The Spider Walks

This time he struck the moving joint of one of the hind legs. The axe fell, breaking one of the queen's hind legs. Millie struck at the same moment, cutting the dagger through the fascia of the moving joint of the other hind leg and severing it.

Instantly lost two back, the spider mother turned frantically again, want to attack behind Millie and Long.

"Run away!" Millie, while cutting off a hind leg, reminded Long that they had chosen different directions to flee to the distance and would not fight.

After having eight legs, the spider mother suddenly lost three legs, and the movement speed was suddenly slow, and even when she turned around, she did not know whether to chase Long who fled to the left or chase Millie on the right.

Lily, who had retreated far away, saw her eyes glistening, but she was not as strong as Simon and chose to stay away wisely. Watching the three of them work together and cooperate with each other, she even played a powerful leader monster in a circle, and could not help but say to herself, "So powerful..."

As soon as the mother Spider turned in anger and tried to turn around to deal with the fleeing Long and Millie, Simon, who was hiding in the entrance of the stairs, struck again, and the "gluteal tooth" of his left hand reached out, cutting the movable joint of the second leg of the mother spider.

Suddenly lost half of her legs, the spider mother was obviously panicked, from extreme anger into panic, moved her body, left the stairway entrance of the house, and began to climb towards the distant edge of the roof.

Lost four legs, relying only on the remaining four legs to support the huge body of the queen spider's moving speed has dropped to less than Simon three people, Simon will not let it escape, immediately rushed out of the entrance and chased the spider mother up.

He knew this was his chance.

The spider mother made a sharp scream, sensing Simon to catch up, once again relying on three legs to support the body, lifted a spider leg, and stabbed Simon hard.

Simon stepped forward and saw that the spider's leg was about to stab him. Suddenly, as he swung, the spider's leg caught close to his hind leg and hit the air. Simon was behind the spider's mother.

Millie and Long, who fled to the distance, also stopped, a look back, Millie suddenly stopped, busy turning around and running again toward the spider mother, unfortunately, still a step late.

She is not slow to react, understand that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill the queen spider, for such a leader of the monster, everyone is jealous, whether it is Millie or Long do not want to miss, but she and Long react to the time, a step late, so that they turn to run to the queen spider, Simon has taken a shot.

Simon, who was close to the mother spider, kicked off his feet, jumped into the air, clenched the machete in his hands with both hands, and cut down hard.

With a whoosh, the machete, with Simon's strong horizontal force, fell against the vague face of the queen spider.

The face of the mother spider suddenly cracked open, and a lot of juice poured out of it.

A faint whistle sounded, the huge spider mother immediately froze in place, and then shivered all over, a lot of liquid from the cut half of the face part shot out.

He sank slowly, his legs contracting.

Millie and Long slowed down as they ran, and since they could not catch up, there was no need to fight.

Long is the most envious and most depressed, after all, tonight there is an elite beast, a leader monster, Millie killed the elite beast, gained a special ability, and now Simon killed the leader monster, will get 100% of the special ability.

Although he was envious, Long was not jealous. Simon had the greatest credit for killing the mother spider. Without him, it was impossible to deal with the mother spider, so Simon deserved the reward of killing the mother spider.

A spirit source appeared and fell into Simon's forehead. Simon took a deep breath. He was not too concerned about the spirit source. He was concerned about the special ability he was about to acquire.

"Level 4 Spirit Source: Spirit Source 16/50"

Simon was a little surprised, did not expect to kill the same level of the leader of the monster, actually harvested four spirit source, is the same level of the elite monster killed twice.

"It is truly a monster of the leader level, if there is no Millie and Dingo to contain it, it is really difficult to deal with me alone, at least not so easy."

Simon understands that although he seems to be on the same level as the Queen Spider, in fact, due to an extra reinforcement, he is now almost beyond the level 4 spirit source, but if he deals with the Queen Spider alone, he still feels difficult.

"However, with the acquisition of more special abilities, it should become easier to deal with the same leader monsters in the future."

Simon looked at the dead body of the mother spider. Both the four legs that had been cut off in half and the four legs that were intact began to wither and shrink, and finally each leg shrank to form a white light source.

Suddenly these eight white lights flew toward him, four into his right leg, four into his left leg, and disappeared.

Eight light sources were integrated into his legs, and immediately Simon felt a change in his legs, and a message appeared.

"After killing the mother spider, gain the special ability 'Spider Walk'".

"Do spiders walk?" Simon sensed the energy in his legs, thought and suddenly rushed towards Long. Long was about to speak, when he suddenly noticed that there were phancies around Simon's legs, as if he had suddenly grown eight legs. In the center of Simon's body, there were phancies of legs, front and back, left and right, and Simon's sprint speed was suddenly accelerated. The whoop left its shadow in the same place, went around for a Long time, and when it came to a stop it was behind Millie.

Now Milly Fang was startled and hurried back, her shock barely concealed in her pretty face.

If Simon really wanted to go after her, she'd be dead already.

"What power is this? It's terrible."

Millie and Long were shocked.

Simon smiled and said: "Spiders walk, this ability is a bit interesting."

Spider walking, can increase walking speed and movement changes, Simon realized the power of this ability in the first attempt, will be terrible in battle.

Millie looked envious.

"It seems that killing the leader monster gives better abilities than the elite beast."

She thought Simon's "spider walk" was better than the "Praying mantis fist" she had just acquired.

Simon smiled, happy and satisfied, looked up at heaven and said, "It's late at night, tonight is almost enough."