
It didn't take them long to make a decision. They ran, leaving behind the desperate battle against the griffin. As they fled, the earth-shaking roar of the griffin echoed behind them. The griffin wouldn't give up easily, and they had to be cautious of the danger that might continue to lurk in the dark swamp.

They sped through the eerie, silent swamp at full speed. The water was black and murky, and the thick underbrush obscured their view. But they kept moving forward, striving to find shelter in a safer place.

The griffin, realizing its prey had fled towards the swamp, was distracted by several soldiers using large stones and tree branches to create noise on the other side of the forest. With an angry roar, the griffin flapped its powerful wings and shot towards Thalor and his companions.

Meanwhile, Thalor and his group ran at full speed, adrenaline coursing through their bodies. The dark swamp drew closer, and the griffin's earth-shaking roar grew louder.

"We need to speed up!" Thalor shouted, his breath ragged.

"I see the swamp ahead!" Elowen cried, pointing to the water glistening under the faint moonlight.

The griffin flew low, dodging the trees, its wings creating a fierce and terrifying wind. With a powerful leap, the griffin surged forward, trying to catch up with them.

"We need to find shelter!" Roderick shouted, looking around warily.

Alaric and Kalain, leading the other soldiers, decided to take a risk. They jumped into the swamp, seeking hidden places among the thick underbrush and towering trees.

"We can't run forever," Kalain said firmly. "We need to find a way to deal with this griffin."

The griffin drew closer, its sharp claws and beak gleaming under the moonlight. Thalor knew they didn't have much time. He looked around, searching for something they could use against the griffin.

"There!" Thalor pointed to a large fallen tree, its massive roots jutting out of the ground, creating crevices they might use.

"Get inside there!" Thalor commanded, leading his group towards the fallen tree.

They ran, leaping over the large roots, and squeezed into the crevices. The griffin flew low, trying to attack them with its claws, but they managed to hide well.

"What do we do now?" Elowen asked, her voice trembling.

"We need to stay calm," Alaric said. "We must find a way to fight back against this griffin."

Inside the crevices of the tree, they planned their next move. Thalor drew his sword, preparing for the next attack. Roderick and the other soldiers readied their weapons, determined to fight off the griffin that kept targeting them.

"This griffin won't give up easily," Kalain said. "We need to find a way to injure or distract it."

The griffin let out another angry roar, clawing and biting at the fallen tree. Thalor saw an opportunity and led a quick counterattack.

"Let's go out and attack it together!" Thalor shouted, leaping out from the tree.

Elowen, Roderick, Alaric, and the other soldiers followed, attacking the griffin with all their might. The griffin, surprised by the sudden assault, quickly retaliated with ferocity.

An epic battle ensued. Thalor struck with his sword, dodging the griffin's claws with remarkable agility. Elowen fired arrow after arrow with her bow, aiming at the griffin. Roderick and the other soldiers attacked with spears and swords, trying to wound the griffin by any means.

However, the griffin was strong and resilient. Their attacks seemed insufficient to bring it down. The griffin clawed and bit fiercely, attempting to injure anyone who dared to get close.

"We can't keep this up!" Roderick shouted, his breath labored.

"We need to find another way!" Alaric said, jumping aside to avoid the griffin's attack.

Thalor scanned the area, searching for something they could use. His eyes landed on a large branch hanging above them.

"There!" Thalor shouted. "We can use that branch to trap the griffin!"

Elowen understood the plan. She quickly climbed the tree, reaching the large branch. With incredible strength, she pulled the branch down, creating a trap below it.

"We need to lure the griffin here!" Elowen shouted from the tree.

Thalor and Roderick understood. They began attacking the griffin more aggressively, luring it towards the trap.

"Come on, you big beast!" Thalor shouted, swinging his sword with all his strength.

The griffin, enraged, attacked more ferociously, moving closer to the branch trap. When the griffin was directly beneath the branch, Elowen released it with full force.

The griffin managed to avoid the trap set by Thalor with a nimble leap to the side, its wings flapping with such force that it created a strong wind. With an angry roar, the griffin counterattacked, its claws slashing towards Thalor.

With extraordinary reflexes, Thalor raised his sword to block the attack. Though he avoided a fatal injury, the griffin's powerful strike pushed him back, nearly knocking him off balance.

"Thalor, be careful!" Elowen shouted, her eyes full of concern.

The griffin prepared to launch another attack, its sharp beak gleaming in the darkness. At that moment, something terrifying emerged from the still, dark waters of the swamp. The water churned and rose high, revealing a massive creature resembling a giant snake. Its dark, scaly skin glistened in the moonlight, each scale looking hard and sharp. Its body stretched for dozens of meters, with a huge head and a mouth filled with towering fangs dripping with poisonous slime.

The creature's eyes, large and glowing green, stared directly at the griffin. Its forked tongue flicked out, sensing the air.

"My God... what is that?" Roderick whispered, his face pale.

Alaric gripped his sword tighter, his eyes wide with tension. "That's... that's a Leviathan. A legendary creature from the dark swamp."

The griffin, which had been focused on attacking Thalor, now turned to face the Leviathan. The two monstrous creatures glared at each other with hatred. Their roars and hisses shook the night air.

Thalor, seizing the moment, shouted, "Quick! We must use this chance to escape!"

However, the battle between the two giant creatures caused the ground around them to tremble. The griffin attacked with its claws, but the Leviathan deftly dodged, its long and flexible body allowing quick movements. In retaliation, the Leviathan bit with its fangs, trying to inject venom into the griffin.

The fight was intense. The griffin flapped its wings, creating a windstorm that made the bushes and trees sway violently. The Leviathan coiled part of its long body around the griffin, trying to immobilize it. The two giant beasts continued to battle fiercely, each of their movements creating waves and small earthquakes around the swamp