Are You Going To Take Drugs To Keep Up?

Jessica's eyes went wide, and she exclaimed, "For the future? What do you mean? Are you going to fill all 50 bedrooms with girls?"

"Hey, don't forget the manor we are going to see has over 70 bedrooms. But yes, that's what I want. It might sound impossible to many people, but I will do that." Lucifer answered.

"What? You are crazy. Do you even have any idea what kind of monster you will need to be if you are planning to satisfy that many women? I am already feeling overwhelmed by just imagining that. How will they address you, huh? The Harem King?" Jessica couldn't help but let a small laugh slip at her own words and continued, "But jokes aside, are you really planning on that? Don't you think that is impossible to achieve, or are you going to take drugs to keep up with them?"