How Ranks work (WIP)

SS - The Highest Possible rank that can be given to someone who's surpassed every limit on their body or has a power given to them directly by the gods after being deemed worthy or become a vessel.

SS ranks are extremely rare but are capable of dealing with world ending Mitho situations.

S - S ranks are usually able to use powerful equipment, partially able to use powers from gods or are seen as potential Vessels. Powers are usually rated highly, very compatible with Mitho Equipment.(Usually a possibility of moving to SS rank eventually.)

S ranks are usually called in for catastrophic level Mitho who can cause city level destruction.

A- A Ranks are the first line of Defense for the base if an attack occurs but are usually the brunt of the attacking forces when sent out against Mitho. Usually excel against Tier 1 Mitho, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Mitho.

B- B Ranks are the second line of Defense for the base and are usually sent out as recon and have the power to deal with 2nd tier Mitho.

C- C Ranks typically help by playing the support role for the B and A rank soldiers. Usually as a medic, ammo carrier, or helps with equipment.

D- A low power ranking that can barely be registered in the system. Usually these ranks are given to those who won't leave base. (Cleanup duty is usually assigned.)