Chapter 8: The General

Her long red hair went past her shoulders with some bangs down her forehead, it matched her red eyes, and of course she had some sort of symbol on her chest too.

Maybe it's a resemblance of the symbol of this Angelic Core as Aliza called this place.

"Do you intend to help fight against the Mitho?" She asks with a serious expression on her face.

Fighting against these things isn't the worst but I was given this system for a reason so wouldn't it be better to put it to use that way?

"I'm not sure. I don't know much about them except that they caused a lot of deaths for me in my life." I respond without thinking.

That's weird, I didn't mean to say all that.

"We can help you learn more about them if you join us. Kenji right?" She says before trying to confirm my name.

A sharp pain came into my head after hearing her say my name. Why does that hurt to hear? How does she even know my name.

Is it possible Aliza told her while I was getting my hand fixed or did I miss something.

"You'll only refer to me as Ma'am or General but I will share a part of my name as a sign of respect and trust. Shizuka." The General says as she gives out her name after.

I don't know a thing about her but I do know that something is different about her compared to the others I've met so far.

"Yeah I'll join you and yes my name's Kenji." I respond while rubbing my head.

I'll figure this out later but for now I need to get a better understanding of what's going to happen now.

I've come to a whole new place with people I have never met before now so I need to be cautious too. People aren't always what they seem.

"I'm happy to have you with us. You could go out and join Aliza, she'll show you to your room." The General says with a bit of happiness in her voice.

She still had her serious demeanor but yet I could hear a bit of happiness from her. Was it really good that I joined them? Is there something that she knows about me that not even I know.

"Okay General." I reply with a serious and respectful tone.

I wasn't going to push my limits with anyone here since I'm outnumbered regardless. Everyone has their eyes on me here too so I'm not sure what to do about that yet.

{A Few Hours Later.} Kenji was shown around the building so he knew where everything was.

"Lastly this is your room. Tomorrow we test your power to see where you fall in our ranks." Aliza mentions with a calm tone.

Testing power for ranks is quite an interesting thing to do here but I guess it makes sense so you know where people fall against the enemy too.

I think I'm strong but I don't know how to use this power at all. It all comes from the system and when I don't use it the enemy just gets knocked back a bit.

Again I'm not weak physically by any means and I know how to fight. Training all these years did teach me quite a bit on fighting.

"Right. I'll be ready." I say while trying to think more about the system.

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow then Kenji. Welcome to Angelic Core." Aliza says with a smile on her face.

I just gave a nice nod back to her before she walked away. At least she's not like that damn goddess but I am still wary of her after everything I've seen.

Though I'm curious to see how this room looks now so I'll go in and get some rest for the time being.

Creek. As the door opened up Kenji could see two sets of beds across the room from each other with someone sitting on the one to the right side.

A guy with black hair tied into a bun was sitting on the bed to the right, wearing baggy sweatpants and some bland t shirt. His grey eyes were set on me the moment I walked into the room.

"New guy? I wasn't told but it seems we'll be roommates." He speaks up while looking towards me.

"Sorry for the sudden change. Names Kenji." I respond while entering the room and closing the door behind me.

I did take notice to a strange looking pole next to his bed but I guess people fight with all sorts of weapons here. I'm quite interested to see what my weapon will be that I use here.

"Kenji huh. You can call me Katsuro." He says while leaning back against the wall.

He had a pretty laid back aura to him yet something made me think he has to be pretty strong. I haven't figured out exactly what it is that's making me think this just yet.

"Cool. Nice to meet you Katsuro." I reply while taking a seat on my bed.

The room was nice and had plenty of space for two people but I haven't had to live with anyone in a long time. Currently this is the best way for me to learn more about the things that killed everyone years ago.

I'll find Ayumi no matter what happens here, she's alive and I know she is.

"Don't have any belongings?" Katsuro questions while observing me.

This guy seems to be paying attention to what I have with me too, just like the others who watches me when I first got here.

"Wasn't expecting to move so suddenly but I'll get it sorted out tomorrow." I answer while laying back on the bed.

~System still active. Please be advised that you need to fight to get used to the power output.

I just saw a message pop up for a minute there but I saw what it said. Fighting to get used to power.

I'll have to fight either way so maybe training is possible here.