Anlow vs goblins

Anlow was licking one of his claws while sitting on a pile of dead goblin bodies. Sighing in relief and with what seemed to be infinite happiness, he jumped back, landing on the ground, and inflaming his left arm while watching the surviving goblins. They were eating each other's body parts, starting to grow larger and gain more mass, with some runes appearing on their bodies. "Oh, how wonderful, it's the first time I've seen a mutation happening."

"You idiot, you'll see your death happen today," said a goblin with red eyes and several orange runes all over its body.

"You had your chance to kill us," said another goblin with white eyes and black runes scattered across its body.

The goblin with blue eyes and red runes appeared in front of Anlow in the blink of an eye, eager to measure the new strength of the goblins. "How pathetic."

Anlow waved his hand at the goblin, who, enraged, began delivering multiple blows to Anlow's body. Anlow didn't move.

"Isn't it a bit hot?" Anlow said with no scratches on his body and a mocking smile, watching the goblin's skin turn to ash before his eyes.

Smoke started to come out of Anlow's mouth, and with a single punch to the goblin's belly, using both hands, the goblin crumbled into ash in front of him, disappearing completely once fully burned. "Kahaha, who's next?"

The two remaining goblins, seeing the amount of steam coming from Anlow's body, wasted no time and bit each other's arms, initiating another evolution.

"Is this for real?" Anlow jumped, landing on the shoulders of the two goblins, poking his finger into their foreheads, causing them to catch fire instantly and fall dead to the ground within seconds.

"If you want a chance, I guess you'd better eat," Anlow said with a frightening smile.

This situation scared even the most unscrupulous and immoral monsters, the goblins. Thus, the villain of the situation became Anlow, who seemed to be having a lot of fun.

"Let's eat!" Anlow said, stepping back from the goblin and leaning against a tree, watching from a distance as the last goblin ate the flesh of the goblin that had been killed mid-evolution. This could have caused the goblin to collapse, but the opposite happened; the goblin evolved into one of the emperor goblin races.

"This is going to be interesting," Anlow said, running towards the goblin, who now had the same skin as a human, with almost identical human features except for a large yellow line running from its forehead to the tip of its big toe.

"It will be really interesting to see you die," said the emperor goblin, his eyes glowing, causing the swords of all the dead goblins to start floating and then shooting towards Anlow, who easily defended himself by batting them away with the thick scales of his arm.

The swords kept attacking relentlessly, and Anlow began to show difficulty in defending against the attacks, especially those from above, as his arms were occupied fending off swords coming from all directions.

"It's just a matter of time. You will die, and the reason will be your greed," the emperor goblin said, controlling the swords, which seemed to regenerate using the flesh of their former owners as a sacrifice.

Moving his index finger, practically drawing in the air the path all the swords should follow.

"You just evolved. Don't think you're strong enough to kill me," Anlow said, receiving twelve cuts on his face but, unlike the punch he had delivered to the goblin, it was unclear if he had taken the hits on purpose.

Regardless, Anlow decided to keep attacking to kill the goblin as quickly as possible. The goblin felt a strong urge to jump at him and punch him repeatedly, but it was impossible; his body was frozen due to the evolution, and his nerves and the rest of his body needed time to adjust.

He was surprised he could move one of his hands.

The attacks continued, and Anlow was hit seventy-three times, even getting a cut on one of his legs through his scales.

"You're very predictable. All it took was a little provocation, and you attacked non-stop. His evolution was only physical," Anlow said, snapping his fingers. All the heat accumulated in his body made a risky move, weakening his defense and leaving him immobile, allowing all the emperor goblin's attacks to land, though even standing still, he avoided more hits than he took.

With the heatwave emitted, all the swords melted and fell to the ground, and consequently, two of the many floating swords fell onto the goblin's body, causing him to scream.

"Go back to your family and tell your friend I would have liked to fight him," Anlow said, calmly walking until he finally stood in front of the emperor goblin. With an open hand, he slapped the goblin's face, breaking his nose, knocking out some teeth, and sending him flying far enough to disappear from Anlow's sight. "Finally, I'm relieved and already looking forward to the next battles."

The dead emperor goblin's body was flying through the forest, passing through the trees when suddenly it was abruptly stopped by a humanoid green hand that began to emit a faint glow. In the blink of an eye, the emperor goblin's body vanished, absorbed into the hand.

In the next moment, the pupil of this being dilated, able to see Dmitry approaching Anlow. "Finally found you"