Are You Trying To Scare Me Away?

"What are you doing?" Vanessa frowned at him.

She felt confused and slightly frustrated at this unexpected turn of events.

At one moment, he confessed his sincere feelings for her, making her feel happy beyond belief and touching her with his genuine care.

It was something she hadn't experienced ever since becoming a celebrity. There had always been something missing in her life—something that all fame and wealth couldn't replace, which was true affection and acceptance.

And now she found it in this handsome young man holding her against him.

She felt like her heart would burst out of sheer joy because of everything he said to her just now. It was almost magical how much happiness his words brought into her heart. And she wanted to express that emotion with an intimate kiss, but he stopped her just when their lips were about to meet.

Was he playing hard-to-get once more? If so, then it wasn't funny at all! Not at all!