Chapter 13: Tier 2 Mitho Alert

Hours had passed since everyone heard the announcement. I was told with the rest of the squad that this meant we were accepted by the government.

I don't know what that means long term if I'm being honest but I know that I'll use their help until I achieve my goal.

"I'd get ready in all honesty." Taro suggests while crossing his arms.

"Why's that?" I question while looking towards him.

"We should start getting more alerts then usual since it used to be off the books or taken care of faster so people didn't know. It's gotten a lot harder lately." Taro responds while leaning back against the wall.

The test for today was basically over and I think they got what they needed out of the results. Now they know who the strongest ones are out of the squad which will determine who goes against what probably.

"Makes sense. At least it means we get action." I say with a bit of confidence in my voice.

I don't have any fear of them so it's better to be confident. I went head to head once but I know there will be a lot stronger ones than the one I fought before.

Everything was then interrupted by a loud siren before hearing a voice that began to speak.

Tier 2 Mitho Alert. Appropriate squads are to head to stations and prepare for the attack.

"Head to the left hand building over there. We'll discuss what the plan is when everyone is there." Katsuro instructs while observing the area.

No one hesitated to make their way over to the building but I wonder how this goes for attacking them.

Aliza was by herself when she first met me so where was her team or squad at during that time? Maybe that's somewhere I can get to at some point in time.

"Told you it wouldn't be long." Taro says with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah." I respond with a serious tone.

I wouldn't mind getting to a point where I'm all by myself fighting against them but maybe there's a good reason for it. They could do that for many different reasons but I don't care either way.

Getting the opportunity to do that would save me the pain from working with people.

{Inside the building.} Not long after the announcement was made.

More than our squad was in this building but that made a lot of sense since we were going to be working together. Everyone plays a part in dealing with the Mitho one way or another.

"Everyone is aware of the alert. Let's deal with the issue. I'm not always going to be around to announce this, it will fall to your squad captains." The General says while looking across the room.

She stood up on a stage before us while we all watched and listened for what would be said next.

Some dumb questions are asked between comrades around me but I don't get the point in asking around us. The ones who would be worth asking are the captains or generals if you were to ask anything.

"Everyone get to work. The General is done." A man says through the microphone.

A man with a big gruff beard, bigger build, slicked back brown hair, and wearing a nice suit. He must be another high ranking person below the general.

The whole room listened to him without any hesitation too which meant he really was someone important. I just don't know a thing about anyone here.

"Hey you're the dummy from before." A familiar voice whispers to me from behind.

It's who I think it is right?

"Aliza?" I question while keeping my voice down.

The room was all clearing out while I began to talk with Aliza. I probably won't have very much time to talk since everything is happening.

"Yep it's me. I heard you placed pretty damn good. Mr S rank." Aliza responds with a playful tone in her voice.

She wasn't as annoying but I definitely have to get used to talking with people a bit more.

"I did. I'm surprised about my rank." I say with a bit of a laid back tone in my voice.

The rank doesn't make a whole lot of sense but does at the same time. I've got a good understanding because of the goddess but I'm not sure what it would be without the power.

It also doesn't like to show up very often for me so how the hell am I supposed to use this thing? Yeah it came before when I really tried to use it but will that happen every time.

"Makes sense after what I witnessed with your fight against the Mitho. The tier 2 at the school could've been worse." Aliza mentions while beginning to walk.

"I guess it really could've been worse." I respond while walking along with her towards the exit.

Almost everyone was out of the building by the time we reached the door but no one was saying anything about rushing out. I even noticed some looks of fear as people noticed Aliza.

She must be pretty powerful too since people are scared of her as well.

"I wish you luck." Aliza wishes before walking past me.

Within moments she was gone and I was by myself. I needed to head over to where the rest of the squad was since it was time to get some action.

I've only been here a few days yet I'm already ready for some fighting.

"For a second I thought you got scared off." Katsuro speaks up as he appears next to me.

If I wasn't used to Mina doing that I'd be spooked but I'm also not easily scared by shit like that.

"Nah, I'm ready to take care of some Mitho." I say with a bit of confidence in my voice.

I won't hesitate to kill these things since they don't hesitate to kill people themselves.

"Well let's get to it then." Katsuro says as he crosses his arms. An excited expression was on his face too.

Guess he's been waiting for some action too.