My Eternal Vow

After I entered the chapel, I noticed that the interior was made of granite and marble to show the wealth that was put towards the church.

On the sides of the tile flooring, I saw support beams every three feet that were made of solid gold with diamonds engraved on the base of them. Then I noticed that there was a fancy painting of an elderly man who was dressed in cyan-colored religious robes on the wall in front of me. He must be some kind of important figure to either this chapel individually or their religious group as a whole.

"Hello, sir and Miss, how may I help you today?". a young man with black hair who was wearing religious robes that matched the man in the painting said as he walked out of a room that was on my left side.

As this man spoke, I was focused on what it was that he was going to say next as if his words had a mesmerizing effect on me.

"Yes, we would like to get married today". Nova said to him as I saw her look at him without being phased by him at all.

"Well, you are very lucky today because we did not have anything scheduled, so if you do not want any kind of fancy preparations that need to be made, then it can be done today," he said as he looked at me and then at Nova.

"That is okay with me. I just want to get married to him as soon as I possibly can!!". Nova said with a lot of excitement in her voice. "I have been waiting for four years. I honestly do not think that I could wait, not even a single day more."

"You heard the lady sir, and she gets what she wants in this situation". I said to him as I looked him in the eye so that he knew that I was serious with every word.

"All right then; since you both are ready; I will be performing the ceremony for you today. Please follow me to the section of the chapel that we reserve for marriage ceremonies". He said as he began to walk down a hallway that was to my left.

I followed him down the hallway and noticed that the architectural design remained the same as the entrance room.

When I reached the end of the hallway, he opened a door and led us both into a smaller chapel than the main one, with a lot fewer rows of seats than there would be in a normal chapel.

"In the room to the right is where you will choose your selection of clothing to wear for the ceremony, sir,". He said to me as he pointed to a small door that was against the wall of the stage on the right side of the room.

When I made it to the room it only had a metal cabinet on the left wall. A full body-length glass mirror to its left and a chair with a desk a few inches from the rear wall centered with a glass window that looked outside of the building.

I sat down in the chair and noticed that the table began to light up with different images as soon as I took my seat.

Each of the different sections of the desk showed me a different style of suit that I could cycle between.

I knew that Nova was going to be getting dressed up in a very beautiful dress for this, so I needed to do what I could to look good for her.

After a bit of debate, I chose a full black colored suit of clothing. This suit had a white undershirt, a black tunic, and pants, as well as black dress shoes and white gloves.

When I tapped the size and measurements to confirm my selection on the desk a drone came out from within the metal cabinet carrying the exact suit that I had selected. It was truly amazing how

As I was getting dressed, I began to feel excited because I knew that the clothing looked quite nice on me as I looked at the reflection that I saw through the mirror in the room.

I walked out of the room and waited in the chapel for the priest and Nova to show up since I was ready to begin the marriage ceremony for this world before they were.

A few minutes went by before I saw that Nova started to walk out of the door that was on the opposite side of the chapel.

When she walked out, I made a short and sharp whistling sound because of how beautiful I thought she looked.

Her wedding dress was a dark purple that almost matched her hair. The fabric seemed to flow down her body very naturally like it was made for her. She was wearing green earrings that looked like they were made from emeralds. She also whore black heals. The final thing that I noticed was that she had curled her long purple hair that went down to the center of her back.

After looking at her completely I truly felt like the luckiest man in the galaxy. Was I truly worthy of making an eternal vow to someone so beautiful?

"Since you were both now here, let us begin the marriage ceremony that was made custom by the original founding members of the House of Lupus four hundred years ago." the priest said as he entered the room from the chamber to my right.

The priest grabbed a table that had a clear large glass with water in it. Beside the picture, I noticed a massive chalice that was colored cyan and looked like writing all over the top of it. The final item was a metal spoon.

"In this marriage ceremony, we will be using this chalice as an instrument to help symbolize the union that you two will be forming. First, I will pour this water from the lake of Grenyail inside of it. The next step will be for both of you to pour your magical energy inside of the chalice." he said as he handed the chalice to me. "Make sure that you only feel it up halfway".

I followed his instructions and poured the energy that I normally use to heal people into the cup, and I noticed that it was blue, which surprised me.

After that, he handed the cup to Nova, and she poured her energy inside, but it was a lime-colored green instead of the blue color that I admitted when using my skill.

"Now I will use the spoon to stir and mix your magical energies with the water. When I do this, it symbolizes that both of you and this world are now becoming the same. Please place your hands around this chalice".

When my hands met hers, I could feel the tension in her fingers, which meant that she was as excited and probably also as nervous as I was at this moment.

When we put our hands around the chalice, he pulled out a red ribbon and tied our wrists so that we could not move the chalice without the other one's help.

"The final step that you both must do to finalize this marriage between you both is going to be that you must both work together in unison to drink the chalice empty".

We both lifted it, and I allowed Nova to drink her half first, and then I had my half of this new liquid that was formed.

It tasted a little bit odd when it first touched my lips but quickly became quite soothing the longer that I spent drinking it. I could get used to this taste if this is what Nova would taste like when I have my fun with her tonight.

We both placed the chalice down and smiled at each other waiting for the priest to finalize our marriage.

"By the power that has been invested in me through the church and in the presence of the goddess with many names of our race this marriage has been finalized and become official," he said as he untied the knot that was keeping us attached to the chalice.

He left us alone, and I picked up Nova and carried her out of the church, heading for the address where we had purchased our new home, being a very happy married man.

As I made it to the house, I opened the front door and placed her down inside the house, knowing that we would both need all our energy for the things that we were going to be doing tonight since we had work to do in the morning.

It was official she was mine and I was hers not a single person would ever come between us