Chapter 11: Squad Leader

I watched as everyone walked out the room and began to think about everything that's happened. It's really odd that everything that lead up to this started with me meeting the weird Goddess Mina.

Now I'm on a squad or team or whatever they really prefer to call it. Team was the display but if it's run like a military operation then it'd be squads.

"Any questions Kenji?" The Officer questions.

"No. I think I'm alright for now." I respond respectfully before leaving the room myself.

I'll figure a lot of things out on my own but I'll learn about the Mitho from them.

{A couple of Hours later.} Back in Kenji's room.

Laying around I mostly thought about what was going to come about this place. What happens when one day there is no more Mitho?

"So you're an S class and they didn't even realize that it comes from what I gave you." Mina speaks up from out of nowhere.

If I was scared easily she might've gotten me but that shit really is cool at least.

"Yeah. Could've been around a bit more during this whole thing." I respond with an annoyed tone in my voice.

"Can't risk anyone seeing me or having the chance of seeing me. Again Mitho are hunted for a reason. I'd rather not take my chances in becoming an experiment of humans." Mina says with a serious tone.

I can't really blame her for that one since we do tend to do that when it comes to something that we think we can use. Humans really are cruel sometimes aren't they?

"Understandable. It would help to know how to use this system a bit more." I mention while sitting up from my bed.

She looked at me for a moment before deciding to speak. I wonder what she has to think about there.

"It's all self learning for a reason. You become more powerful that way." Mina responds with a sincere tone of voice.

Self learning helps me become more powerful, guess I can't complain if I want to become powerful. A lot of people here would probably kill for the kind of power I have or maybe they would try to utilize it.

I've definitely got to keep this power a secret from everyone just in case. I don't really want to become an experiment myself.

"I'll trust you on that." I say while sitting on my bed.

"At least you trust me. I'll try to be around when I can." Mina says with a genuine tone behind her voice.

After that conversation I laid back for a bit since Mina had disappeared once more. It only took a couple hours before Katsuro had come back to the room too.

He looked tired, maybe he was training for a good while. I know I'm not the only one who has the mindset to be doing that.

I'd think a lot of training happens here since we need it against the enemy or at least that's what would make the most sense.

"How'd the exam go?" Katsuro asks with a bit of curiosity in his voice. He took a seat on his bed as he waited for my response.

Katsuro probably knows what my rank is already considering how big of a deal was made in the first place about it.

"It went well. I ended up being an S Rank." I answer with a calmness behind my voice.

His expression didn't change very much after hearing my answer but he did sit there silently for a few seconds before saying anything.

"I expected as much. You seemed like a strong person from the moment you entered the room. Though sometimes it's wrong to assume." Katsuro says while crossing his arms.

It's interesting how some of the people here react to the different events that happen. He already had some sort of feeling that I was an S rank without the exam.

I'm curious how many other people got that vibe just from me entering the room.

"I'll be on the main attack force." I mention while looking towards the window.

"Yeah I'm your squad leader." Katsuro responds with a serious expression on his face.

"What rank are you?" I question while moving past his squad leader comment.

"A rank but I'm damn near close to S rank. But no power based I'd be your squad leader or captain. Welcome to my squad. They'll end up changing the shit again anyway." Katsuro says before letting out a sigh.

They must change pretty frequently from teams to squads since that's how he made it sound. It doesn't really matter much to me as long as I get closer to finding Ayumi.

"Not a bad rank. I'll keep the respect demeanor when we're in the field and here if you prefer." I respond with a seriousness in my voice.

I wouldn't want to come off the wrong way towards anyone here.

"In the room here you can keep to a standard way of talking. Outside we'll have to be a bit more on the rules. Though I don't agree with them entirely." Katsuro says with a bit of frustration in his voice.

Rules aren't always bad but I'm not entirely sure I know what they all are here. I've only kept the respectful tone because I know a decent amount about military structures.

Not a lot but just enough to know what's the right thing to do here.

"Easy enough." I respond before laying back down.

"Tomorrow we'll be testing the strength of the new squad members so you know. Obviously includes you. Get some rest." Katsuro mentions before laying back himself.

Should've known that some sort of test for strength would happen. I'll sleep on it.

{ 8 Years ago before the Incident.} Nitsumi Estates.

"Kenji-Kun we're partners again today." Ayumi says with a bit of joy in her voice.

"At least we can learn together." I reply while looking towards the forest.

There really is a lot of woods all around us here but I like the peacefulness of it all. Really does help when you learning everything that you could need in life.

"You ever think the training is too hard?" Ayumi asks with a bit of curiosity behind her voice.