Zhimian's Tale I

Forty Years Ago – Southern Kingdom, Demon Realm

The Demon Realm was comprised of two kingdoms: the Northern Kingdom, of the frozen wastes and ice; and the Southern Kingdom, of rocky, barren fields, and fire. Carved out by vicious, rebellious demons, the Eastern Territories were a mix of the two, ruled not by any one leader but by a group of self-appointed Lords.

The Eastern Territories would have been wiped from the map long ago, if the Lords did not spend too much of their time in-fighting instead of posing a united threat against the Kingdoms. As it stood, the Northern and Southern Kingdoms were content enough to ignore the Eastern Territories.

At least until they came knocking at their door. 

"They ride from the east, lord!" the gatewatcher reported, his red eyes wide. "They'll be on us within minutes."

Reclining on his throne, Tianlang-Jun sighed, outwardly unfazed by the possible threat. He rested his chin in his hand, and tapped his jaw with one pale finger. "A dozen, you said? Hardly an invasion force."

"Still, lord," Zhimian-Lang spoke up from his place beside the throne, "it doesn't hurt to be cautious."

"Hmm…" Tianlang-Jun sat up straight. "Very well. If they wish an audience, have them leave all weapons at the gate. Find out what they want."

"Yes, lord." The gatewatcher bowed, then hurried out.

"Zhimian, what do our spies say of the Eastern Territories?" Tianlang-Jun asked.

"They have reported no change." Zhimian flicked through the various papers in his arms. "As far as we're aware, the lords are still infighting. The last report was received… just yesterday, lord."

Tianlang-Jun frowned thoughtfully.

He was a young demon, barely grown, and had only recently taken the throne from his father. He still had a youthful look: his dark, curled hair fell unbound over his shoulders; his foot tapped the ground with barely-contained impatience. But it was not blind luck that had brought him to his present station. His red eyes near-glowed with sharp intelligence, and his hand rested on the arm of his throne, in easy reach of his sword.

"Well, we shall find out soon enough," the young lord said with another sigh. "Summon the advisors, would you?"

Zhimian-Lang bowed, careful not to spill his scrolls and papers across the throne room floor. "Right away, lord."

As for Zhimian-Lang, he had surpassed all expectations. Like Tianlang-Jun, he was a young demo, but in his short years, he had climbed the ranks from lowly servant to the right-hand of the mighty Demon Lord of the Southern Kingdom. Many were envious of him, and he had already survived dozens of assassination attempts. He took great joy in watching Tianlang-Jun tear apart the offenders when they were caught.

He would never be so arrogant as to say it aloud, but he and Tianlang-Jun considered each other close friends. Others in his place would hunger for the throne, so well-within reach, but Zhimian-Lang would be content to sit at his lord's side for eternity.


Her name was Ruolan-Jun. A Demon Lord of the Eastern Territories, who – with cunning and initiative rare amongst the squabbling eastern lords – was determined to create her own kingdom.

When she strode into the throne room, Zhimian-Lang's breath caught in his throat. She towered over her entourage, her muscled arms were the size of their heads, and a sword nearly as tall as Zhimian-Lang himself hung at her hip. Her demonic mark reminded him of an orchid – that must have been where she got her name. A fearsome aura swirled around her, only enhanced by her spiked armour.

Ruolan-Jun bowed to Tianlang-Jun, who had sat up a little straighter. "Lord," she greeted him in a deep, gravelly voice. "You have heard the reason for my visit."

"I have," Tianlang-Jun said coldly. "What makes you think I will help create a threat to my own kingdom?"

Ruolan-Jun bared her teeth in what Zhimian-Lang supposed might be a smile.

"I will help you conquer the territories of Zixin-Jun and Xiaobo-Jun," she said, "and you can absorb them into your own kingdom. I get the rest – and the lords' heads."

Zhimian-Lang leaned over to whisper to his lord, "Zixin-Jun and Xiaobo-Jun hold the largest pieces of the Eastern Territories." When he straightened up, he found Ruolan-Jun's piercing red eyes fixed on him. He froze, like a rabbit beneath a hawk's talons.

"Why sacrifice so much land?" Tianlang-Jun questioned. Ruolan-Jun's eyes flicked back to him, and Zhimian-Lang could breathe again.

"They are the strongest lords. With them defeated at my hand, the rest will come to heel."

Tianlang-Jun narrowed his eyes. "Why should I not simply conquer the entire Eastern Territories? If you think it will be so simple to defeat the two strongest lords, surely the rest will be even easier to wipe out."

"I propose an exchange," Ruolan-Jun said. "A guarantee that neither of us will attack the other."

An intrigued smile slowly spread across Tianlang-Jun's face. "Very well. Let us discuss."


Days of discussions passed. The advisors and lords met in the throne room and talked – and usually ended up shouting and throwing things. More than one all-out brawl was narrowly avoided.

After one such disastrous meeting, Zhimian-Lang was resting in a quiet corner of the palace library, his head in his hands, when someone cleared their throat next to him.

Startled, he looked up, and went pale. It was Ruolan-Jun, arms crossed and staring at him with those terrifying eyes. Even Tianlang-Jun's glare when Zhimian-Lang accidentally ate the last pastry didn't scare him that much.

"C-can I help you, lord?" he asked.

"You are Tianlang-Jun's right-hand?" she asked in that gravelly voice. "Zhimian-Lang?"

"I am."

"What are you reading?"

Zhimian-Lang blinked. "Oh." He glanced at the papers arrayed on the table in front of him "Just a history of the Eastern Territories."

Ruolan-Jun sat down heavily across from him, rattling the table and making Zhimian-Lang jump.

"What does it say?"

"Um… A few hundred years ago, several lords from the Northern and Southern Kingdoms split off and formed a loose alliance, becoming the Eastern Territories. But after those initial lords, there's only been feuding and conflict."

Ruolan-Jun sneered. "A simple telling." After a moment, she added, "My ancestor was the first to suggest an alliance between the lords."

"Oh?" Zhimian-Lang wondered what had prompted her to seek him out, and how easily he could excuse himself.

"I intend to achieve a true unity between us lords. We will be the Eastern Kingdom, someday."

"… I see." He'd suspected, but would have to tell Tianlang-Jun his suspicions had been confirmed. "… What are the Eastern Territories like?" he asked, curiosity outweighing his better judgement. "Is the architecture similar to the Northern or Southern Kingdoms? Or is it completely different?"

Ruolan-Jun studied him silently for a moment. "Originally, each lord designed their palace after their kingdom of origin. But the borders change often. Criminals and exiled demons settle from across the Realm. So everywhere, there's a mix of architecture."

Zhimian-Lang found himself half-leaning across the table, intrigued. "What about the monsters? Are there different ones over there?"

For the next several hours, Ruolan-Jun answered his questions with patience and a stony expression, and asked her own. Both skirted around any topic that might give the other side leverage in a war, should it come to that. But the conversation was surprisingly enjoyable.

Eventually, Zhimian-Lang had to excuse himself to attend to his lord. As he left the library, he looked back to find Ruolan-Jun's eyes following him, and couldn't help but think they seemed a little gentler now.


The next day, the discussions reached a head. Offers of land, tools, crafts, and food had been rejected on both sides. Then Ruolan-Jun stepped forward and suggested,

"What if we exchanged advisors?"

Tianlang-Jun raised an eyebrow. "As hostages?"


"Who are you offering?"

Ruolan-Jun beckoned a wizened demon forward. "My uncle, the sole living relative I have. He has advised me for the entirety of my rule, and will be an asset for you."

Tianlang-Jun tilted his head consideringly.

"In exchange," Ruolan-Jun continued, lifting her hand to point across the room, "I'll take him."

Zhimian-Lang froze. Ruolan-Jun was pointing at him. Him?!

Surging out of his seat, Tianlang-Jun snarled, "Never! How dare you try and steal – "

"An exchange, lord," Ruolan-Jun reminded him coldly. "A guarantee. My uncle is dear to me, and clearly your advisor is, too. That is the point of the exchange."

Tianlang-Jun looked at Zhimian-Lang, eyes wide.

Pushing past the shock, Zhimian-Lang quickly considered his options. If he went, he would be leaving behind all he had known, and his dearest friend. If he stayed, Ruolan-Jun might end up conquering all of the Eastern Territories, and becoming a massive threat to the Southern Kingdom.

"Zhimian," Tianlang-Jun whispered.

"I…" He met Tianlang-Jun's eyes, his chest aching. "I will go."

It would be unnoticeable to anyone else, but Tianlang-Jun flinched, ever so slightly.

"It is the best way, lord," Zhimian-Lang continued in a low voice. "I swear I will not divulge any secrets of your kingdom."

Tianlang-Jun set his jaw and nodded. He turned back to Ruolan-Jun. "Very well. Your uncle in exchange for my advisor – a guarantee that neither of us will attack the other as long as the hostages live."


Zhimian-Lang left the palace that very day, before Tianlang-Jun could reconsider his decision. Away from prying eyes, the lord hugged his advisor tightly.

"If you are every in any danger, flee or send word – you will always be welcome here."

Zhimian-Lang teared up, clutching at his friend. "Th-thank you. For everything."

Pulling back, Tianlang-Jun nodded. "I wish you the best."

Ruolan-Jun awaited him at the gate, hovering on her giant sword. She held out a hand, and Zhimian-Lang hesitated only a moment before taking it. Ruolan-Jun lifted him easily onto the sword, and held his waist so he wouldn't fall. He tried – and probably failed miserably – not to blush.

As the retinue lifted off from the ground, Zhimian-Lang looked over his shoulder. He kept his eyes fixed on Tianlang-Jun, whose black-and-red robes rippled in the light breeze, until he faded from view. 

It wouldn't be so bad, he told himself. Ruolan-Jun's hand was gentle on his waist, and she had been kind with him before. He looked forwards, steeling himself for the new reality of his existence.