After enduring the arduous 30-minute journey in the metro, which felt like a journey through the depths of hell,I sought refuge in a nearby restaurant. There, I treated myself to a simple yet satisfying meal of pasta followed by dessert. Preferring comfort over another metro journey, I opted for a cab ride back home.

Upon my return, I relaxed on my bed, only to be interrupted by a message from Adam. He shared a brief update on his work schedule and expressed interest in hearing about my day. I recounted the pleasant meal I had enjoyed and casually recommended the restaurant to him. Lastly, I mentioned the peculiar encounter with the stranger who had taken photos of me. No sooner had I sent the message than my phone began to ring. It was Adam, calling me to hear more about the intriguing encounter I had experienced.

"Tell me more details about him, like how he looked."

"Why do you need details of a stranger, Adam? Are you perhaps gay?"

"I am not gay, Everett. How can you just say that, even when you know I recently broke up? Come on, tell me the details."

"You think she broke up with you because she found out you were gay, right?" I said, taunting him.

"Everett! I told you I am not."

"Fine, do you want the details or not?"

"Tell me.""Well, he—"

"Is it a man, not a woman?"

"Yes, he is a man. Can I continue now?"

"Yes, yes. I am more curious now."

"You are curious because he is a man. What the hell, Adam?"

"It's just that you are always surrounded by either uncles or grandfathers, but now you had an encounter with a man, not an uncle or an old man. Continue."

"What the—"

"Come on, tell me. Please."

"Okay. He is 6'2", has a clean-shaven face, broad shoulders, and you know what? It's the first time I have ever noticed a man's eyes, Adam. He has honey-golden eyes. I am quite taken by his eyes. He is very handsome, unlike you."

"Unlike me." he asked in disbelief

"Yes, unlike you. You have a chiseled face, dark brown eyes, and you are just 2 inches taller than me. But still, a little handsome, I would say."


"Yes, Adam. Why would I lie?" I said in a slightly stern voice. I continued, "Adam, I need this man's details. Can you help me? I know I can do it myself, but still, I want you to do it. By the camera hanging around his neck, I think he is a photographer."

"Whoa, I didn't think this day would come where you ask me to find a man. That's so unlike you."

"I know it's very unlike me. But please, can you? By the way, I think he is wealthy; he is decked out in Louis Vuitton and Gucci. Oh, and the way he smiled... it was almost disarming."

"It's the first time ever you have asked me a favor in our ten years of friendship. Of course, I will help you."

"Thank you, Adam." We chatted for a while and ended the call as it was time for his next surgery.

All I could think about was the stranger, his eyes. His eyes seemed to see everything. He is someone who needs a person he can connect with, and for the first time, I have ever seen such a person. He made me so curious. I was the one who noticed him even before he took the photos. The photos he took were very nice, natural, but I deleted them after seeing them. The photos he clicked shows a very different version of me. It shows that I am relaxed, calm—a very normal person,unlike my true self, which he didn't perceive—the inner me, especially when I'm engrossed in my work.I'm tired, but I still can't sleep.

I take out my laptop and start browsing the net. After a few hours, I am still waiting for Adam's message, but right now, I am too sleepy. I set my laptop and phone aside and try to sleep, but sleep eludes me. Just as I was about to drift off again, my phone rang with a message. Adam had sent me the details of the stranger.

"Edwin Rodriguez, Wildlife Photographer. Snarky, arrogant, mischievous person."Curiosity and a strange excitement stirred within me. Edwin Rodriguez... the man with the captivating eyes. I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to him than Adam's brief description. I was intrigued, almost inexplicably drawn to him.I'm going to meet you soon, Edwin Rodriguez, I thought, my pulse quickening at the idea. I fell asleep after reading the remaining details, a faint smile on my lips as I drifted into dreams filled with honey-golden eyes and the promise of uncovering the mystery behind them.