Chapter 39: The Shadow of War

"War's" Army had taken over 30,000 casualties in the Battle at Zerga, mostly on the right flank. The bulk of his army remained at Zerga to maintain the defensive line.

The next phase of their operation was to push a counter offensive to the seven planets directly north of Zerga. "War's" plan was to split the 7 Elements' by their individual armies and attack each planet simultaneously. As each of their armies had about 10- 20,000 men, they would likely face relatively even numbers in their respective battles. As such it was extremely likely that they would accomplish their tasks without much trouble.

Meanwhile back on Planet Vanda, the King was being informed of the defeat and the subsequent trouble that his armies were currently facing.

"This isn't good, they've completely blunted our momentum, not only that but now they're pushing us back. How many men can we send to the Southern front?" The King asked.

"Sire, I'm afraid that our forces are spread thin as it is. We don't have the men to spare. As you should recall, our main objective is to break through on the eastern front and lay siege to Lakashia. Our armies don't stand a chance in a protracted war against the Empire." His advisor said.

"In that case, send us my lord. If the objective is to stop the Empire's southern counteroffensive with the fewest people possible, then we're the perfect choice." A man said as he entered the throne room.

Kize Millen

Age: 35

Ht: 6'3

Wt: 235

Special Ability???

"Ah, is that you Kize? Yes, I think it's a fine idea to send you. But don't you think taking the entire Royal Guard out to take care of these, I think they were called the 7 Elements, it seems like overkill to me." King Venpa said.

"Perhaps it is sir, but even so it's better get rid of these nuisances quickly so we can get back to our true objective." Kize replied.

"Alright if you say so, I'll leave it in your hands Kize. Just remember to save your strength, remember I selected all of you to defeat the Empire's Royal Guard. I can have you guys wasting too much time and energy on middle tier upstarts." King Venpa said.

"Understood sir."

"Darkness" was tasked with retaking the planet Ofran. "I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when the battles' over. You guys can handle it yourselves right?" "Darkness" asked through yawns.

"Darkness's" troops were fanatically loyal to him and would fight till their last breath for him. "Of course my Lord! Men move out! Win this battle for Lord "Darkness"! Don't let anything disturb his sleep!" The battle unfolded with "Darkness's" soldiers having no problem defeating the Vandals. That was until a new opponent arrived that started cut swathes through his men.

"My Lord! I'm terribly sorry to wake you up early but, the men need you sir!"

"Eh, what could possibly be so important that you had to wake me up?" "Darkness" asked agitated while rubbing his eyes.

Before the soldier could respond he was skewered by a sword.

"I believe that would be me." Said the masked man who had just killed "Darkness's" subordinates.


Age: 24

Ht: 6'5

Wt: 209

Special Ability: Writer's Strike

"And who are you supposed to be any way?" "Darkness" asked.

"Well I don't like to waste my time giving my name to someone I'm about to ki-" the man said before he was interrupted by an attack from "Darkness".

Shadow Wave

"If you're not going to answer my questions, then there's no use keeping you around." "Darkness said.

"My, my, it seems someone gets cranky when you wake him up." The masked man said as he revealed that he had blocked "Darkness's" attack with a shield. The shield that he had used had the word shield written on it. "Darkness" also noticed the sword he had been using had the word sword written on the blade.

The masked man then fired several bullets made from aura, causing "Darkness" to cloak himself in shadows to deflect the attack. The masked man then attacked using various elemental attacks, all of which were either blocked or dodged by "Darkness".

"I'm sure you're quite curious as to what my ability is. I can tell you-" he was once again interrupted by one of "Darkness's" attacks.

"For someone who doesn't want to answer my questions, you sure do talk a lot. As for your ability, don't bother. I'd already figured it out a while ago." "Darkness" said.

"Oh is that so? That's quite impressive." He said.

The masked man's ability was called, Writers Strike. His ability allowed him to create attacks based on the words he wrote. For example. If he wrote the word "sword" a sword would materialize. This ability gave him nearly endless attack options.

"If you already know my ability then you should understand that you're outmatched." He said.

"Darkness" merely shrugged and yawned at his enemy's provocation.

Shadows Embrace

Hands of shadow burst forth from the ground and raced towards the masked man. However, the shadows were dissipated by a bright light. The masked man then confidently brandished a pen.

"Light, destroys the darkness. As long as I can use my ability to destroy your shadows, you can't possibly beat me." He said. "Darkness" continued to attack with the same result each time.

"You know, the brighter the light, the darker the shadows." "Darkness" said.

Shadow Web

The shadows from his dissipated attacks rose through the light, and reflected a shadow in the shape of a web across the masked man's body. The light emanated by his ability failed to break the web.

"Hmph, no matter. I have other ways to break this." The man said. He then wrote "Light+Sword" and a sword of light materialized and he attempted to cut the shadow webs. Though it was to no avail.

"Are you stupid or something? Shadows don't have a tangible form, you can't but them." "Darkness" said.

The masked man then looked down and realized that the shadows were merely reflected on him as they would be on any surface, and though he couldn't remove them they didn't restrict his movement.

"So if these shadows are intangible then what is even the point of this technique?" He thought. However, as he tried to move again he felt the shadow's tighten their grip on him making him unable to move.

"So that's the trick. The shadows are intangible only when you try to break them, otherwise they act as physical bindings. It's a rather effective technique after all." He thought. "There really might not be a way out of this."

Shadow Vector

Several shadow arrows pierced through the man's chest and he fell to the ground and blood began to pool beneath him.

"Ha, I guess I truly underestimated you. You asked who I was earlier. I suppose I should answer you as you are the man who managed to defeat me. My name is-" As the man was about to give his name, "Darkness" crushed him with his shadow hand.

"I never really cared who you were, if you wanted to introduce yourself then you should have done it the first time I asked." "Darkness" said yawning. "Man I'm beat, I'm going back to sleep." With that "Darkness was victorious and the first planet was retaken without much trouble. Unfortunately "Earth" would not have his battle go as smoothly.

His battle would end in tragedy.