"LET'S go to the hospital, Gyubin-ah."

"Oppa, I'm fine. I'm not sick," Gyubin said while shaking her head. "You have to go to the Facility today for your two-day seminar."

In fact, Wooju was already dressed and ready to go.

Oppa is going to spend the weekend at the Facility.

Gyubin, on the other hand, was lying down on the bed.

She felt weak after throwing up earlier, so she decided to return to bed and rest more.

"I just probably had an upset stomach because I've been eating well ever since we got together, Oppa," Gyubin explained. Even to her own ears, her voice sounded weak. "I used to follow a strict diet, so eating meat every day probably upset my stomach."

She considered it to be morning sickness.

But she should be past that stage since she was already three months pregnant.