I Am Chosen?

When I woke up, I saw that I was in a dark forest that seemed to have no active life in it. The sky was clear, and the area seemed shrouded in a blanket of darkness, which made it so that I could not see more than six feet in front of me.

This came as a surprise to me because the last thing that I knew had happened to me was that the Vordonians had invaded The Right of Selection, and they threatened to kill any human that got in their way. Does that mean that they killed me as a means of revenge for killing one of their own?

"Am I even still alive or did I die twice in the same day?" I asked out loud to the dark bare forest that surrounded me.

"Yes, Danny, you are still alive." A mysterious female voice that I recognized said to me.

"I am going insane because now I am hearing voices, and I cannot tell where they are coming from. That is one of the steps towards insanity." I said as I walked around the forest trying to find the source of the voice to no success.

"No, you are not going insane. I am real. I am the same voice that was keeping the darker side of your healing power dormant". The female voice said to me.

I was not able to find out exactly where it came from because every word that she spoke seemed to bounce all around as she started to talk to me.

"I have chosen you as the one that is to take my place as the one who will enable our race's survival." The female voice said to me.

"Wait what are you talking about? I am destined to be a healer of The Terran Collective. I have agreed to serve The House of Lupus for all the days of my life." I told her out of confusion at what she had just told me.

"You are destined for more than just the life of a healer. You will find out the truth in time whether you think that you are ready for it or not. I also have come to you so that I may tell you that the first phase of your journey as my chosen one has come to an end. The next phase is about to begin.

While you are in this phase will be tested in three trials. A trial of wisdom. A trial of hardship, and finally a trial of trust. When these three trials have been completed you will be ready to finish your journey as my chosen one.

I will continue to speak with you through your dreams when we must talk again."

As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was no longer in the area where the female Vordonians were attacking The Right of Selection. I was instead bound to the wall in a prison cell.

The cell was made of a type of medal that I did not recognize which told me that I was not inside of any Terran prison. That only meant that I was most likely on an enemy vessel, but I did not know which one of the other races owned this ship.

There was only one source of light that made it into the room. This light was mobile like an active strobe that was briefly able to reach my cell, but it was not able to stay in my room long enough for me to absorb the light.

"So, what did they get you in here for?" I heard a female voice say off in the distance, but due to the very limited light that was able to make it into the room, I was not able to see exactly where the voice was coming from.

"Who is there!?" I asked as I tried to look around and tried to find out where the voice was coming from.

"I am a fellow prisoner like yourself". The voice said to me.

"What did you do to get imprisoned by whoever it is that owns this vessel?"

"Well, I stood up against the female superiority of The Vordonian Empire. Because I did that, they are bringing me to the home planet of Vordon Prime to face some unknown punishment."

"They must have a very crazy punishment in store for me because the only crime against The Vordonian empire that I committed was killing one of their females," I told the voice in the distance.

As soon as I finished speaking, I noticed that the strobe light suddenly stopped moving and then I saw a tall female walk into the light. When she did, I was able to tell that she was a tall and skinny Vordonian. She had on a slim set of black body armor with silver pieces of metal that connected all the fabric armor pieces.

"Oh, trust me there will be a very intense amount of pain in store for a weak and pathetic male like you. The pain will not be fast because of your crimes of murdering one of our rising females." The person that was standing in the one beam of light said to me as she walked up to my cell and opened it up.

After she spoke, I knew that I was not talking to a human prisoner just a few moments ago. I was talking to a female Vordonian.

She then unlocked the restraints that were binding me, and after that, she kicked me outside of my cell.

As I looked around at the area that I was in; I noticed that I was in a narrow hallway that was dimly lit up by a lantern that were cubes where only a single beam of light was able to be seen coming from it.

"Get moving you filthy and unworthy man, and remember to keep your back always turned to me. I do not wish to be horrified by your male human face!" she said to me in a very angry tone as I got out of the cell.

I did not see any other active cells as I was being pushed down the hallway. That told me that I was either the only prisoner on this ship of that The Vordonian Empire; or that means that they have a separate floor of prisoners for each race.

When I made it to the next room, I was blinded by the sudden dose of bright light that made it into my eyes.

The hallway was long and narrow with red carpet on the floor as well as gold boards that had on a variety of different achievements. This told me that The Vordonian Empire was as wealthy as I thought they were.

"Welcome to Vordon Prime. A world that your weak male human eyes are truly unworthy to look upon". She said as she kicked me into the bridge area of the ship which had a massive glass window that showed what was around me outside of this Vordonian vessel.

As I looked out of the window, I saw a massive fleet of circular sips that were painted black with a secondary color of dark pink that I could see on the outside corners of the vessels.

I also noticed that the fleet was surrounding a large ocean world that seemed to be in perfect condition from above. I was not able to notice any major blemishes in the ocean paradise that was in front of me.

"Do you now see the beauty of life where females are in charge? We have a world where man has not tarnished our beautiful home world with the fumes and chemicals that come with machines and factories. We have maintained this peaceful paradise for over 1000 years." The female Vordonian said to me as I was looking around at the area that was around me.

"Princess Failya; we have a set of unidentified hyperdrive signatures on the map that seem to be heading here."

When I looked out of the glass, I noticed that there was a massive fleet of Terran ships that was larger than any fleet that I had ever seen even in my studies. I wondered why they had come here. Was it to save me, or was it to seize the opportunity to strike a serious blow against one of our mortal enemies?