Please Fill Me Up To The Brim.

"Both," Jennifer panted between breaths, gritting her teeth in agony. Tears rolled down her flushed face. Yet, despite the way he tortured her ass, she couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

The feelings coursing through her were like an addictive drug that clouded her mind and threatened to swallow her up into an abyss of pleasure.

"Huh. Interesting. I wonder what else makes you happy, Jennifer." Lucifer shrugged while rubbing her buttcheeks and marveling at how soft they felt under his fingertips due to all the blood drawn to the surface.

While Lucifer did so, Jennifer looked back at him, staring straight into his eyes with pure lust in her own. She licked her lips before telling him, "If I may, can you do something else besides spanking me?"

"Such as?" Lucifer inquired.