Sleeping Turtle (3)

"You want to know my name? That is impossible, but since I hate being called the name given to me by you, call me whatever you like. If it's a name that dishonors me, you already know your fate," said the Sleeping Turtle.

'Great, now I have to do the thing I'm worst at. My name is boredom,' Dmitry thought.

Dmitry placed two fingers on his temple, thinking about what would be good enough to avoid dying before even waking the turtle. "The name I find most fitting for you, such a high-level beast, is logically Kame. No other name would suit you as well."

The area began to tremble and stopped when Dmitry noticed that all the water began to simply disappear, causing rays of light to hit his face and momentarily blind him. An incredible landscape appeared: mountains adorned with all kinds of trees, fantastical animals from various mythologies, waterfalls where the water flowed upward instead of downward, and grass so green that it could only exist within a game.