We were still hugging when Dad interrupted us by cutting the call. I answered it, hearing just three words: "Come. Home. Now." I didn't have a chance to respond. I dropped Edwin at his house and proceeded to visit my beloved parents.

I hadn't been home for days, preferring to stay at my own place. As I entered the house, I was greeted by the butler and other servants. The butler reminded me that I had been summoned to the study.

"Hello, Mom. Hello, Dad," I said as I entered the room, wearing a smile that anyone could easily see was forced. If there were an award for faking a smile, I would have won it.

"My darling," my mother said, enveloping me in a warm hug that felt more obligatory than genuine. My father acknowledged me with a nod, his expression unreadable.

"How have you been, darling? Are you eating well?" my mom asked with palpable, yet somehow superficial, concern. "And are you dating anyone?"

"Yes, I am," I replied, sensing the veneer of their affection. "I am eating three meals a day, and no, I am not dating anyone. You said you would be the one to arrange my marriage, remember?"

"Then what's this?" my father spoke for the first time since I entered the room. He was tapping on his phone, showing a photo of Edwin and me eating and hugging in the restaurant parking lot.

"It's nothing, Dad. I rejected him," I replied quickly. "But wait, how did you get it? Father, are you spying on me again? Come on, you promised you wouldn't," I said, feeling a familiar dread creeping in.

"No, the company still has rivals you're not aware of, and yet you went on dates with this boy," he said harshly.

"No," I started to explain, but he interrupted me. "Don't you dare talk back to me, Everett and don't you think it's time for your punishment?" He turned to my mother, who silently handed him a belt and a thick rope.

"Kneel down, Everett," he commanded coldly.

 I knew it would only be worse if I resisted. I knelt down, my heart heavy with resignation. He started beating me, savoring every strike. My mother watched, her face blank. After what felt like forever, he finally went back to his seat, a cruel smirk on his lips.

 I dragged myself back to my room, my white shirt soaked with blood. This wasn't the first time; I was used to this cruelty. Since they adopted me, they have taken out their anger and frustration on me. Once, I tried to resist, but it only resulted in a month of bed rest. That's when I met Adam. He was the only one who consoled me when no one else would. 

 The pain was a constant reminder of the love that was never truly mine. Every bruise, every scar fueled a growing anger within me. One day, I promised myself, they would pay for every ounce of suffering they inflicted on me. The thought of revenge was the only thing that kept me going through the endless nights of pain and loneliness.

I endured it, just for my own sake. I tried to find some way to feel better, but nothing seemed to help. I washed off all the blood, freshened my pillow, and drifted into a fitful sleep.

 The next morning was the same as usual. They acted like nothing had happened, and I played along. I skipped breakfast and went to my father's company, trying to prepare myself for what was ahead. For now, the office was my only safe place. I turned off my phone, isolated myself for the whole day, and focused on work.

 As night fell, I looked out the big glass window, watching people go about their lives with a feeling of quiet separation. The city lights sparkled in the distance, and I admired the moon's gentle light, which brought a rare moment of calm amidst the chaos. Yet, this calm was mixed with a deep sense of loneliness and unease. The difference between the busy world outside and my own solitude felt almost unreal.

The next two weeks were more of the same, a mix of quiet peace and growing dread.

 Two weeks later, on a Thursday night, I noticed I hadn't checked my phone in days. There were many messages from Adam and my PA, Amy. One message startled me—Edwin had reached out to them, worried about my silence.

As I drove, a heavy feeling settled over me. My eyes were failing me, and my vision became increasingly blurry. I slapped myself, trying to clear my sight, but it didn't help. A terrible sense that something was going wrong hung over me.


The crash was deafening, and everything seemed to go dark...