"Danny, I want to discuss something with you in private since you already have your second ability available to you." the AI projection said to me before I entered the medical facility.
I left the other members of my team to go through the process of getting their second implant removed while I had my private meeting with the AI projection.
"Why is it that you require\ another private conversation with me?" I asked after everyone left.
"Now that we are alone, I will be bestowing my gift upon you." The ai said to me as I saw him walk past me and I followed his footsteps.
"What is this gift that you will be giving me?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I will be mentally projecting you into the past so that you can see what it was that destroyed my people 500 years ago. If you pay attention to everything that I'm about to show you then your people will not meet the same tragic fate".
"So, your gift to me is a possibility to ensure my race's survival. all right then let's get this over with I have a wife to get home to." I told him with urgency behind every word because I wanted to see Nova again as soon as I was able to.
"All right then I will need you to open your mind to what I'm about to show you by emptying it of all forms of distraction. Normally I would not have to ask this but the amount of data that I'm going to be giving you is quite massive so I need your full mental focus to ensure that it comes across clearly without causing any negative effects". The AI said to me as he stretched out his right hand.
After he stretched his virtual hand out, I could feel an unfamiliar presence on the edge of my mind that I was somewhat uncomfortable with allowing into my thoughts.
"Do I truly have to give you full access?" I asked because while I trusted this AI somewhat due to the information that he might bestow upon me about the history that will affect my destiny I still could not allow an unfamiliar presence to gain access to my thoughts.
"Danny, you need to give me full access without any kind of mental blocking or it will not work. I am also going to have the drone here remove the shards of the second implant that is in your wrist that you shattered while I am feeding you this information".
I took a very deep breath before I dropped all my mental blockers so that I could get the image clearly in my head.
After I dropped my mental blocks, I suddenly felt a rush of information that I could not make sense of begin to rush through my mind. When the information finally stopped moving through my head, I then noticed that the area around me began to turn into a solid white fog.
Then I walked forward into the fog until I saw an ancient temple that had a similar architectural design as the ruins that I had just left.
The temple was made from mostly gold and iron. In the rear of the temple, I saw a giant statue of a female fish-like person that had four fins on the side of her head and she had on a robe. The entire statue was made of titanium.
When I stopped looking at the statue, I noticed that the temple had two people of the same race as the statue kneeling at the base of the statue speaking to it.
I wondered why the AI brought me here. While I was walking around the temple to get a good look at everything that was going on I noticed that I walked straight through the bodies of the two who were praying to the statue as if I was not solid or located in another dimension than them.
"I forgot to tell you that you cannot make contact with anything here since this is just a memory. Also no one can hear either of us". The AI voice said to me but this time I didn't see his projection at all while he spoke to me.
"Oh, Safadron goddess of Logic and Syllogism; please watch over our son today as he goes through our coming-of-age process today. We hope that he makes logical decisions because of your guidance and brings honor to the family name". The male fish man that was kneeling said to the statue.
A short while after he finished praying to the statue, I noticed that a person came out of the statue that matched the design down to a t.
"I hear your prayers and I will do everything in my power to help ensure his success". Safadron said as she passed through both of their bodies without them moving so that it felt like a feeling of divine presence around them.
"What does this have to do with why your people were eliminated?" I asked because I could not see the connection at all if there was one.
"Just wait and see; by the end of this you will see and understand everything". The voice of the AI projection said to me.
Then the temple vanished from my site and the entire area around me turned into white fog again. I was curious to see what kind of event I would see this time so I walked forward into the fog without any kind of hesitation in my steps.
After I entered the fog the area around me began to turn solid bit by bit until I noticed that there was a massive tree in the center of the room. This tree went all the way up to the heavens as far as I could see. Then I noticed that around the tree there were a total of five different open cocoons. Then I noticed that waterfalls were flowing from the top of the tree that went in between the openings of the branches which made the tree look quite beautiful.
After I finished examining the massive tree the next thing that I noticed was that five people were standing around the tree talking to each other.
When I tried to look at the five figures that were talking the only one that I saw solid was the same one that was in the temple just a few moments ago. I wondered why all the other people who were talking were impossible for me to see their true form. Why all that I could see was shadows.
"So, you have returned; no doubt from increasing your level of involvement with your people.
You know that it is better to not get involved with them and allow them to make their own decisions and influence their paths". A middle-aged male reptilian voice said.
"Yes, I know about your beliefs; but the more that I involve myself with my people the stronger my connection to them becomes an intern the stronger I become as a goddess. In the end, I do not see a downside to that at all no matter what you might tell me." the deity that I could see solidly said.
"So, are you telling me that conversation between these two had a massive effect on your people's elimination?" I asked while pacing around the area.
"Yes, this conversation is very key to what happened to us. Now I will show you the end part of this where our destruction was finalized" the AI said to me as everything began to move at a high speed and then stopped suddenly.
When everything stopped moving the scenery was the same as before but this time, I only saw two figures around the tree. The first one was the deity that I could see solidly and the second one looked roughly reptilian.
"So how are your endeavors going with trying to listen to your people's prayers?" Safadron asked.
"My people do not believe in their deity very much. Unlike your race mine are more Savage, and not so religious so it is a problem in the end for me" The reptilian said as he hissed out of frustration and rage.
"I cannot help that your people are not as religious as mine. I suppose that just means that your people have more growing to do" Safadron said while laughing at the other deity's expense.
"I have had it with you. This is the end of all of this. I will no longer put up with your disrespect for my people just because we are more warrior-like unless religiously inclined as a people". The reptile said as he waved his claws at Safadron.
"Why are you attacking me?" Safadron asked while dodging the claws. "You know that as gods we cannot be killed".
"That does not mean I cannot try to kill you and take my frustration out on you instead". The reptile said as it attacked in a rampage.
Then I noticed that Safadron stopped moving because somehow it thought it could not be killed at all.
To my surprise after a few swings contacted this deity's body the poison began to spread across its whole body until it died.
"Hello, are you there? Did I kill you?" the reptile asked as it went around the body.
When the body did not move, I saw that the reptile began to celebrate.
I wanted to stay to see what happened next but the area around me went White once again until this time I saw a faded version of the ancient ruins where I was previously standing im.
Then I noticed that this area was filled with life and happiness as children were running past me and playing a game that I did not recognize.
This city's skies were filled with blue lanterns that were floating around to light up the darkness which was quite a magnificent look that amazed me. Also, the city was not the inside of mountain like it was when I visited it.
The city also had a lot of individuals doing a large variety of different kinds of jobs ranging from construction to combat training.
After I finished looking at the area where I was, I noticed that they all began to vanish one at a time without a trace until they were all completely gone and the city felt quiet and somewhat abandoned as I walked around the ruins.
"The truth that I am trying to tell you is that if any of the major deities cease to exist the entire race that they are the god or goddess of will vanish from existence.
So, it is your responsibility as the next chosen candidate to become the next god of the Terrans to ensure their survival. So that your race will be able to survive for a longer period. Whatever you do; do not take your job as your race's next deity lightly". The AI said to me as the area around me went fuzzy until it vanished from my site.
When I noticed that the memories were no longer being relieved and that I could not feel another present within my mind I looked around to notice that all the members of my team were standing beside me.
"What was that, Danny?" Sid asked me as I looked at him. "When we walked out of the medical facility, we saw you floating and coadded in a white light".
"While all of you were getting your implants removed the AI showed me a memory of what it was that caused his race to vanish from existence. The reason that he told me was so that our race would not have the same thing happened to us". I said to the group so that they would stop staring at me with these massive looks of wonder and surprise.
"Did you at least learn what you needed to help our race survive?" Trent asked me with a smile across his face.
"Yes, I did; and were you able to get your second implants removed successfully?" I asked everyone in response.
"Yes, we have; and each of us now has a new talent that works well with our first one. You just wait Danny it will not be long until my second talent surpasses yours". William said arrogantly to me.
"I'm sure one day you could surpass me". I said to him so that I could keep his frustration in check since I did not feel like getting pinned to a wall again.
"As I said; I would offer something to the three of you that I have not given anything to yet after you were finished with the implant removal". The AI said to everyone.
"If you can I would like an advanced weapon; or possibly a weapon enhancement so that I can succeed in battle better than before". Trent said as he bowed to the AI.
"The only kind of weapon enhancement or a weapon that I can provide to you is something that we were about to test the day that our race vanished from existence. that would be found in the research lab. Let me get a probe to grab it for you." the AI said as it snapped its virtual fingers and I saw a probe walk across my field of vision and then vanished into an alley to my right.
"As the group's organizer and item crafter could I possibly have one of those drones to analyze so that I can improve my work?" Raven asked the AI.
"Yes, you can take the probe that has your friend's item with you".
William began to walk forward and ask for something from the AI now that it was his turn, but the AI stopped him and began to speak.
"Before you ask for something. I have something specially reserved for you".
William began to smile when the AI told him that.
"I have a piece of advice for you as well as knowledge of a future event. Some point soon you will hold the fate of both Danny and your entire race in your hands.
If you do not put your pride and arrogance aside for the good of everyone then you will all be doomed" the AI said to William.
Then I noticed that William was somewhat depressed because he was expecting a whole lot more than just information from the AI.
After the probe came back with a colored cube that seemed to constantly change colors Trent grabbed it and placed it in his pocket.
"This cube that I'm giving you can be used to adjust the elemental damage that your weapon causes at will. It will be attached to your thoughts so just think about the element that you want to fire from your weapon and it will be.
Now that I have fulfilled my creator's intention, I will deactivate myself and you can now go your own way. Whatever you do Danny do not forget what I have shown you this day since I have helped you take the first step in your journey to godhood." the AI said as it began to blink repetitively and then vanished from existence.
After the AI left everyone began to move back out of the ruins and on the way to the ship; but before I left the ruins, I Heard a voice talk to me.
"Danny be sure to get the statue before you leave". A calming female voice said to me.
So, I followed those instructions and grabbed the statue before I left the ruins not knowing what purpose it held on my journey.
It took us quite a while to make our way back to the ship. When we did everyone took their general positions for lunch. It had been a long mission and we had a lot to discuss as a team before we got home.
I sat down at the center table thinking to myself about all the things that had happened in this world and what I was going to do on my time off with Nova.
As the ship lifted off and the team made our way off the world, I knew that I had earned myself a break when I made it back home.