The Mantis Shrimp

This time the four men's harvest is quite amazing.

Over the past four weeks, the bodies of sea spiders piled up on the ground gradually increased.

Millie killed five more sea spiders and harvested five spirit sources, seven spirit sources short of breaking through.

Long has killed four sea spiders and currently owns Spirit Source 13/50.

Although Simon did not deliberately fight for it, he still killed the most sea spiders among the four people just now, killing seven, and currently has 12/50 of the spirit source.

Among several people, Millie is the most hopeful to break through, when she once again killed a sea spider and harvested a spirit source, the edge of the roof of the face, suddenly rose a group of dark shadow.

The dark figure jumped up, like a goshawk on a rabbit, as fast as lightning, on Millie.

It happened so suddenly that Millie's face turned pale, and by the time she was aware, the dark figure was in front of her.

Seeing that he was about to be pounced on by this dark shadow, Simon on the other side suddenly drank low and ran up horizontally.

"Bang", he hit the shadow, the shadow from flapping to flying, flying out from the front of Millie, rolling straight away for more than ten meters before stopping.

Simon landed in front of Millie, his muscles swelling slightly to support his clothes, as if his body had suddenly been fitted with a suit of muscular armor.

Just then, he controlled his muscles, formed a defensive state, kicked off his feet, and his body flew out like a cannonball, knocking the dark shadow out of this sudden, saving Millie.

Millie was in shock and felt an indescribable sense of weirdness when she saw that Simon had saved her.

What she always wanted to surpass was Simon. She was reluctant to be outdone, but every time she encountered danger, it was Simon who saved her.

The bulging muscles on the surface of Simon's body slowly converged and recovered as usual. In the center of his brow, the fine lines like vertical eyes emerged, and the "peep mark" was activated.

"Name: Mantis Giant shrimp, Level: Level 3 elite beast, Mantis fist attacks fast, powerful, punch like a bullet, weakness: poor physical strength, unable to fight for a long time."

Killing mantis giant shrimp has a certain probability of gaining the special ability 'Mantis Fist'."

"It's a Level three elite beast, the same level as the Naha crab."

Simon's mind turned, came to the interest, "Teng Teng" a few strides, quickly toward the mantis giant shrimp that was hit by his own.

The giant mantis shrimp was two meters long, dark red, with a head like a shrimp and a lower body like a praying mantis. It was knocked into the air by Simon. When the body turned, it bounced into the air, then it recovered its position and made a slight hissing sound.

The two sides were not close, the pair of shrimps shrinking in front of the body quickly struck, and even faintly played a phantom, an instant do not know how many attacks, all swung at Simon's vital body.

Simon was slightly startled, this guy's praying mantis fist is a bit strong, although he can control the muscles into a defensive state, but also dare not take the risk, immediately slightly avoid the edge and retreat.

Millie, baseball bat in hand, jumped on the side.

By this time, except for the Dead Sea spiders all over the ground, the other living sea spiders had retreated, and the appearance of giant mantis shrimp startled them away.

Long closed in, too.

They're all interested in this giant mantis shrimp.

Millie reached out with her left hand and launched the "winding vine", and a ivy flew out, trying to first entangle a pair of shrimp claws of the mantis giant shrimp, and she saw that the most powerful weapon of the giant shrimp was this shrimp claw.

Long, who came around to the rear, held the axe and attacked from behind. With his current strength, he was really hit by his axe. The back shell of the mantis giant shrimp could be split open, after all, the defense of the mantis giant shrimp shell is not high.

Simon ducked, and the giant mantis shrimp's claws hit the ground, sending debris flying. Each attack left a small hole in the concrete roof, creating a dense crack like a small spider web.

"This guy."

Simon looked in the eyes and was surprised. The mantis giant shrimp's mantis fist power was a little scary.

This is just a third-level elite beast, can actually punch holes in the concrete floor, even if he now has 1,700 pounds of strength, without the help of tools can not do.

The mantis shrimp's attack on Simon failed, and the next moment, the claws tightened, it was tied by Millie's "entangling vine", its mouth hissed, its body rose, a pair of shrimp claws, trying to free it from the "entangling vine".

Simon, who has been avoiding, seized the opportunity, holding the machete in both hands, the muscles on the arms expanded, the blue veins on the back of the hand protruded, the body turned, and suddenly dazed close, while the mantis giant shrimp man stood up, the lower belly was exposed, and the machete was split from the top to the bottom.

Let's not say that this mantis shrimp doesn't have a shell to protect its belly, even if it does, it can't stop Simon's knife with full force.

A jet of green juice squirts out of the mantis shrimp's belly, which Simon completely slices open with his knife.

The giant mantis shrimp makes a "hissing" sound, and its originally upright body falls backward into the sky.

Millie did not give up because of Simon's success, but took advantage of the situation to release the "winding vine", clenched the baseball bat in both hands, and made a sudden leap, using the momentum of the leap, the baseball bat in both hands hit down.

With a bang, the baseball bat accurately hit the head of the giant mantis shrimp that fell to the sky, and the head of the giant shrimp immediately burst into a mass of paste.

Simon stopped, watching as Millie's last blow turned the giant mantis shrimp into a corpse, with a spirit source flying from its body and falling into Millie's forehead, thinking that this woman monster really had a trick, he had just struck the giant mantis shrimp's belly, which was already a fatal blow, and the giant mantis shrimp, no matter how tenacious its vitality, would struggle for a few seconds at most and die. But Millie added this stick directly hit its dog's head, killing it instantly, as a result of the mantis giant shrimp's spiritual source was Millie.

Of course, he knew that Millie did not intend to rob the monster with himself, but a fighter's instinct, when the powerful monster has not been completely killed, there may be a death counterattack, still full of danger, at this time everyone will habitually continue to attack, give it a fatal blow, to ensure that they can really kill each other.

If I had been Millie, I would have continued to attack and killed the mantis shrimp, instead of stopping and letting it slowly struggle to death after a stab in the stomach.

Millie's face showed an excited look, mantis giant shrimp provided her with two spirit sources, she is now four spirit sources away from breaking through, which is equivalent to infinite close to the upgrade.