You Mean She Is A Slut?

"But Mom... Don't you think that I'm too young for such a big responsibility? I've only been here for one day, and you want to leave me in charge of the company? I mean, what if something goes wrong while you are away?"

"I'm sure nothing will go wrong, but just in case, I have asked my trusted secretary, Claire, to be your assistant during my absence. You can ask her for help anytime you want. She knows everything about the company and is very efficient in her work."

"Claire? Who is she? Is she that woman with glasses and long black hair? The one who came into your office yesterday with a stack of documents?" Lucifer asked, remembering the woman he had seen with Lisa yesterday.

"Yes, that's her. And trust me, you can rely on her completely. I am sure she will help you with anything you need during my absence. You just have to tell her what to do, and she will do it for you."