Talented Individuals

The crab emitted a sharp screech as two of its legs snapped, rendering its movements less agile and significantly slower. Enraged, it shifted its massive body, raising its colossal claws and charging at Simon.

Simon remained vigilant, not underestimating the beast despite its loss of two legs. He meticulously gauged the distance, waiting until the crab was almost upon him before deftly sidestepping, avoiding the formidable claws, and striking out once more with his iron rod, aiming for the crab's remaining legs.

This time, the crab quickly rotated its body, turning at a ninety-degree angle, extending its claws. With a resounding clang, Simon's iron rod struck one of the claws. The sheer force of the crab's counterattack sent the rod flying from Simon's grasp, numbing his fingers.

Unfazed, Simon released his hold on the rod, seizing the opportunity to close in on the crab. His left hand formed a fist, unleashing his "Voracious Fangs" with a powerful blow to the joint of one of the crab's slender legs. The joint's tendinous structure gave way under the sharp assault, severing it cleanly.

Without lingering, Simon retreated swiftly, heading for the iron rod that had been flung away. The crab, now missing another leg, shrieked incessantly, its agitation evident. It wobbled precariously, now supported by only five of its original eight legs, each step more unsteady than the last.

Realizing its predicament, the crab began to shuffle towards the edge of the rooftop, intent on escape. Simon, having retrieved his iron rod, saw the crab's retreat and charged forward. Having already disabled three of its legs, he was determined not to let it escape now.

Due to its crippled state, the crab's pace was slow, allowing Simon to intercept it before it could flee. This time, he committed to an aggressive attack, swinging his iron rod with all his might.

The crab's claws came at him in a fierce clash, a test of sheer strength and will. Simon's muscles swelled with power as he mustered every ounce of his strength for the confrontation.

With a resounding clang, the clash of metal echoed through the air as Simon felt a numbing sensation course through his arms, the recoil almost rendering his hands insensible. Despite possessing Herculean strength, he found no advantage in contending with the crab's formidable claws. However, the crab also failed to dislodge him completely, merely parrying his iron rod. One claw extended downward, poised to seize him.

Simon, quicker in reflex, had already anticipated this. As his rod struck the claw, he leaped sideways, his left hand's "Voracious Fangs" slicing through the joint of one of the crab's slender legs, severing its tendinous connections. The fourth leg was cut, leaving the crab with only four functional legs. Its body tilted, unable to maintain stability.

Simon kept moving, circling to its rear, and with a swift strike, his iron rod snapped another leg. Realizing its dire situation, the crab thrashed desperately, its claws flailing wildly, yet its massive body remained almost stationary, mobility severely hindered. The remaining three legs could no longer support its weight.

Meanwhile, Lily anxiously guarded the fallen Long. Long, shaking off his dizziness, attempted to sit up, only to be met with searing chest pain, realizing his ribs were broken. "Damn it..." he muttered, annoyed at himself for not heeding Simon's advice. He glanced up to see Simon deftly maneuvering around the crab, each strike precise, systematically crippling its legs. As the crab's movements grew sluggish, Simon's task became increasingly easier.

"This guy... he's truly talented," Long murmured, observing Simon's innate prowess in combat. "Damn, if I hadn't been careless, I could have taken down that wretched crab myself." Frustration tightened his fist. Suddenly, recalling something, he looked up, saying, "Girl, thanks for earlier. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead."

Though his mind had been clouded, Long remained aware, but his body was unresponsive, unable to react as the crab charged at him. In that moment, he had felt a wave of despair, not expecting Lily to rush over and drag him away, saving his life.

Hearing Long's gratitude, Lily widened her beautiful eyes and extended her left hand toward him. Long, confused, saw her open her palm to reveal a handful of sunflower seeds.

"Want some?" Lily asked earnestly.

Long couldn't help but laugh. At a time like this, who would think of eating sunflower seeds? This girl's mind worked in mysterious ways. 

Pain shot through his injury, and he gasped, "No, you have them."

"Oh." Lily retracted her hand, popping a seed into her mouth as she watched Simon battle the crab, slowly munching.

In a short time, Simon had incapacitated five of the crab's eight legs, leaving it struggling to move. Simon realized the opportunity had finally come. The crab, sensing its fate, flailed its formidable claws wildly in a desperate bid for survival, while its remaining legs tried to drag it toward the edge of the rooftop.

Though almost immobile, its claws were formidable. Simon's three successive attacks were all parried, the iron rod rebounding violently. Once, the claw nearly caught him. 

"This creature is relentless. Even with its legs disabled, its claws make it almost impossible to kill," Simon mused, circling to its side again and breaking another leg with his iron rod.

With only two legs left, the crab was almost immobilized, frantically waving its claws to keep Simon from approaching its vulnerable, soft underbelly.