Chapter 15: Mercenaries’ End

The mercenaries were from a planet called Amazonia, a planet where the roles of men and women are reversed from what is considered common. The men are all weak and submissive while the women are all strong and dominant and rule the planet with an iron fist. However, the gallant women of Amazonia find the weak willed men of their own planet unappealing.

Therefore it is highly common for Amazonians to work as mercenaries so they can travel to other planets to search for a strong husband.

"…And that is why you are going to be my new husband!" Margarita excitedly explained to "War".

"Eh?" Said "War" with a disgruntled look on his face. "Man if I had a nickel for every time something like this happened, I'd only have two nickels but it's still a lot considering they both happened in the past couple days."

"Anyway, why are you even here didn't I tell you girls to go home?" He asked.

"Oh, didn't you hear the good news darling? We've all joined the 7 Elements as auxiliary members." She said.

"Alright I can only take so many bad days in a row "Wind" you're the brains around here fix this." "War" said.

"I don't know captain if this is an order from high command it's not likely to be reversed." "Wind" said. "Look on the bright side, maybe they can be helpful."

"Yeah, and if it was just those two I'd agree with that." "War" said pointing at Tilica and Terica. "The problem is that Margarita girl, she's already on my last nerve."

"Most people would be happy that a beautiful woman wants to marry them." "Wind" said.

"You did say that you were hoping to get married to get Madam Bi out of your hair." "Earth" interjected.

"Yeah well I find this whole thing way too tedious. At least we're finally going home." "War" said.

"Hey you two come over here for a second." He gestured toward Tilica and Terica.

"Weren't there 5 of you? Where's the rest of your team?" "War" asked.

"Yeah but those two said that they never wanted to see you guys again so they got reassigned somewhere else." Terica responded.

"Eh, it's probably for the best. So do you gals have any special skills that would make you useful around here?" "War" asked.

"Well, I'd say I'm a pretty good cook, or at least that's what people say." Tilca said.

"That's good the food around here usually sucks. You can help "Wolf" in the kitchen." He said

"I used to be a part of the Sardori Navy, so I'm familiar with most duties of a sailor." Terica said.

"Alright that's actually pretty good, talk to Ensign Break and he'll assign you your duties. Well it seems like you ladies may be pretty helpful around here, what about your fearless leader does she have any skills that would be useful?" "War" asked.

"Umm, I'm sorry to say but she's… kinda useless for everything except for fighting." Terica said.

"Sounds like you two are a perfect match after all." "Wind" said.

"Shut up, we're nothing alike, anyway it looks like we've finally made it back. Home sweet home." "War" said.

"Alright here's the plan "Wolf", tea, cookies make some. We're going to do a little sparring it's going to be a great time who else is in? I know you're coming "Wind" Eh buddy?" "War" said.

"Sorry I can't I have a prior engagement." "Wind" said.

"Boo, boo, boo." "War" said pouting like a child. "How's about you "Earth"?"

"I'm afraid I can't, I have a date with my wife. It's our anniversary." "Earth" replied.

"Well, congratulations, but still boo. Alright I guess it's just going to be me, "Wolf", "Fire", and "Water"." "War" said.

"Yeah what the heck sounds like fun." "Fire" said.

"I'm not interested." "Water" said.

"Come on, it'll be fun. You'll have an opportunity to punch me in the face." "War" said with the second part of that statement seeming to get him to reluctantly accept his request.

The team returned to base and saw that there was a beautiful woman in an elegant black dress standing in the doorway of the headquarters. This woman was Doka, the wife of "Earth".

"I see you finally made it back. I'm sure you've forgotten but today is our anniversary if we don't leave now we'll miss the reservation that I made." She said in a rushed and aggravated tone.

"Now, now, who says that I have forgotten?" "Earth" said while pulling out an outrageously large bouquet of flowers that looked normal sized compared to his massive body.

"And I wouldn't worry about the reservations, I called ahead and rented out the entire restaurant for the rest of the night." He continued, "I even got "Wind" to watch the kids for us."

"Aw, honey you're the best!" Doka said while running into his arms. Her rapid switch from confrontational to cuddly led "War" to believe that "Earth" had his hands full, but he turned his attention to what he considered a more pressing matter.

"So you can't spar with us because you're babysitting? Why don't you just bring the little rascals with you?" "War" asked.

"No, you're not taking my little girls to go watch fighting. I don't want them around that stuff. Doka said sternly.

"Aww, mama please can we go?" Three little girls seemed to say in unison. From behind the door appeared three identical young girls. "We promise we'll behave." The girl in the front said.

"It's not about that, I just don't like violence and I don't want you girls to see those kind of things." Doka said definitively. The girls spoke up in protest but surrendered when "Earth" said that their decision was final.

"Man, this sucks, it would have been way more fun if "Wind" came too." "War" said as the four of them made their way to the training room.

"What are we not good enough for you?" "Fire" inquired.

"Nah, that's not it, it's just "Wind" is way stronger than you guys, so he's way more fun to spar. You guys are still strong though, so we can still have a good time." "War" said.

"Kinda hard to not take that as an insult, but whatever." "Fire" said mildly annoyed.

The four went on sparring for hours and afterwards they ate a meal prepared by "Wolf" and went their separate ways.

"Hey, did you think that there was something strange about "Wolf"?" "Water" asked "Fire" as the two walked away.

"Yeah he only ever makes sweets for us to eat. Do you think that's how "War" got so strong because he only eats sweets?" "Fire" responded.

"No that's definitely not it. I'm not talking about his cooking, I'm talking about the way he fights. "War" and "Wind" talk about "Wolf's" skills with high praise but he's no match for me, and I'm the weakest member of the 7 Elements." "Water" said.

"Don't sell yourself short, the weakest member of our team is still one of the strongest people in the Empire." "Fire" said encouragingly.

"That's not the point, it's like there was no resistance when we fought him. Not only is h not on our level, he's not even on the level of Amazon Rouge or the Artnosian fighters. My point is that, not only is he not as strong as us, he's just flat out weak. I expected better from the way they talked about him." "Water" said.

"Yeah I guess, but what do you expect? He's "War's" younger brother, of course he'd gas him up like that." "Fire" said dismissively.

"I think "War" is a barbarian and a scoundrel, but I don't think he's someone who would say something he doesn't believe is true." "Water" said.

"Eh, whatever man you're overthinking it." "Fire" said waving of "Water's" concerns.

As the team were enjoying their brief time off, a rebellion was brewing in a galaxy far away. Many lives would be lost in this conflict, and the team the Empire would send would be the 7 Elements.