Chapter 19

He had the skin of a newborn baby and also the looks of a Greek god. Every line of his body hints at lively strength and beauty. His molten gold eyes are like a deep pool of blue, burning with cold fire.

  ——Just like a god who was pulled down from the altar was covered in mud. The blood and wounds, suffering and embarrassment added a different kind of temptation to his beauty, which was already almost breathtaking.

  The god thought he had found hope, but instead found that he had fallen into a deeper level of hell. In order to survive, he asked the ruler of hell for a transaction.

  "Is that ok? Your Excellency will have your fun, and I will get to survive."

  The female insect's voice was hoarse, with a calmness that almost revealed his desperation.

  An equal transaction, money and goods paid in full——

  Yael stroked the female insect's soft white hair and felt a slight shudder from him.


  He narrowed his eyes and his voice was soft but firm, almost like he was making a vow.

  "I won't touch you."

  He really did like the female insect, otherwise he wouldn't have been so attracted when he first saw the advertisement that he would think about it from time to time until he randomly picked up the female insect and took him home.

  But liking him is one thing, and actually showing it in a relationship is another. An equal relationship is hard to achieve in the female-despising zerg society.

  In reality, if he willfully imposes his hobbies and wishes on the female insect and uses survival resources in exchange for the venting of his selfish desires on a live being, then he is no different from a barbaric beast.

  He was, and still is, a human being, and he should never forget that.

  Yael frowned and said in a deep voice, "Whether I am a male or female insect, what I said at the beginning will not change."

  He pushed Caesar's shoulder and told him to lie back in bed. "Let's take good care of your injuries first. We can talk about other things after you're well."

  But remembering what Hughes had said to the female insect who was almost breathing his last breath, he realized that 'Just recuperate from your injuries' was not a good excuse to reasonably skip the matter, preferably never mention it again, and stuff the female insect back to bed.

  "I didn't have any specific intentions to saving you and bring you back. It was completely a spur of the moment decision to pick you up from the roadside."

  "I do like you, but it's really not the kind of love that revolves around sex..."

  Yael tried hard to describe his feelings, but he couldn't find the correct adjectives. Saying that he wanted to raise a snow leopard cub sounded stupid.

  "So let's just be roommates and friends. At worst you can just pay double the rent afterwards."

  Caesar's vision went dark.

  The voice in his ear was gentle and warm, with a hint of distress for himself, without the arrogant, cold or hysterical tone of the typical male insects that he remembered.

  The insect in front of him remained calm from beginning to end, and he easily eased the tit-for-tat conflict.

  But rather than trusting the illusion of warmth before his eyes, he believed more in the consistent nature of male insects in his memory.

  It is inevitable to relax one's guard in a warm and comfortable environment. Rather than being caught off guard and get hit when his weak spots are exposed, he would rather put up defenses from the beginning and endure the pain.

  "I will play the role of a good toy and won't make you feel bored."

  The female insect tried hard to smile, like a butler who was trying hard to please his master but was not very skilled.

  And just as he said, he would be a good actor, and after a few moments, the smile on his face became visibly more pleasing to the eye.

  "You can tie me to the bed and do whatever you want. It doesn't matter if you fuck me from morning till night. You can put sexy lingerie on me. It might look more fun. Maybe you like it..."

  He enumerated the usual tricks used by male insects, introducing himself as if he were hawking expired goods at a supermarket clearance sale.

  Maybe it's even worse than that, expiring items also require money to buy, but he buys it almost for free.

  Without waiting for Yael's response, he gritted his teeth and smiled, "I'm willing to play with you."

  Although Yael thought that sounded more like "I'd like to kill you."

  The female insect chattered nonstop, raiding firing out more sentences, as if his throat would be bitten by some monster if he stopped, and an invisible shadow was going to swallow him up.

  Yael saw uneasiness and fear.

  That has nothing to do with the strength or will of the female insect, but only because there are objective possibilities of being violated and harmed.

  He took a deep breath, but couldn't help frowning, and tapped his knee with his slender fingers.

  This won't work.They can't communicate this way.

  But he really couldn't expect to change the female insect's mind all at once.

  This is like forcing a stray puppy whose bones were broken by a stick to like a huge bone that looks like a stick. It is too much of a challenge for him.

  "All right."

  After pondering for a moment, Yael interrupted Caesar and considered his words.

  "I do want to play. You... From now on, you will... obey my orders and make me happy, and I will give you what you want."

  He emphasized the words "obey my orders."

  "I don't like blood. If you kneel on the floor and your knees bleed again, you will sleep on the floor tonight."

  Yael sat back on the sofa, nudging the inside of the female insect's large foot lightly with his plush slippers, and threatened him with a combination of coaxing and deception.

  The female insect's eyelashes trembled, his breathing was slightly choked, and the arms hanging at his sides were tensing and relaxing forcefully, making him look like a clam that wanted to close but pried itself open.

  Yael also paused. The hot body temperature of the female insect and the touch of strong, flexible muscles were transmitted to the soles of his feet through the thin soft shoe insole, making him curl up his toes uncomfortably.

  "…Yes." Caesar's body tensed up and he adjusted his posture and sat back on the quilt.

  His back was slightly arched, and his abdomen was stretched out in beautiful and neat lines. Yael took a closer look and found the source of that familiar feeling.

  This was the defensive posture adopted by the female insects before resisting the beatings during the live broadcast of the female slave exchange, so that they could curl up into a ball at any time to protect their fragile abdomen and vitals.

  Yael's eyes darkened slightly, and he rubbed his fingertips, but he resisted the urge to touch Caesar's head again, and instead picked up the cup of warm milk.

  Caesar waited for a long time, but instead of the usual kicks or whips, he heard the male insect order him to "open his mouth."

  There are many ways to play with the lips and throat, and it is also a place that is easily injured. His Adam's apple moved and he opened his mouth slightly——

  The warm glass touched his lips.

  "Drink your milk."
