(7) here come the water works and…Lisa Trevor?!!

Hey guys author here,so in this chapter I'm going to give Lisa Trevor a chance to regain her humanity,but decided to let you the viewers decide on if I should.

(Seriously I've been delayed posting due to me wanting to give Lisa a different ending,so I'll leave it with the viewers)



I'll do the winner.

Now onto the chapter!!!😁✌️


As I walked out the portal time began to move again,and I see Billy and Rebecca start moving again and they see me stop moving and looking at them .

"Hey John what's up?" Billy asks me as I looked at them realizing I was being weird,and I shook my head before saying I was fine.

"Hey Rebecca is there a pathway to the waterworks? The client said that Marcus's lab is in the waterworks,so we can find out leech queen there."

Rebecca realizing what I was thinking took the map out of her pocket,and as she looked through it I gave Billy some cartridges for his weapons,and as he was finished reloading his gear Rebecca walked towards them.

"Ok I fount a way down. we need to go find an elevator in the research lab we need to go down to the second floor study."

Now knowing our next destination we started walking,'well I'm glad we are making great progress,and it seems we won't have any trouble anytime soon.' I thought.

But soon everyone heard the heavy thuds of something walking towards us and we hear pained groaning coming east of where we were at.

And I was the first to see it.

"Lisa Trevor?!!" I yelled making Billy and Rebecca look at me in confusion,and as they turned to look at where I was glancing at they saw a mangled mess of a person,elongated limbs with shackles placed on its wrists,shambling towards us.


[secret quest found!]

[reveal the truth of where her mother is buried early]

[desc: due to your fight with the bats Lisa Trevor who was in the forest at the time heard the noise and came to your location,she is neutral at the moment,but she will attack you if you provoke her,but due to her wishing to find her mothers remains,she is capable of being talked to.]

[Main objective:reveal the location of her mother and give the tortured soul closure.]


'Circe can you make me a copy of the diary Lisa Trevor's father had?!'

[I can do that John but it will cost you one hundred thousand SaS dollars,two hundred thousand of you wanted me to give her directions to where her mother is buried]

'Done' and suddenly I see the two items I requested in my inventory,I gesture Billy and Rebecca not to engage.

"This will either be very stupid or will help us not have to fight her,but please run if I get attacked,don't fight her."

The two hesitated but reluctantly nodded as I walked towards Lisa.

She was the first to notice me,but she sensed no hostility from me." Are you by chance Lisa Trevor?" I asked,only getting what I assumed was a grunt confirming it was her.

"I know where your mother is buried,you will find directions to her remains in this book I fount,as well as the diary from who I assume is your father." I say to Lisa as I place the items on the ground twenty yards away from where she was and walked back a couple of steps.

"Mmmmmoooootheeeeerrrr…" I hear Lisa say as she shambled over to the diary and the directions to her mother's burial site.

As she picked up the items I could feel her gaze on me ,but it didn't feel hostile,but felt like…she was happy?

"…thaaaank…yoooooouuu." I hear her say,as she turned around and shambled back into the forest turning around to look at me one last time.

'Hold on why didn't I get a ding for completing the quest?' I thought to myself but decided it's probably already finished as I walk back to Billy and Rebecca who looked at me with shock on their faces.

"Wait how?… how did that work?" Rebecca says to me while Billy was shaking off his shock and was nodding at at Rebecca's question.

"There was a family that disappeared in these mountains,they were the Trevor family,it was said that the husband of the family created a mansion in the arklay mountains,and they never made it back."

I continued on with the explanation while Rebecca listened."it was also said by my client that the wife and daughter were used as experiments where the mother…she didn't survive,but the daughter, a young Lisa Trevor survived and mutated,becoming a nigh unkillable monster,they also disguised people to be lookalikes to trick Lisa but they all failed,hence why she had a mask of faces,but I hope with this,she can finally be put to rest."

When I looked back at Rebecca she had tears rolling down her face in reaction to the fate of the Trevor family.

Billy who was silent at the time spoke at us,"well it seems like we're at the elevator,keep your guns aimed and ready for fire." He says which got a nod at the still saddened Rebecca and a thumbs up from me.

As we got in the elevator I figured I should let Rebecca know of Billy's past.

"Hey Billy,I wanted to ask,how did you get arrested? You seem like a nice guy."

Billy looked at me with Rebecca who also wanted to know, and with a deep sigh he looked at us.

"It all started when we got a lead in Africa about an enemy force's base,but as we got their we realized we got misinformed,but my commanding offer told us to fire away at the villagers,but I refused and he knocked me out. They used me as a scape goat,and now I'm supposed to be dead"

Rebecca hearing this wondered why he didn't speak up about his innocence but I replied to Billy's story,making sound like I solved a puzzle.

"It seems like umbrella has its people in all branches including military,so it could be possible that they saw you as a new test subject due to not firing at those villagers."

Rebecca gasped at this thought,how could a multinational company like umbrella do this to people,sadly she needed to know the ugly truth.


We made it to the bottom and we saw a bunch of leech men waiting for us,using my contagion I mowed down the leeches as Billy and Rebecca used Molotovs and the flamethrower to burn our heat sensitive enemies.

But as we killed them all off they all merged to become a much bigger leech person,and it was hellbent on attacking me for some reason.

So I grabbed a cryo grenade and when it exploded Billy and Rebecca shivered at the sudden cold that surrounded us.

When the fog caused by the grenade dissipated we see the giant leech monster had turned into a solid construct of ice.

I shot at it and the creature shattered into millions of pieces,but as I did I realized I felt stronger than last time.

'Hey Circe,did I happen to gain any levels by chance?'

[actually yes John,you went from level 6 to level 11,gaining 15 skill points,would you like to use them now?]

'Yeah put three on hold the line,medkit and gun mod expert,and with the remaining 6 put two points in health regen on each class.'

[it has been done,now you will need twenty thousand xp to level up now]

'Well then looks like I'll need to mow them down quickly,shouldn't I?' I think to myself as Billy and Rebecca were moving forward.

And as we go deeper in,I soon realized we were heading for a mini boss battle with a proto tyrant.

And as soon as I realized we all hear its growl,as it walked out of the shadows and we see it's clawed finger as it looks at us ready to tear us to shreds.

'Well at least it can't get any worse'

[you just gave yourself a couple red flags there john]

I hear Circe say this as two more of the proto tyrants appeared behind the first one.

"Well fuck me."


(Meanwhile at the SaS corp hq)

"Captain bane are you seeing this?" Says one shadowed figure as they all saw what was happening in real time,the five people before captain bane,who were known as the O5 council glanced towards bane.

He pulled the cigar away and blew the smoke out of his lungs."yes epsilon,it looks like the very first variant that soon evolved into the necrosis zombies that we have such a hard time killing."

"Well captain bane you best hope that these new recruits are capable of killing the fist of the necrosis zombies." And soon the O5 council logged off their screens leaving only bane present.

"Well kid…I hope you don't become broken,may you get back safe."

(So yeah I'm making the tyrants of the games the ancestors of the SaS bosses,hope that's a good enough twist for you all)