System, Set A Reminder...

A-Tian and A-Rong had a day off, so she asked a maid to bring her some tea, before settling herself at her desk and beginning to sort through a stack of letters.

One from Yang Zhimian, asking after her health and inviting her for lunch soon; one from Yang Ming, excitedly announcing that Gongyi Xiao had become Head Disciple of Huan Hua Palace; and several requests for aid with various bandits and monsters.

She sorted the bandit and monster requests by difficulty – all were rather simple – and assigned her disciples accordingly. After sending those off with a senior disciple, she wrote replies to Yang Ming and her father, congratulating Gongyi Xiao and suggesting a big family meal to celebrate.

Setting aside her empty tea mug, she began stretching out her sore hands when another piece of paper, lying on the ground, caught her attention. It must have fallen from the stack on the desk.

Curious, she picked up the paper, stamped with the seal of the Sect Master, and unfolded it. Inside was a generalized message from Yue Qingyuan to all the Peak Lords, reminding them to prepare for the upcoming Immortal Alliance Conference.

"That's not for another, what? Two and a half years?" Yang Qinghui muttered. "They sure take this thing seriously. Like the Olympics of the cultivation world." She considered the paper, frowning deeply. 

The Immortal Alliance Conference: where Luo Binghe's demonic seal would be broken, and Shen Qingqiu would push him into the Endless Abyss.

A tragic storyline… unless they could change it.

With Shen Qingqiu being, in actuality, another transmigrator, they could surely work together to avoid that horrible outcome. It would probably cost Luo Binghe a lot of character development, but they could find something else to supplement that. 

A System screen opened up in front of her.

"Warning: avoiding the Endless Abyss storyline will reduce main character satisfaction by 80%. 5000 B-points will be lost."

"FIVE THOUSAND?!" Yang Qinghui stared at the System screen, appalled. 

"Current B-points: 975."

The paper crumpled in Yang Qinghui's hand. "You're joking." 

"Please continue your efforts," the System said. Yang Qinghui could've sworn it was mocking her. The screen popped out of existence, leaving Yang Qinghui seething.

She'd have to hoard and farm for points like a maniac to get anywhere near five thousand B-points – even with two years to go! And even if she did, somehow, manage it, she'd at best have only a few points left over, and there was every chance she'd quickly lose those and die.

She buried her face in her hands with a groan. Poor Luo Binghe, to have to go through the Endless Abyss. The sweet, innocent little disciple would be no more – in his place would be a jaded, sadistic, heartless demon, hell-bent on conquering the world.

At least I'm not alone, she remembered. If she, Cucumber-Bro, and Shang Qinghua put their heads together, maybe they could come up with an idea to get around the storyline. When was Cucumber-Bro getting out of the Lingxi Caves, anyway? Soon, surely – it had been months.

Of course, that meant another event was imminent: Sha Hualing's attack.

How to deal with that? Yang Qinghui wondered, worrying again. She couldn't very well evacuate all of Qiong Ding Peak, nor would she be able to convince every Peak Lord to drop everything and rush there – not without raising intense suspicion, at least. Well, not ALL of them, but maybe one or two.

"How long do I have before the attack?" she asked the System. To herself, she muttered, "Probably should've set a reminder for that..." 

A new screen appeared. "Countdown to Sha Hualing Demon Attack event: <1 day."

"Oh, shit!" Yang Qinghui leapt to her feet. "Definitely should've set a reminder! ZHUANG HAO!"

She nearly bowled over her disciple as she charged out of her room.

"Ack! Sorry, Hao'er!"

Catching himself on the doorway, Zhuang Hao stared at her in alarm. "Shizun! Are you alright?"

"Yes, fine. Walk with me, please." Yang Qinghui barely kept back from sprinting down the hallway. "I need you to send a message to Liu Qingge – tell him to meet me at Qiong Ding Peak, as soon as possible!"

"R-right away, shizun." Half-jogging to keep up, Zhuang Hao frowned in confusion. "Are you heading to Qiong Ding Peak now?"

"Yes." They reached the courtyard, and Yang Qinghui turned to face Zhuang Hao regretfully. "I'm sorry for the late notice, but I cannot delay."

Zhuang Hao shook his head. "It's fine, shizun. But Wei-shibo is here to see you." He glanced over Yang Qinghui's shoulder.

"Wei Qingwei?" Surprised, Yang Qinghui turned around.

The Wan Jian Peak Lord was across the courtyard, arms clasped behind his back and speaking with Zongyin. His hair, as usual, was arranged in a neat bun, secured with a silver pin. Instead of Hong Jing, a simple silver-hilted sword hung sheathed at his hip.

Ah, good timing. "Wei-shixiong!" Yang Qinghui called. She summoned Sui Gu into her hand as she crossed the courtyard with long strides

Wei Qingwei looked over, then excused himself from his conversation with Zongyin. "Yang-shimei. I apologize for arriving without notice – "

"Tell me on the way," Yang Qinghui said, leaping onto Sui Gu. "I've got to go to Qiong Ding Peak."

To his credit, Wei Qingwei didn't question her. He summoned his own sword and rose into the air alongside Yang Qinghui. 

"System, how long until Binghe has to... fall into the Endless Abyss?" she whispered, wincing. Is Cucumber-bro going to have to push him in?

A countdown appeared on the System screen, bold and glowing ominously red. "Countdown to Endless Abyss storyline: 2 years, 3 months, 6 days." 

Yang Qinghui sighed. It seemed like a lot of time now, but she was sure it would slip by all too quickly. "Keep the countdown on the main screen." She racked her brains, trying to think of any other important event between now and the Conference. "And set a reminder for the Meng Mo incident." That definitely had a big effect on Luo Binghe's character development - it would be good to monitor him 

"Reminder set for: 6 hours prior."  

"Shimei, may I ask why we're heading to Qiong Ding Peak so abruptly?" Wei Qingwei called from beside her. "Zhangmen-shixiong is away from the sect, preparing for the Immortal Alliance Conference."

"Yeah, uh… Zhangmen-shixiong asked me to help train his disciples while I was away," she said.

"… Ah. But you forgot?" Wei Qingwei asked, raising an eyebrow. It was the closest to teasing Yang Qinghui had ever seen him.

Whew. I guess a bad reputation has its advantages. She cleared her throat. "Anyway, why did you come to see me?"

His black and dark-green yuanlingpao robe bore a silver design on the chest and sleeves. It was a practical outfit, though nice enough he probably wasn't expecting to fight that day. Yang Qinghui hoped it wasn't a favourite, or anything – it would almost certainly be ruined after the demon attack.

"As a matter of fact, Zhangmen-shixiong asked me to check on you."

Yang Qinghui narrowed her eyes. "He did?"

"I told him you accompanied Zongyin-shizhi to acquire her sword. Apparently he's surprised by your change in behaviour since your seclusion in Lingxi Caves." Wei Qingwei studied her with an unreadable expression. "I, too, was taken aback."

Yang Qinghui snorted. "Yeah, I remember. You made me try to unsheathe Hong Jing."

"I am glad I was proved wrong."


"I am also glad," Wei Qingwei added quietly, "that you have returned to us."

Yang Qinghui looked over with wide eyes to find Wei Qingwei smiling faintly.

Affection rose in Yang Qinghui's chest.

"Thank you, Wei-shixiong." She gave a heartfelt smile. "It's good to be back." 

"Wei Qingwei affection level increased! +5 points. Current affection level: 42 points."

"Now, let's hurry," Yang Qinghui said, turning to face ahead and willing Sui Gu to speed up.