The Dead Beast

Long said, "I guess we really need to get ready to get out of here."

Leaving the body ship, the four reenter the building.

Long several people asked Simon about the death of the nightmare beast, Simon did not conceal, will hide the deep underwater a corpse mother said, of course, about the talent of the spirit and their awakening of the talent "strengthen the care" did not mention, after all, everyone has a little secret that does not want to be made public.

"It turned out that this nightmare beast was killed with the corpse mother, and I had no idea that there was such a terrible monster hidden below."

Long was surprised that Simon did not say that he had cut off the zombiemother's roots and killed it, and Long also said that the Zombiemother was killed with the nightmare beast.

Simon handed the machete to Millie and said to Long, "Pity I lost your steel shovel."

Millie did not answer, "You can use the machete, I see your weapon is also lost, I have a baseball bat."

Simon put the machete away without being polite to her.

After that, the four of them took a short rest. Long's dinner had been cold, and he reheated it. After the four of them had finished eating, the night was already deep.

"So much has happened today, I think everyone should rest early, and there is no way to hunt tonight."

Long looked at the clock hanging on the wall and realized that it was already ten o 'clock at night.

Millie said disappointedly, "No hunting tonight? Monsters are evolving every day, and if we don't work hard, I'm afraid..." She is eager to become stronger, especially after witnessing Simon's performance today, she is more and more anxious, she wants to catch up with or even surpass Simon.

Simon still needs a spirit source to upgrade, he is very curious about this "enhanced care" talent, and has long wanted to try it, but before because of the reasons of the nightmare and the corpse mother, there is no monster in this water, and the living monsters are frightened away, otherwise he would have thought of ways to hunt one. And at this moment also do not know those who originally fled the monster has not returned, he wanted to try.

"Ten o 'clock is not too late, Millie is quite right, these monsters are getting stronger every day, just like today suddenly appeared the nightmare, who knows whether tomorrow there will be a more terrible monster, we can not miss any opportunity."

Simon decided to try again. He wanted to become stronger. Today, he was able to attract the corpse mother and the Nightmare beast to fight, which was a great lucky, but people can't have such good luck every time, he needs to become strong enough, only if he is strong, can he better live and protect the people he wants to protect.


When Simon and Millie agreed to continue the hunt tonight, Long nodded.

The four prepare, Simon continues to use the machete as a weapon, Millie picks up her original baseball bat, Long uses the axe that Fang left behind, and Lily still uses the dagger and hammer.

After blowing out the candles in the room, the four men closed the door and climbed to the top of the building.

Although the nightmare had broken several walls and left many large holes, the building was still solid and showed no signs of collapse for the time being.

Half of the bodies that had been piled up on the roof had been thrown into the water by Simon, and there were still about twenty bodies left.

"Throw eight down first, I don't know what is going on tonight, I don't know what effect the appearance of the demonmare will have."

As Long spoke, he picked up two bodies, walked to the edge of one of the roofs, and threw them off.

Simon followed suit and dropped the two bodies.

Soon they dropped the eight bodies and looked down for changes.

The eight bodies slowly sank, the water below unchanged.

"What's the matter? Are these monsters really scared off by the succubus and the zombie?" Long frowned.

Simon said, "Under this building is their nest, even if they were scared away, they should come back after such a long time, maybe there are too few bodies, add two more."

Then he dumped two more bodies.

A total of ten bodies were thrown down before and after, and now only about ten bodies remain on the roof, several people are waiting, and the most anxious of them is naturally Millie, who participated in the hunt for the first time.

The four waited for four or five minutes, and finally there was a response from the water below.

First a human head popped up, a dead beast, and then a second dead beast.

Soon, eight dead animals showed up.

Simon opens the "peep symbol" and finds that among the dead animals emerging from below, there are five low level dead animals and three high level dead animals.

"Sure enough, it evolved again."

There are eight dead animals, there are three high-grade dead animals, this ratio is quite amazing, you know last night's hunting, so many low-level dead animals, there are two high-grade dead animals.

When these dead animals appeared, they began to climb, especially the three advanced dead animals, and they moved ten points quickly.

"Be careful, there are three high-level corpse animals, this high-level corpse animal is very difficult to deal with."

When Simon warned, the three advanced dead animals had already climbed up, while the other five lower dead animals were moving much slower and had only just reached the thirty-first floor.

"Millie, be careful of this superior corpse."

Long has eaten the loss of advanced corpse beasts, afraid Millie does not know.

"Got it."

Millie nodded, gripping the stick ball in her right hand, and watched as a high-level corpse animal emerged from the edge of the roof and struck first. The stick ball, with a gust of wind, smashed into the high-level corpse animal's head.

This advanced corpse animal body sideways, extremely agile, right arm at the same moment to grab out.

'Gee? Millie's cherry lips opened slightly, her eyes contracted sharply, and she noticed that a piece of fish-like scales appeared on the surface of the right arm of this advanced corpse animal. A baseball bat hit the right arm which was wrapped in scales, and there was a faint sound of beating leather against each other.

With a long right hand, this advanced corpse beast grabbed a baseball bat with a backhand and snatched it away.

Millie felt a strong surge, her face slightly discolored, and she clutched the baseball bat and snatched it back.

Taking advantage of the situation, the advanced corpse jumped onto the roof, released the baseball bat, and lunged at Millie.

At this time, Simon and Long also have sex with two other advanced dead animals.

Lily grasped the hammer in her hand and slowly approached, looking for an opportunity to strike.

She is already a level 2 spirit source, experienced several previous battles, also accumulated some experience, no longer as afraid as the beginning.

The advanced corpse beast that Simon met had a change in its right leg and a hard shell on the surface. Simon did not attack it while it was climbing, but took the initiative to step back and let it climb onto the roof smoothly, and then waved the machete in his hand and split the past.