(5)meeting the team and…a geeking teenager?

As I went through the portal to the SaS satellite base I see an empty room,the kind they would use at office buildings,and as I looked around I see that it's way more advanced than anything the current era could muster.

Chairs were levitating off the floor like it was being held up by invisible strings,and a holographic symbol was in the center of the tables in this room.

"This place is…incredible! But wait how will this base now be discovered by outside sources?"

Suddenly a voice appeared behind me startling me so bad I almost opened fire,turning towards the noise I meet an unknown woman in a military looking uniform,but her voice…it sounded familiar.

"…Circe?", I asked the unknown person and she smiled as if meeting a long lost friend after a decade.

"Yes John it's me…I managed to make a body based on a movie blueprint…T-800 cyberdine I think."

(Insert terminator meme here)

As I was looking over her body design I am jolted back to the trim as another portal opened up and out walked a woman with a pistol aimed right at me,studying the people in front of her.

"You must be…Ada Wong if I'm not mistaken." I say to her as she looked me over and notices my armor,"that armor looks way more advanced than anything I've ever seen,looks like I'm not hallucinating,but yes…I'm Ada Wong,and you must be John,but who's the person next to you?" She asks as she pointed her pistol at Circe.

"Greetings Ada Wong,my name is Circe,the one who sent you your invitation. I'm a system AI created to help John in this world,and I believe you've read the file I sent based on John amd his past and current life?"

I look at Circe in absolute shock,why did she reveal I'm a transmigrator?! Isn't that supposed to be like some top secret stuff?.

Circe noticing my face turned and gave me her reason,"well John while you were dealing with your bat hunt she requested to read your file,I was about to refuse but Arthur gave me the ok,so I sent her the file via the system and she knows you are a transmigrator."

Just as I was about to ask more questions,Ada chimed in,"well while I did find the file interesting I think we're getting off the objective at hand."

Noticing we've been here for five minutes without starting the meeting at hand I coughed as I gestured Ada to the chair marked with her name and rank.

As she sat down Circe reminded me about the two other invitations,and when Ada heard about the other invitations she spoke up.

"If I may ask,do you even have any idea who you wish to recruit? Or are you picking blind?"

She asks with her arms crossed as I was looking at the new things added to the system itself.

"Hey Circe,please show Ada the files of the current candidates." I say as I look into my new gun,'wow,while this gun doesn't have much pierce,it has a great crowd control ability,I'll use this gun when we meets the leech queen.'

"Certainly John,here are the two best candidates,and as fate would have it they are both in Rockford island."

The hologram in the center lit up as it showed the files of the two recommended candidates.

Ada was looking at the pictures of the two individuals.

"Why are we recruiting a teenager Circe?" Ada asks as she didn't like the idea of child soldiers due to her past.

"I'll explain,the persons name is Steve burnside,an ordinary child who had a great family,a mother and father,he is an only child and was taken by his dad after a divorce was filed,and the father,Matthew burnside an employee of umbrella's research division. But after Matthew got caught stealing company data to sell to competitors,umbrellas took the father and son to Rockford island to be used as test subjects,the father has died but Steve has remained hidden from his captors,and is currently looking for a way off the island." Circe finishes her reading as she shows a recording of Steve hiding from a couple guards looking for him via the vents.

"Next is another soldier, Rodrigo Joan raval, a guard who watches over Steve,but due to Steve's distrust towards Rodrigo,he tries to help Steve and his fellow prisoners by making them do manual labor in order to not become the next group of test subjects,and due to seeing the darkest things he's ever witnessed,he wishes to leave,but will be terminated if he tries to resign,so he's stuck."

"Okay I can understand Rodrigo's reason but why the kid ?" Ada says while holding the bridge of her nose with all the stress building.

"The answer is simple,survival and revenge" Circe says like it was the easiest thing in the world,but since she's the most powerful AI to ever grace the planet,that might actually be the case.

Before Ada or I could say anything else Circe spoke up on the invitation process.

"Well John it seems they both accepted the invitation,now opening a portal to us."

Circe says as a portal opened next to the table and two people walked through it.

One was a tired looking soldier who looks like he has seems better days,but he was looking over the room they were all in, showing a hint of great intelligence for someone of his occupation.

"So this is all real,and here I was thinking the Veronica virus was leaked to the guards and prisoners." He said calmly as he sees Ada and myself and takes a seat at the table next to Ada.

Steve on the other hand…looked like Peter Parker when he met Tony stark.

(Yes marvel movies will exist in this world)

"This place is so cool!!!" Steve said as he was taking all of the surroundings in, being a huge sci-fi fan ever since he was a kid this situation felt like heaven to him.

His geeking out stopped as I coughed bringing his attention back to the other people in the room,and with a blush and apology sat next to Rodrigo.

"So since everyone has gathered allow me to formally introduce myself, my name is John wick and I am the leader for the SaS mobile strike force." I say to everyone besides Ada who read my files and was given clearance just below myself.

"So is it true you are a transmigrator?!!" Steve says while I nod my head in confirmation making him almost geek out again,but Rodrigo cut into the conversation.

"So why did you choose us in particular,Steve and I can't exactly leave where we both are at,so unless we can fake our deaths,we are stuck." Rodrigo say with Steve nodding while looking at me.

Circe answered Rodrigo as I was bringing some drinks in the room to everyone else.

"Well I can hack the umbrella registry and change both your statuses to deceased,but you will need new ids with different names after all is said and done,after that I'll teleport you both to a warehouse near the arklay mountains in raccoon city,John here is in the arklay mountains doing a mission,and soon afte he kills the queen leech,you all will gain access to the full satellite base,any other questions?

Steve raised his hand and I nodded at him prompting him to speak,"yeah I got one for our leader,why choose us as members instead of more seasoned soldiers?"

I sighed knowing this question would come up eventually,but I didn't think it would be asked so soon.

So I looked at Steve and Rodrigo and spoke up." To save you both from your future fate."


Hey all author here,so I know I left you on a cliff hanger but it's getting late and even a writer needs sleep,so I'm going to finish the answer John gives next chapter,and after that they will get their classes.

Also I added an auxiliary chapter I wish for you the viewers to read as it explains the leveling system and the requirements to level up.

And that's everything,you all are the best viewers ever,peace😁✌️