The last thing I remember was the overwhelming sadness. Later, when I woke up, I found Edwin crying uncontrollably. It was a painful mix of relief and heartbreak. It felt like he had been crying for hours, and the sight of him praying for me deepened my sorrow.

In a daze, I managed to say, "Did you miss me so much, Edwin, that you started crying for me?" Tears streamed down my face as I spoke, my voice trembling. "I missed you so much too," I said, pressing my forehead to Edwin's. I could feel the depth of his pain and relief.

Adam arrived, and we all embraced, the weight of our shared grief palpable. We comforted each other with gentle touches and soothing words. Amy soon joined us, and they all hugged me, wiping away my tears with tender care.

They overwhelmed me with questions, their concern evident. I looked over and saw Edwin leaving, and my heart ached at the thought of him going away.

"WAIT, ONE QUESTION AT A TIME. I'll answer," I said, trying to regain my composure. Adam asked, "Where were you, Everett? You could have at least informed us."

"I was at my parents' house. At my father's company," I replied, knowing Adam and Amy understood the gravity of what I meant.

The conversation faded into the background as I tried to piece together my thoughts. The sadness lingered, a stark reminder of the pain and loss I had endured.

"This time, it's personal. I'm going to take them down, Everett," Adam said firmly.

"No, Adam, I'll handle it. I don't care why they adopted me or what their motives are. I'm going to gather every detail and take them to task. Their company will be ruined, and I'll make sure of it. They're going to face the consequences of their actions," I declared, my voice filled with determination.

"I'm going to endure this and make sure they suffer for what they've done," I continued, my resolve unwavering.

"Are the wounds on your back from your father?" Amy asked gently.

"Yes, Amy. He's a ruthless bastard, as you know," I replied, my tone laced with bitterness.

"Yes, he is. I want to see their downfall," Amy agreed.

"You'll see. It will be the most dramatic downfall you've ever witnessed," I promised, my voice resolute.

"Are you in pain anywhere?" Adam asked, concern evident in his voice.

"No," I answered. "But be honest with me, Everett."

"I'm always honest with you, Adam," I said. I saw Adam's concern, and Amy looked perplexed.

 I told Amy, "I saw Edwin leaving can you ask him to come in?"

"Oh wait, I'll ask him or Maybe he went home to freshen up. He hasn't left your side since the accident. Typical boyfriend material, you know." Amy said, her expression mixed with confusion but still nodded and went off to find Edwin, while I remained focused on the fight ahead and the justice I was determined to seek.

I was quite amused by Amy's words. It was the first time she had spoken so highly of someone in front of me; usually, she would complain about men and question their very existence. Her unusual praise struck me as both surprising and oddly gratifying.

Later, I asked Amy for my phone, and she handed it over hesitantly. I checked the screen and found messages from Edwin, as well as from my parents. Both had sent similar texts, asking where I was. I hadn't replied to any of them yet.

I wavered about whether to respond to Edwin. After a moment's hesitation, I mustered the courage to send him a message:

"Edwin, when will you be coming? I really need to talk with you!"

I hit send and waited anxiously for his reply, feeling a mix of hope and apprehension...