Do You Two Know What It Means To Love Me?

Meanwhile, Lucifer was quite surprised by Kiera and Layla's confession of their love to him. It wasn't like he didn't know; it was just that hearing them say it out loud like this felt different, almost surreal even.

But Lucifer didn't hate the feeling, and it was rather nice to know that his sisters weren't oblivious to their own feelings; he'd thought that they were.

Still, the thought of the three of them having any sort of intimate relationship filled Lucifer with complicated feelings. It was something that he'd secretly hoped for, but deep down, he always believed it wouldn't happen. After all, why would it? They were siblings, so why would they end up together in such a manner? It was absurd, yet he still had these fantasies of what they could do together in secret, like all forbidden love stories.