Seoul , Korea , 2005

As a child , I was always watching tv as my family was luckily enough to get one for a bargain , by any means we weren't rich , my dad was just a normal office worker and my mom was a factory worker , although most of my childhood they were not present but when they are it was the most amazing thing I ever felt , and one day as I was watching the tv I stumbled upon this channel that turned out would change my life , the channel that I stumbled upon was broadcasting this race , it was the 2005 Formula X Championship , at first I thought of switching the channel because I was still a child , all i wanted to watch was cartoons and something that I found funny or entertaining but somehow I was drawn in by this race the loud and fast cars that I heard and saw was new to me and I was curious , as I started paying attention , the camera was suddenly switched to the car of Fernando Alguera , and what I saw was the art of racing the way that he was going through the corners and the way that he didnt fear going so fast down the straights , although I was still a child I know a master of his craft when i see it , the dedication and hardwork I could just..... sense it , ive always have this feeling ever since I was young and my father said that it was probably one of my abilities as he noticed it before when I was playing with my grandfather.

And as I saw Fernando cross the finish line and win that Championship I was instantly hooked on the sport and I told my dad about it and he said that he was once a fan of the sport though he stopped because he needed to work and look after us and then I said to him how can I race in Formula X dad? , his eyes widened and he explained the journey thru the path of Formula X and then I said Can I start to race dad? , with a bright smile he said When you are 8 years old son I promise that I will support you and let you race.

And I waited for the time to come , I studied the sport , learned about it and started understanding the rules and mechanics , and when my dad saw the notes I was writing he whispered and I heard Is this child a gifted genius? As it was not normal for a child my age to write notes and dedicate theyre time to a sport that he hasnt even done yet and so 3 years passed I am now 8 years old and my dad finally have offered me to kart in a karting circuit in the city and it was the start of my journey to Formula X.

To be continued