I Must Say, You Have A Very Unique Sense Of Fashion.

After getting all things settled with his chosen models, Lucifer returned to his office, where he began to go over the various documents Claire had prepared for the meeting. There were presentations of photoshoot concepts, ad concepts, and so on. He took his time reading them all over again, making sure he didn't miss any details.

Then, as he was looking through the documents, the intercom on his desk buzzed. "Yes?" He asked, pressing the button to answer it.

"Sir, the Chief Brand Officer of Céleste Lingerie will arrive soon. Are you going to the lobby to greet her personally?" Claire asked through the intercom.

"Hmm..." Lucifer thought about it for a moment before deciding to go to the lobby himself. He wanted to make a good first impression on his potential client. "Yes, I'll be down there. Thank you, Claire." He replied as he stood up from his chair and made his way to the door.