Ready For The Meeting

When Dreams Unfold

Episode 5: ready for the meeting  

As they settled into their apartments, the friends began to wind down for the night. Ava changed into cozy pajamas, brushed her teeth, and climbed into bed, feeling grateful for the supportive friends she had.

Maddy texted her a goodnight message, "Sweet dreams, Ava! You're going to crush your meeting with Rachel tomorrow!"

Ava smiled, typing out a response, "Thanks, Maddy! Sweet dreams to you too!"

Tyler and Sophia also sent their well-wishes, and Ava felt a sense of calm wash over her as she snuggled under the blankets.

As she drifted off to sleep, she visualized herself confidently presenting her designs to Rachel Laurent, feeling proud and prepared for the opportunity ahead.

Ava woke up early, feeling refreshed and focused. She began her morning routine, showering and styling her hair, then headed to her closet to choose the perfect outfit for her meeting with Rachel Laurent.

She scanned her clothes, considering each option carefully. She wanted to make a great impression, something that would showcase her personal style and flair.

After a few minutes of deliberation, she finally decided on a chic black dress with a bold, colorful print. It was professional, yet creative, and she knew it would make her stand out.

She paired the dress with some sleek heels and a statement piece of jewelry, then took a step back to admire her reflection. Confident and stylish, she was ready to take on the meeting and make a lasting impression on Rachel Laurent.

Ava's phone rang, and she answered to hear Victoria's cheerful voice on the other end. "Hey, girl! I just wanted to confirm your address. I'm going to swing by and give you a ride to your meeting with Rachel Laurent. I don't want you to have to worry about transportation on top of everything else."

Ava smiled, grateful for her friend's thoughtfulness. "Thanks, Vic! I appreciate it. My address is 123 Main St, apartment 4B."

Victoria repeated the address back to her, "Got it! 123 Main St, apartment 4B. I'll be there at 1:30 to pick you up. You're going to crush this meeting, Ava!"

Ava thanked her again and hung up, feeling a sense of relief and gratitude for her supportive friends.

Right on time, Maddy arrived at Ava's apartment, beaming with encouragement. "Hey, girl! I just wanted to come by and give you a good luck hug before your meeting with Rachel Laurent."

Ava smiled, feeling a boost of confidence. "Thanks, Maddy! That means a lot to me. I'm a little nervous, but I'm ready for this."

Maddy gave her a warm hug. "You're going to do amazing, Ava! Your designs are incredible, and you have a unique perspective that Rachel Laurent is going to love. Just be yourself, and you'll knock her socks off!"

Ava laughed, feeling a bit more at ease. "Thanks, Maddy. You're the best!"

Just then, Victoria pulled up in her car, honking the horn to signal her arrival. Ava grabbed her portfolio and gave Maddy a quick goodbye hug before heading out the door to meet Victoria.

Ava's eyes widened in surprise as Victoria spoke bluntly, "Listen, Ava, I want to be real with you. I don't really like you, but Maddy is my friend and she believes in you, so I'm here to support her. Just don't embarrass me in front of Rachel Laurent, got it?"

Ava felt a sting from Victoria's words, but she tried to brush it off, focusing on the bigger picture. "I understand, Vic. I appreciate your support, even if it's for Maddy's sake. I'll make sure to make a good impression."

Victoria nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Good. Let's get you to that meeting and get this over with."

As they pulled up to the Soho Laurent studio, Ava's eyes widened in awe. The building was sleek and modern, with a gleaming glass facade that seemed to stretch up to the sky. The entrance was bustling with people, all chatting and laughing as they hurried to and fro.

Victoria pulled up to the curb and nodded towards the door. "Well, this is it. Soho Laurent. You ready for this, Ava?"

Ava took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. She grabbed her portfolio and stepped out of the car, her eyes scanning the busy scene before her.

As they made their way inside, Ava was struck by the sheer scale of the studio. The lobby was vast, with high ceilings and polished marble floors. The walls were adorned with stunning works of art, and the air was alive with the hum of creativity.

A receptionist greeted them with a warm smile, and Victoria gave her a nod. "We're here for Ava's meeting with Rachel Laurent."

The receptionist nodded, checking her schedule. "Ah, yes. Right this way, please."

The receptionist led Ava and Victoria through a series of sleek corridors, adorned with fashion photographs and stylish artwork. They eventually arrived at a spacious waiting area, furnished with comfortable sofas and a gleaming coffee table.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable," the receptionist said with a smile. "Rachel Laurent will be with you shortly."

Ava took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She set her portfolio on the coffee table and glanced around the room, taking in the impressive decor.

Victoria gave her a reassuring nod. "You got this, Ava. Just be yourself and show Rachel your amazing designs."

As they waited, Ava could feel the anticipation building. She knew that this meeting was a huge opportunity, and she was determined to make the most of it.

Victoria sighed, looking a bit uncomfortable. "Ava, I know I wasn't exactly warm and fuzzy towards you earlier, but... Maddy's a good friend, and she believes in you. I'm doing this for her, not because I suddenly like you or anything."

Ava raised an eyebrow, curious. "But why do you dislike me, Vic? I've never done anything to you."

Victoria shrugged, looking away. "It's just... you're so... peppy and optimistic all the time. It's annoying. And your designs are so... out there. I just don't get them."

Ava laughed, surprised. "That's it? You don't like my personality and my designs? That's not exactly a crime, Vic."

Victoria looked back at her, a small smile playing on her lips. "I guess not. Look, Ava, I'm just trying to help Maddy out. Let's just get through this meeting, okay?"