You're Just Using This Situation To Seduce Me, Aren't You?

"Yeah, everything is fine. But how about you? How are you?" Lucifer asked as he tried his hardest to ignore how beautiful Jennifer's body looked beneath the surface of the soapy water.

Jennifer sighed and replied, "Not very good. I have been feeling very lonely these days. I've been single for a long time now, and there hasn't been anyone special in my life for years. It was fine before with Shawn growing up and keeping me busy, but now that he has a girlfriend of his own, he has been spending more time with her than with his mommy."

"And that leaves me feeling very lonely sometimes. You know, like, when I'm sitting alone at home, I get bored because there's nobody to talk to or spend time with me. Sometimes I think about dating again or finding another person who can love me as much as Shawn's father did when he was alive."