Chapter 11: Forgone Conclusion

The match started and "Wind" was completely dominated by his opponent, Uza. Every one of his attacks were perfectly countered and all of Uza's attacks landed perfectly.

"Ohho, it's not looking good for "Wind" in this match." "Earth" said.

"It's disingenuous to even entertain the idea of "Wind" losing." "War" said to "Earth"

A large gust of wind filled the arena, and after the dust cleared it revealed the two competitors hadn't moved from the spot they were in before the match started.

"What do you think that was "Earth"? Some kind of mass hypnosis?" "War" asked.

"Possibly. Though I believe the more likely answer is that it was a type of illusion." "Earth" said.

"Ah I see. That makes sense." "War" replied.

"Oh no, I was hoping that I could trick you in to losing. I prefer to not get my hands dirty, but I suppose I was underestimating how difficult it would be to defeat you." Uza said.

"Be quiet. You're talking nonsense. You discussing defeating me is the same as a frog saying that it'll touch the moon. It's not a conversation worth entertaining." "Wind" said.

"Oh you're a lot more emotional than I thought. Be careful though that overconfidence could get you hurt!" Uza shouted as he pulled out a large knife and Slashed at "Wind".

"Wind" threw a gust of wind that blew away the attack, revealing that it was just another illusion. At the same time the illusion disappeared, Uza's real body appeared on the other side of "Wind" and slashed again but it was blocked by a wall of wind.

"It's pointless, real or illusion my wind will blow it all way." "Wind" said.

"That's fine the show hasn't even started yet, so don't get ahead of yourself." Uza replied.

Uza attacked again this time with illusions sent all around "Wind".

"I can tell that they're all illusions. Does he really think he can fool me with techniques of that level?" "Wind" thought to himself.

Illusions of attacks rushed harmlessly towards "Wind", he ignored all of them. The final attack was an illusion as well so he continued to ignore it and search for Uza. When the ilusion was about to make contact "Wind" rushed to block it and barely made it in time.

"What was that Mr. Cool? Going out of your way to block an illusion." Uza said.

"What just happened? That attack just now was definitely an illusion, but it became a real attack at the last second." "Wind" thought.

Uza's ability is Illusion Trick, it allows him to create illusions of Whatever he wants, but there is one more part to his ability. Once he creates an illusion he can switch places with his illusions at will.

"It doesn't matter what tricks you pull it's all pointless against me." "Wind" said.


"Wind" surrounded himself with violently rotating winds, guaranteeing that Uza would be hit by his attack if he came within range.

"This is perfect. Everything is going exactly according to plan." Uza thought. "With a defense that tight he'd never expect it'd sneak right in and cut his throat."

Uza put his plan into place. He sent out illusions all over to distract "Wind", then placed an illusion behind him and instantly switched places with it giving him the perfect opportunity to strike.

However it was "Wind's" attack that landed sending Uza flying and leaving him badly injured.

"What was that?" Uza asked.

"You should have been wide open! How did you get me?"

"It's simple I knew you would try to attack me but I couldn't tell when or from where. Therefore, I simply launched my attack at myself." "Wind" said.

"That's preposterous, if you did that you should be injured too." Uza said.

"No, THAT is preposterous. As if I could get injured from an attack of that level." "Wind" said.

"This Is ridiculous, my best laid plans didn't even phase him. Was my defeat a forgone conclusion from the start?" Uza thought to himself."

"Now I'll finish this." "Wind" said.


A wind blade crashed downward on Uza's head separating it from the rest of his body.

"And That's it folks the winner is

"WIND"!!!!!" The announcer woman said.

"That guy never had a chance of beating "Wind" but still he was a trickier opponent than l'd thought." "War" said.

"Yes he did have an interesting ability." "Earth" replied. "I suppose you're up next sir. Good luck captain."

"Yeah I'm fired up after seeing all these strong guys with cool abilities. I hope my guy is as strong as the rest of them." "War" said with child like excitement.

"Your opponent should be the strongest out of all of them."

"Wind" said as he entered the room. "Don't you remember our briefing on the way here? Your opponent is O'tyus Wallenstrunck the vicious criminal feared throughout the galaxy."

"Nope, doesn't ring a bell. But hey great fight out there man impressive as always." "War" said while giving "Wind" double high fives.

"You don't gotta worry about me I'm definitely gonna win!" "War" said enthusiastically, while sticking his fist out towards "Wind".

"Hmph, who said I was worried." "Wind" said, while returning the fist bump.

"You know you're awfully carefree for a man who has al our lives on his shoulders. Though I doubt anyone is worried about you losing." "Wind" said.

As "War" was walking out to the arena "Wind" said, "You probably realize this but there is extra significance to this match. You defeated Chihiro and took his place. It's important that you show not just this planet but the entire universe what you're capable of. Show them that you are the strongest!"

Chapter 11

Forgone conclusion