Chapter 17: The 7-Day Rebellion

"He may be young but he has the makings of a great general. That pressure he gave off during his speech was quite impressive." Toudou said as the army marched forward.

"Yeah I was surprised, I didn't think he had something like that in him." "Fire" remarked.

"So what are our battle plans captain?" "Wind" asked "War".

"Have Margarita's Reserve troops form our rearguard. "Wind" take "Fire" and "Earth", your armies will take positions side by side. My personal army will take place at the front of the formation." "War" replied.

"Sir, it is common tactics to place your core army and HQ at the back to protect it from the enemy." Toudou said.

"I don't need my army to protect me, I'll stand at front to protect my army." "War" said.

Toudou gave an approving nod and all of the soldiers within ear shot had a boost in morale.

"Hey where's "Water" and his army going to go?" "Fire" asked.

"He's going to be in the vanguard today." "War" replied.

"A good choice my lord, Sir "Water" has some of the best shock troops in our army. They can break through the enemy lines and the rest of our forces can hammer them." Toudou said.

"No you misunderstood my intentions. "Water's" army is going to hold them off on his own." "War" said.

"Sir I'm afraid I don't understand. No matter how strong his soldiers are they will eventually get surrounded and crushed if they go in alone." Denjimi said.

"Yeah but that would be true even if we sent all of our troops. They fielded 100 million soldiers and we barely have 200,000. Don't worry I have a plan you all just need to trust me." "War" replied.

"First things first, we need to get some advantageous terrain. Do you think you can help us out with that "Earth"?" He continued.

"Certainly." "Earth" responded. He then put his hands together and created huge earthen ramparts that encompassed their entire army. "In fact I can take it a step further." He continued.


The ground rose creating narrow mountain passes where they could hold the enemy off with their fewer numbers. "Earth" could also control the structure at will to protect the rest of the army.

"Very nice buddy, this is exactly what I need. "Water", take position at the entrance of the labyrinth. Crush every wave of enemies that you encounter when they flee chase after them you'll receive further orders after that." "War" said.

" Yes sir." "Water" said begrudgingly.

The "Water" army clashed with the enemy 100 million strong wave after wave was repulsed by "Water's" soldiers. At sunset the Ichi Army fled in retreat and "Water" pursued them. As he was running the enemy down a message from "War" was delivered to him.

"The Commander requests that you pull back your forces and return to the encampment." The messenger said.

"Hmph, the fool." "Water" said.

"Sir, why didn't you pursue the enemy? Now they will retreat to their city walls and we will have to perform a protracted siege. This situation is not in our favor." Denjimi said.

"It won't be a siege that city is Awa it's the largest city in Ichia. It's has a population of 300 million people. It doesn't have the capacity to hold another 100 million people. Therefore, it's most likely that they will set up camp outside of the city walls and meet us on the field there." "War" explained.

"That may be true my lord but, if we face them in the field there our men will be in range of the artillery on their walls." Toudou said.

"I'm one step ahead of you. I've already given word for our naval vessels to target their artillery. They should have it taken care of by nightfall. You see this is the advantage of air superiority." "War" said.

"I see, but still I don't understand why we didn't just crush them in one fell swoop." Toudou said.

"You don't need to understand you just need to trust me and follow my orders." "War" replied.

"Of course my lord I apologize." Toudou said bowing his head.

"No need for that. I understand that this is an unusual strategy, but I promise that it will lead to the outcome I'm looking for." "War" said. "Tomorrow send out the "Earth" Army to fight as well."

The next day the "Earth" Army joined the battle, and although "Earth" himself could not join the battle himself due to being preoccupied with controlling the labyrinth and his elemental soldiers. The battle unfolded the same as the day before with the Imperial forces getting the better of the fighting and repelling the enemy. Although again "War" refused to run them down to finish them off, therefore neither side took significant casualties.

The third day of battle saw the "Fire" Army take part, and progressed roughly the same as the previous two days. The fourth day again progressed as the previous days, but with the addition of the "Wind" Army. The fifth day was the bloodiest with the introduction of Margarita's 50,000 troops of the Imperial Reserve Army.

She disregarded "War's" orders for a conservative and measured approach. She charged her army in a reckless manner but she still managed to slaughter the enemy in front of her inflicting more casualties in one day than the rest of the previous four days combined. However conversely, her reckless actions caused her to sustain more casualties than the rest of the previous days as well and she had to be saved by her two lieutenants Terica and Tilca.

The sixth day finally saw "War's" Main Army join the battle. His soldiers were the most elite in the army and easily crushed their opponents. As the battle progressed "War" looked over the battlefield with his lieutenants.

"My lord, it appears that the enemy general has joined the front lines to rally his troops who are on the verge of breaking." Toudou said pointing to the ridge line opposite them.

"Hm, I think it's finally time to join the fray boys." "War" said as he charged towards the general. "Can you two open a path for me?"

"Of course!" The two lieutenants said in unison. Toudou rode forward his quick and graceful swordsmanship contrary to his large frame. Denjimi's massive war-hammer crashed through waves of enemies and was a surprising weapon for a man with a slight build such as him.

Eventually their group broke through and engaged the Ichi general's bodyguard. The bodyguards were quickly cut down by "War" who then prepared to fight the general himself.

Mace Form: Howling Crash!!!!

"War" raised his fist over his head and brought it down on the enemy general's head causing his entire upper body to seemingly evaporate in a red mist.

The Ichi soldiers that were on the verge of breaking were now completely shattered. In a single blow "War" had completely crushed the morale of the enemy and made the most significant impact of the war. As the two armies pulled back as the sun went down the Ichi Army found that tens of millions of their soldiers had deserted after that day's battle.

"A brilliant maneuver Sir "War"!" Toudou shouted triumphantly. "So what preparations should the men make for tomorrow?"

"Don't worry about it. You can even tell the men they can sleep in." "War" said nonchalantly.

"But sir what about the battle?" Denjimi asked.

"Like I said don't worry about the battle, it'll be over by tomorrow morning." "War" said. "And this will be what ends it." He said handing a message to one of his subordinates.

"Who are you messaging?" "Wind" asked.

"This is a message for "Light" and "Darkness" telling them their captain requests their presence as well as their 20,000 troops." "War" explained.

"You know they'll never respond." "Wind" said.

"Yeah but the Ichi don't know that. Hey don't bother encrypting this message by the way." "War" said to the soldiers sending the message.

That night the Ichi Royal Court was convened in the War Hall discussing their dire situation.

"Our men's morale is at rock bottom. Millions have already deserted and who knows how many more will eventually join them. Your majesty, we must do something soon or I fear all hope for victory will be lost." A mustached general said.

"Oh please don't be so dramatic. We still have tens of millions of soldiers compared to their what? 100,000? Less? We still have the advantage." A short bald minister said.

"How many men do we have left?" The Ichi King Guro asked.

"After the desertion we suffered today, we have a little less than 80 million troops."

"But as far as actual casualties, we've only suffered around 500,000. After six days of battle against the vaunted Imperial Army I believe that is a good showing for us." The minister said.

"And how many casualties have the enemy suffered?" King Guro asked.

"Um, only 1,000 Your Majesty."

This disparity in casualties caused rumbles among the court until another message was received.

"Your Majesty! We just intercepted a disturbing message from the Imperial camp!"

"What is it?" The King asked.

"The enemy commander has just sent a request for reinforcements from "Light" and "Darkness", Your Majesty."

"See? They feel overwhelmed by our numbers and request reinforcements!" The minister said.

"Be quiet you fool! This is "Light" and "Darkness" we're talking about. They are considered elites even among the elite 7 Elements. Not to mention that we were already getting beaten badly by the enemies that we are currently facing." The King said.

"So what do you suggest we do? What even can we do?" The general asked.

"I will finally go discuss the offer that the enemy commander gave me on the first day of the battle." The King said standing up from the table.

"What offer? We have not received any offers since before the enemy arrived." The Minister said.

"This entire battle has been their offer." The King said with a defeated sigh.

The King traveled to the Imperial camp in early hours of the morning and met with "War".

"Good morning King of Ichia, what can I do for you?" "War" asked in a pleasant tone sipping a cup of tea.

"You know why I am here I've come to accept your offer." The King said.

"What offer is he talking about?" "Fire" asked.

"It was obvious every day of this battle you showed the superiority of your army but never did you run down and slaughter my men. You just progressively added more men to the fight. Doing so ground my men's morale into nothing. In my estimation the message you were trying to send is that if we surrender you won't butcher my men. Am I right?" The King asked.

"So what is your answer?" "War" asked in return.

In response to "War's" question the King grabbed his crown from off his head and threw it at "War's" feet signifying the end of the battle and the rebellion.

"War's" approach to the battle gained him renown in the region. Not only for his skill as a warrior or his talent as a commander, but for his compassion in not mindlessly slaughtering his opponents. However, his approach to the battle would also have unforeseen consequences.