The One-Eyed Frog King

With a thunderous splash, a grotesque grey-black creature burst from the water, narrowly missing Simon's legs as it snapped its massive jaws in the air. Its enormous body then crashed back into the water with a resounding splash.

Simon landed back on the balcony, glancing over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of the hideous creature sinking back into the water. He was shaken, realizing that if he had been a moment slower, his legs would have been caught in the beast's gaping maw.

Long and Millie, who had reached the balcony moments before him, turned to witness the harrowing scene. Their expressions were a mixture of shock and awe, particularly Millie, whose eyes reflected a newfound respect.

Simon's quick reflexes and remarkable composure in the face of danger had impressed her. As a fellow Level 3 Source, she had always considered herself superior, never believing anyone of the same level could match her. Simon's swift evasion had caught her off guard, and she couldn't help but regard him with a bit more admiration.

Still trembling from the close call, Simon turned back to the water, where the massive creature reemerged. It was an enormous, hideous frog, reminiscent of the one-eyed frogs he had encountered before. This one, however, was much larger, with a single, huge eye rolling wildly on its flat head. The beast was over three meters long, with a maw full of jagged, saw-like teeth.

With a powerful kick of its hind legs, the colossal frog propelled itself out of the water, sending a spray of droplets into the air as it lunged toward the trio on the balcony.

Simon gripped his iron rod tightly and retreated, the thin vertical line at his brow beginning to glow. Activating his "Insight Sigil," he probed the creature's origin, and a stream of information flowed into his mind.

"Name: One-Eyed Frog King. Level: 2. This creature evolved from the elite one-eyed frog to become a leader-class Source Beast. More vicious and brutal than its predecessors, killing the One-Eyed Frog King guarantees the acquisition of the special ability 'Insight Sigil.'"

Simon's heart trembled slightly. He had previously slain a one-eyed frog and knew it was a Level 1 elite creature. He hadn't anticipated that evolving into the One-Eyed Frog King would transform it into a Level 2 leader-class monster. This reminded him of the spider queen, whose level of leadership remained unknown.

According to the recent information, killing a one-eyed frog had a chance of bestowing the "Insight Sigil," while slaying the One-Eyed Frog King guaranteed it. 

"It seems this is the distinction between leader-class and elite-class—the probability of acquiring special abilities differs," Simon mused, retreating as Long and Millie simultaneously launched their attacks.

They did not fear the One-Eyed Frog King. Lacking the "Insight Sigil," they were unaware of the giant, single-eyed frog's true nature.

"Be careful, this is a Level 2 leader-class monster," Simon warned. No sooner had he spoken than Long let out a hearty laugh, "A mere Level 2 monster is nothing to fear!"

As a Level 4 Source, how could he be afraid of a Level 2 creature? He swung his steel shovel with the strength of seven or eight hundred pounds, striking head-on. 

Millie, wielding her blade with lightning speed, approached the fight differently. A fencing enthusiast, though not a professional, she had considerable skill. With sufficient power, she wielded her machete like a sword, striking even faster than Long.

The One-Eyed Frog King leapt up, casting a dark shadow over them. Its massive maw gaped open, revealing a blood-red tongue that shot out suddenly.

Like the one-eyed frog, the One-Eyed Frog King used its tongue as a weapon, only with greater speed and power. Its forelimb blocked Long's steel shovel, while its blood-red tongue darted towards Millie with lightning speed. Millie let out a startled cry, not expecting the tongue to move so swiftly. Her machete missed, and her chest was struck, blood splattering instantly.

She let out a pained groan, stumbling backward. 

Simon quickly stepped forward, catching her from behind.

Millie fell into his embrace, Simon's hands supporting her waist. The warmth of her soft body filled his arms. Glancing down, he saw a deep, bloody gash across her pale chest. The One-Eyed Frog King's tongue was truly fearsome, far more powerful than that of the ordinary one-eyed frog, like a javelin that had inflicted a grievous wound on Millie's chest.

Long, seeing Millie suddenly injured and thrown back, felt a jolt of concern. The One-Eyed Frog King had already clambered onto the balcony and was barreling forward like a mountain of flesh. 

"Watch out!" Long could sense the immense power of the One-Eyed Frog King and dared not face it head-on. He shouted for Simon and Millie to get out of the way, retreating himself while stowing his steel shovel.

"Quick, retreat inside!" Long yelled, fleeing towards the living room that adjoined the balcony.

Without hesitation, Simon saw the One-Eyed Frog King charging in. He supported Millie's waist and, disregarding propriety, carried her as he backed away swiftly into the living room. 

Millie had no time to react, feeling herself being carried by Simon as they retreated rapidly. The One-Eyed Frog King, being massive, crashed through the glass sliding doors that led from the balcony to the living room, shattering them with a cacophonous sound. 

Despite the pleasant sensation of holding Millie, Simon seized the moment. He decisively set her down, grabbed his iron rod, and sprang forward. As the One-Eyed Frog King rampaged through the shattered glass doors, Simon hurled the iron rod with all his might, using it like a spear.

The distance was short, and Simon's sudden attack in the chaos gave the iron rod tremendous momentum. It flew with a whoosh, embedding itself like an arrow into the One-Eyed Frog King's enormous single eye.

A spray of black and red fluid erupted as the iron rod pierced through the giant eye, driven by nearly a thousand pounds of force. The rod burrowed deep into the One-Eyed Frog King's head, with only a foot left protruding outside.