sensitive... to her fragile ego."

Ava's embarrassment turned to anger, but she took a deep breath and refused to let Victoria get under her skin. She knew she was better than that, and her talent and hard work would speak for themselves.

Maddy turned to the group and asked, "Hey, who likes Ava's outfit? I think she looks stunning!"

The group erupted in a chorus of compliments, with everyone agreeing that Ava's dress was beautiful and she looked fantastic.

Victoria reluctantly joined in, muttering, "Yes, it's... nice, I suppose."

Ava smiled, feeling grateful for Maddy's support and the kind words from the others. "Thanks, guys! I was a bit nervous about what to wear tonight."

Maddy beamed with pride. "You have amazing taste, Ava! You're a true fashionista!"

The group continued to chat and admire Ava's outfit, with Victoria occasionally interjecting with a snide comment, but Ava refused to let it dampen her spirits. She was surrounded by new friends who appreciated her style and talent, and that's all that mattered.

Maddy's eyes widened in amazement. "Wait, you made that dress yourself? Ava, you're a genius! The craftsmanship is incredible!"

Ava blushed, looking pleased. "Thanks, Maddy! I love designing and making my own clothes. It's a passion of mine."

The group began to ooh and ahh over the dress, asking Ava questions about her design process and technique. Victoria even looked impressed, despite herself.

"I can't believe you made this yourself," Victoria said, her voice a little softer than before. "You have a real talent, Ava. Maybe I can introduce you to some people in the industry."

Ava's heart skipped a beat at the offer. "That would be amazing, Victoria. Thank you!"

Maddy grinned, happy to see her friend getting the recognition she deserved. "I told you, Ava, you're a star!" 

Victoria pulled out her phone and dialed a number, her expression still somewhat skeptical. "Fine, I'll make a call. But don't expect miracles, Ava."

As she waited for someone to answer, Victoria muttered under her breath, "I can't believe I'm doing this...she's probably going to embarrass me..."

But when a voice picked up on the other end, Victoria's demeanor changed. "Hey, it's Victoria. I need a favor...I have a friend who's a fashion designer...yes, I know, I know...but hear me out...she's actually talented...and I think you should meet with her..."

Victoria listened for a moment, then nodded. "Great, thanks, Rachel. I owe you one..."

She hung up the phone and turned to Ava. "Okay, I managed to get you a meeting with Rachel, a prominent fashion designer. But don't screw it up, Ava. This is a big opportunity."

Ava's eyes widened in excitement. "Thank you, Victoria! I won't let you down!"

Victoria raised an eyebrow. "I'm not doing this for you, Ava. I'm doing it for Maddy, because she's a good friend and she believes in you. But don't think this means I'm going to start liking you or anything..."

Victoria pulled out her phone and dialed a number, her expression still somewhat skeptical. "Fine, I'll make a call. But don't expect miracles, Ava."

As she waited for someone to answer, Victoria muttered under her breath, "I can't believe I'm doing this...she's probably going to embarrass me..."

But when a voice picked up on the other end, Victoria's demeanor changed. "Hey, it's Victoria. I need a favor...I have a friend who's a fashion designer...yes, I know, I know...but hear me out...she's actually talented...and I think you should meet with her..."

Victoria listened for a moment, then nodded. "Great, thanks, Rachel. I owe you one..."

She hung up the phone and turned to Ava. "Okay, I managed to get you a meeting with Rachel, a prominent fashion designer. But don't screw it up, Ava. This is a big opportunity."

Ava's eyes widened in excitement. "Thank you, Victoria! I won't let you down!"

Victoria raised an eyebrow. "I'm not doing this for you, Ava. I'm doing it for Maddy, because she's a good friend and she believes in you. But don't think this means I'm going to start liking you or anything..."

Sophia, one of the friends, exclaimed, "Wait a minute, Victoria! Is this Rachel, Rachel Laurent, the famous fashion designer? The one who's dressed celebrities for the red carpet and has her own label?"

Victoria nodded, "Yes, Sophia, it's the same Rachel Laurent. I've managed to get Ava a meeting with her, but like I said, it's a big opportunity, and Ava needs to impress."

Sophia's eyes widened in awe, "Wow, Ava, that's huge! Rachel Laurent is a legend in the fashion world. You must be thrilled!"

Ava beamed with excitement, "I am, Sophia! I can't believe I'm getting this chance. I'm going to make the most of it, I promise!"