Snake (2)

The Snake hadn't even finished speaking when it realized it was already over six hundred meters above the ground, with Dmitry swinging his hand and landing a closed fist on its face, sending it crashing into the arena the Snake had created, shattering the ice.

Dmitry landed outside the shattered ice arena, smiling.

"So, am I strong enough for you to accept me?" Dmitry asked.

"I can't believe this happened," Kame said.

'But how did he get so strong? Outside the spiritual realm, he would have to do a lot to show this kind of physical strength,' Kame thought.

Seven two-meter-thick tails, which could extend to any length the Snake desired, emerged from beneath the ground, bringing its intact body with them.

"How was the bath?" Dmitry asked.

"Boy, you really are insolent, but now I'm not going to..." the Snake started.

"But take it easy on you—I know, I've heard that more times than I can remember," Dmitry said.