I had been waiting for Edwin's message for days. I didn't even dare to open the app. I still had a week left in the hospital, so all I did was eat, sleep, and check my phone for new messages.

Then, a notification popped up. I was disappointed and somewhat amused when I saw it was from Austin Parker. He was checking to see if I was alive because I hadn't replied to his email about a collaboration between our companies.

"I'm sorry for the delay, Mr. Parker. I was caught up with something," I texted back.

Austin replied almost immediately:

"You're caught up with something known as a car accident and getting treated in a hospital," he said.

I called him and said, "You're talking like we're friends, Mr. Parker."

"I know I'm not, Mr. Everett," he said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"By the way, how did you know about the accident, Mr. Parker?" I asked.

"Word spreads quickly in the business world, like fire through a forest," he replied.

"I'll fill you in on the details of the collaboration soon," I said.

"Okay, which hospital are you in?" he asked.

"Re: Life Hospitals," I answered.

"That's quite a well-known hospital."

"I know the chairman, so yes, I'm getting treatment here."

Austin Parker said, "I'll be visiting you today, so it's an excellent opportunity to catch up."

"What? You're not my friend, and you're just showing up unannounced. You're not even asking if it's okay for you to visit," I replied.

I was about to say more when he abruptly ended the call. A few minutes later, he was standing right in front of me, acting like he knew me for years.

"Hello, Mr. Parker," I greeted him.

"Hello, Mr. Everett," he replied, his tone casual.

"What brings you here, Mr. Parker?" I asked, confused.

"Just to see you," he said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"Huh, just to see me?" I asked, skeptical.

"Didn't you hear me on the call? I told you I would visit," he said, still calm and composed.

"Do you have any other purpose for coming here?" I asked, trying to understand his motives.

"No, not really," he said in a very normal tone.

Just then, Adam walked in and looked at Austin curiously.

"Adam," I said quietly, a tone only he would understand. He came over and hugged me.

"Who is this person, Mr. Everett?" Austin asked, eyeing Adam. "Your boyfriend?" he asked, clearly puzzled

"This is my best friend, Mr. Parker," I said.

"Who is this person, Everett? He looks dangerous," Adam added, still wary.

 No, not dangerous I would like to say he is dangerously handsome. Austin Parker stood in front of me, his grey eyes striking and his handsome, chiseled face adding to his imposing presence. His perfectly groomed hair and stylish attire made him look effortlessly sophisticated. He had an aura that suggested both confidence and danger.

"He is Mr. Parker, my collaborator," I said, introducing him to Adam.

 "Oh, okay, I came because I need to tell you something important."

"What is it?" I asked, turning to face him, my curiosity piqued.

"Mr. Parker," Adam said, trying to get his attention, "Can you please wait outside until I can talk with Everett?"

"Of course," Austin replied smoothly. "But I will be leaving soon. I have a meeting to attend."

Austin approached me with a warmth in his eyes that spoke of a deep connection. He leaned in and kissed me gently on the cheek. His touch lingered for a moment, and he whispered softly, "We'll meet again soon, Everett. It's been too long."

He gave me a final, meaningful look, one that seemed to hold a lifetime of memories and unspoken words, before walking away. As he disappeared down the hallway, Adam and I were left in the quiet aftermath, Adam still trying to process the intimate exchange he had just witnessed.