What A Terrible Accident

Xin Yi rode her bike on a lane street, she ride so fast and showed her amazing bike skill, suddenly her bike losed control and she hit an expensive car.

Xin Yi's bike fell on one of her leg as she fell which made her scream in pain.

 Xu Kaicheng and his driver got out of the car and rushed to Xin Yi.

Kai pulled the bike up as to get Xin Yi out of the bike,

 The driver went to pull Xin Yi out of the bike, Xin Yi screamed as she was feeling pain on her leg, she scrunched her face when her right leg touched the ground, she scrunched her face in pain noticing this, Kai came from behind and carried her,

 She looks so shocked and she wants to get down but he didn't allow her,

 "Mr pls I beg of you, pls drop me, I serve people like you" she begged,

 " I am not like Li Qiang" He assured her and puts her in the car, he went to enter by going to the otherside,

" The hospital" he told his driver,

 Xin Yi looked back at a her bike,

 "Don't worry it will be sent you" he assured her,

 " Thank you so much Mr Xu. And about the car.... " she thanked him, her voice slowed down when she got to And.

" It's okay" that's all he said which makes Xin Yi more guilty, she looked outside the window.

 When they got to the hospital she opened the door the same time as Xu Kai, who rushed to her side to picked her up,

" Mr Xu Kai pls can you pls drop me" Xin Yi begged,

 Xu Kai didn't answer her and just walled to the doctors room for her to be examined.

" Mr Xu, what's wrong with him?" The doctor asked and Xu Kai dropped Xin Yi on the chair,

 " My car hits him" he said,

" No no Mr Xu I ran into you" she looked at him,

Xu Kai smiled at her he then turned to look at the doctor,

" Pls check on him" he said and walked out of the room closing the door. He stood beside door waiting for Xin Yi to come out.

 After some while Xin Yi came out with one of her leg fully bandaged, she walked with the cruches in her armpits which she couldn't find comfortable as she has never use it,

" I'm so grateful to you Mr Xu" Xin Yi bowed her head,

 " It's okay" he said and Xin Yi raised her head to see Xu Kai walked away, she smiled and continued to walk when she saw Xu Kai coming with a wheelchair chair her eyes widened and she walked as fast as she could but he met her,

 " Why are you walking so fast you got hurt?" He asked

 " No no nothing" she lied. Xu Kai gestured for her to seat on the chair and he started moving the chair with Xin Yi's red cheek, her face was full with embarrassment as many eyes was on them.

 " Have you seen Xin Yi" Li Qiang asked Muyang,

" No he was in the mansion a while ago" he answered,

" I pay him to work, not to play around" he said angry about Xin Yi leaving without her permission.

Xu Kai packed infront of the Gous mansion and came down to open the door for Xin Yi.

 Meanwhile Li Qiang is looking at them from the balcony.

 " Thank you so much" she thanked him, 

" It's okay" and he hand over her cruches to her,

 " Can you walk or I should help you " he offered,

 " Yes yes thanks" she thanked him and walked inside the gate.

 Xu Kai watched her enter, he then drove away.

 As soon as Xin Yi entered the bodyguards quarters she was stopped by Muyang,

 " Where the hell were you?" He asked his eyes full of anger,

 " I.."

 " You should know, you should never mingle with them, now you have to face the consequences" He cuts in,

 " What!? Let me expla-" 

 " And that is?" Li Qiang walked in and all the other bodyguards walked forward to watch the scene. { bodyguards Chattering}

 Xin Yi turned back to look at Li Qiang.

 Muchen bit his fingers worried about his master, he removed his phone from his pocket, and sent a message to Ru Xuan on we chat ' Master is in trouble!' 


 Xu Yi Han walked into 'New Jewel agency' which was the entertainment she worked for, she walked in with her manager to go to the CEO'S office,

 " Good morning Yi Han" her CEO greeted her, but she didn't bother to reply and just went to seat on the chair she crossed her leg and folded her arms lightly on her stomach,

 " Uhm.. what's wrong with you?" The CEO asked and he scratched his beard,

 " Miss Xu is upset about somethings, but don't worry she will get better" her manager assured the CEO. Xu Yi Han glared at her manager and she just scratched the back of her hair and smiled nervously.

 " So, Yi Han are you taking the offer for the series?" Her CEO asked, ' 'You own me' is written and will be directed by the best director in China, I hope this rich brat accepts the offer" the CEO said in his mind, 

 " Why won't I? Is this why you called me here?" She asked and stands up, she opened the door and walked out of the office, with her manager also following her,

 " Ah!" The CEO sighed and rested his back on the chair.


 " NOW TELL ME, HOW DARE YOU GO OUT WITH THE OTHER FAMILY!!!?" Li Qiang shouted at Xin Yi, which she tries her best to hold her tears in as she breathes in and breathed out countless time,

 " And this, you think you can fool me with it" he looked at her crouches thinking it was fake and he pulled it away from both her arms which made her fell to the ground, and her tears finally rushed out.

 Li Qiang didn't care about it and called two bodyguards,

 " Take him to the detention room" he ordered, and the bodyguards dragged her which makes her leg hurt her even more.