Chapter - 15

The relief doesn't stop. A sweet throbbing sensation envelops and tingles my entire body.

It's not warm──it's hot.

Yohei's body heat from being separated from the fire has become a raging flame, burning his skin.

The corners of his mouth curl as he tries to stifle a rumbling laugh.

It's impossible to squeeze out the volume.

If I let out a sound, it will reach Yohei's room next door.

So in desperation, I stifle my emotions just before they turn into sound.

I control my overflowing happiness by using it as a bulwark.

I close my eyes and think again.

It's my first time, so it's not like I'm not nervous about whether or not I'll be able to pull it off.

But once I put Yohei in front of me, all my hesitations, including my own, flew away.

Yohei makes me nervous year after year..., so when I saw him handcuffed and unable to resist, I couldn't take it anymore.

It's not fair to hit them while they're sleeping, I thought, so up until now I'd limited myself to chewing on their cheeks and lips, but I'd been pushed to the edge of a precipice earlier, leaving zero room for conscience.

At first, Yohei didn't like it and gave me a blank stare, but he did it six times, so I guess it's called posthumous consent.

I still think it was wrong to force him to do it. But I don't regret it one bit.

If it doesn't cry, you have to twist its muzzle open to make it cry.

Even so, I feel very mild when I think of Yohei's guts inside my still faintly sore stomach.

Ahhhh. Now I can shoot a nearby stray cat while laughing!

Woohoo, but I won't, because I love cats.

I'm not on birth control, of course, so my chances of fertilization are pretty good.

It's a good time to get it done.

I need to get the tests done, and I need to get the baby supplies.

I'm also thinking about a name.

Yoichi, since it's Yohei's child. Then Yoji, then Yosan, Yoyon, Yogo, Yoroku, Yonana, Yohachi, Yokyu, Yoju, Yojuichi, Yojuni, Yojusan, Yojyon, Yojugo, Yojiroku, Yojunana (...interrupted...) Yojyon, Yojyou, Yojugo, Yojiroku, Yojunana, Yojyouhachi, Yojyu, Yojyuu, Yojyuu, Yojyuuichi, Yojuni, Yojusan, Yojyon, Yojyou, Yojugo, Yojyouroku...

What would a girl do?


Fufu, ahahahahahahaha, fufuha. fufufuahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


Ah, Grandma, it's been a while, since the funeral. How are you?

What? Let's have some tea and talk?

Mmm-, but coffee, not cob tea, if you can help it.

I like it black and hot as hell.

Aha, hahaha, hoo-hoo-hoo.

Yohei likes it even better. Ahhhhh.


No, no, no. All the screws in my head are out of place.

I was going to have tea with my father's grandmother on the other side of the river.

The screws must be tightened. They tell you to tighten your helmet strap after you win.

I use my "eyes" to see Yohei's room.

He's talking to someone on his cell phone.

Who could it be? Aside from his family and me, only a few boyfriends have his number.

I've checked it before while he was away, but there was nothing unusual.

So it's safe to say that... Yohei doesn't like to talk on the phone, and I have no idea who his friends are who call him at this time of night.

Maya Araki──The name immediately popped into his head.

Even with his guard up, he can't stop her from leaking Yohei's number through a third party.

It was not inconceivable that she would use some kind of connection to call his cell phone.

An unfounded fear. But he can't deny it either.

To confirm, you take your eyes off of Yohei and switch your focus to the underclassman.

There was ....

About two kilometers from here.

He's in what I assume is his room, holding his cell phone to his ear.

I read the moving lips── "...I'll be waiting for you, ...Senpai." (Blinking), "Yes, yes," (Nodding), "Okay."

Quickly return your eyes to Yohei.

He's also ending the call and closing his phone.

I didn't want to be optimistic that it was a coincidence.

It was most likely Araki Maya that Yohei was talking about.

A wave of excitement washed over me, and it washed out like a tide.

Instead, I am filled with a hatred that burns the books.

I can't forget.

I doubt I will.

The worst nightmare of my life that day──

Half-naked men and women, writhing and entwined.

Yohei's slender body, which he had stolen many times before, and the woman's small, thin body, which looked like it could be crushed.

White skin peeking through the gaps of disheveled clothing.

The color of her skin stands out in contrast to Yohei's slightly tanned skin.

The striking whiteness is almost maddening.

Yohei's breathing is ragged. In a world without sound, I feel like I can hear his breath right in my ear.

I can imagine his hot sighs clearly.

Normally, I would feel aroused, but this is different.

Because I know that his breath, his attention, his lust, all of it is directed toward something that has nothing to do with me-a petite girl who is tangled up and crushed.

The blood in my body froze and stopped flowing.


The beautiful face, colored with blond hair and blue eyes, contorted in pain.

A thin scream escapes from its open mouth.

But the expression was not ugly at all.

It was filled with a sensual, abominable beauty that made me tingle somewhere in the back of my head with the joy of overcoming the flesh, nostalgic for the pain I should have suffered first.

Yohei coveting her body, sweating as she stripped off her clothes and appeared as she was born.

He's eagerly cashiering an organ I'd never yet encountered, one he'd never used for anything other than excretion and masturbation.

A desperate figure. A face that clearly doesn't give a millisecond's thought to me, dedicated to savoring my young retardation.

The world was being completed by the two of them. I, a bystander, outside the cage. A bystander, outside the cage.

Stop it.

It's wrong.

I'm the only one who deserves what Yohei did.

Don't let him make you feel better.

Screaming doesn't work. It's too rough to be called a sexual act, too one-sided to be called a sexual act, and it's being carried out endlessly by a boy, a boy who's always had his heart in the right place, against another girl.

I'm just watching it.

It was torture.

Most of all, I was tormenting myself with my own inability to take my eyes off of it.

I don't want to look. I want to turn my eyes away.

I can't stop looking.

And when Yohei's waist movements accelerated, and he made a face like he was moaning while drooling from the corner of his mouth.

Autofocus──The eyes traveled to the depths of their union.

A white liquid erupted from the tip of Yohei's cock.

It overflowed and swirled inside her narrow vagina.

She──She flowed into Araki Maya's womb.

I watched it over and over again.

Again and again and again, the intermittent spurts of semen stirred by herself.

It mixes with blood and transparent ooze, sticking together and turning different colors.

A canon like the inside of a mixer.

In the meantime, every now and then, Yohei's sperm would jump into the womb──

I despaired in my dream that it was too late.

For a while after I woke up, I thought it was really a dream.

I tried to force myself to smile and say, "It was a bad dream."

When I woke up after "snowing" in Yohei's room and found the two of them naked and still having sex like animals, I finally realized it was real.

──Not for the first time. I've had "eyes" work on their own while I was sleeping.

I vomited up my breakfast, which I was in the middle of eating, and collapsed to the floor in a heap with a slurred moan, unable to respond to Daddy and Mommy's frantic "What's wrong!"

"His eyes were glued to the tangle of him and the fire fox.

To be precise, Yohei had pulled his penis out of her mouth and was rubbing it, ejaculating onto her flat chest.

The holiday had turned into hell.

Unable to get up from the bed, I screamed as I watched Yohei, unconcerned by the voice of reason screaming "stop," indulge in his lewd play with Araki Maya without getting tired of it.

Even during the day, food doesn't go down my throat. Even if I drink tea or sports drinks, I vomit them up.

Worried that I had become so weak in just a few hours, my parents tried to take me to the hospital, but I refused because I thought it would be useless.

No matter where I am, my "eyes" nullify distance.

Even being away from home and receiving treatment could not turn my "eyes" away from the ongoing reality of Yohei and the woman's intertwined lives.

I used to think of the Eye as a special ability given to me by God.

A fancy telescope that allows me to see a world that no one else can.

It's not an ability anymore. It's a drug.

No matter how much you think you don't want to look, if you don't look, you'll be driven to a different kind of anxiety.

You become wide-eyed and nervous. "Seeing Yohei" is a part of life for me.

It's not going to change even after she messes with it.

The sensation is similar to an itch.

I know it hurts to scratch it hard, but I build up my nails to kill the itch.

I never stopped spying on Yohei and Maya's dirty sex, even though it hurts as much as it looks.

I'm going to kill them──I'm going to spew blood as Yohei spits out his sperm and she takes it into her mouth, exchanging the kind of smile that only a man and woman whose bodies are completely connected can have.

But she's so weakened, her body is bedridden.

Even if I crawled, I couldn't reach the stairs.

Finding me crawling on the floor after slipping out of bed, my mother picked me up, telling me to "take it easy," and looked down at me as I tried to crawl and sighed.

By the time the energetic doctor arrived, it was nearing evening, and by this time both Yohei and Maya were exhausted and had stopped copulating.

My condition was beginning to improve, but every time I watched them touch and flirt, it felt like my insides were being ripped out.

I didn't feel alive, and I sincerely thought I had fallen into some kind of hell somewhere.

I couldn't even eat dinner satisfactorily.

I defecated in a diaper, but I couldn't afford to feel ashamed of it.

Night. I dream again and see my neighbors.

I opened my eyes with a wave of dizziness and screamed, but my screams were dry.

Morning came with no energy to break in with a kitchen knife, no energy to kill myself.

School was canceled, of course. I flopped down on my bed, closed my eyes, and thought.

Am I okay?

Is this okay?

Is it okay if it's going to end like this?

Silence and nominal. I waited for an answer to my inner question.

No matter how long she waited, the thoughts of despair did not rise.

I hadn't given up yet, as I gave in to the exhaustion that made it difficult to raise my eyelids.

Taking advantage of my parents' absence, I slipped out of bed and scuttled like a sweet potato beetle to the kitchen.

I grabbed a plastic bottle of sports drink from the fridge, let it sit until it was full, and then drank it.

I threw up. I didn't care, I drank it. I threw up again. I drank it anyway.

I thought I was going to lose.

The little bit of energy that clung to me like moss somehow made it possible to consume calories.

I didn't care if I got the floor dirty, I just picked up whatever I thought I could eat anyway and gobbled it up or drank it.

To lose.

Even if it's late to use my hands, I don't give up──!

When I woke up, I was no longer feeling tired.

My hatred had overcome my shock.

I had been weakened in just a few hours and revived in less than that.

I felt like I had truly returned from the netherworld.

I stood up, cleaned up my mess, and headed for the bathroom, as if the whole thing had been a lie.

I took a shower and washed off a day's worth of sweat in hot water.

No amount of washing could wash away the hatred.

The grudge against the fire fox was boiling in my chest, hotter than the water.