(14) while the Catholics crusade,the Nazis have invade

"Hey Rodrigo! Do you think you can place some turrets on the car?!"

I yell at Rodrigo who was at the wheel using his experience as a mercenary and soldier to outmaneuver our vampiric adversaries.

"I think I know what you're trying to do,but I can't,too busy not crashing!!" I hear him yell back as integra fires contagion at a slew of vampires,melting them into puddles.

Now fun fact as we were fighting these zombies,I discovered we can mentally command our skills to activate,and that was a lifesaver.

"While I hate to interrupt your conversation,we're getting surrounded!" I hear integra say as she fires more rounds into another vampire.

"Hold on,I'm gonna look around!" I say as I open the sun roof the car had built in,I keep looking around and I see a familiar face on top of a building,bayonets at the ready.

"Rodrigo take a right!!" I yell to Rodrigo who takes a right we meets a bunch of iscariot members.

Soon flashes of metallic light gleamed past us as all the vampires chasing us were pierced by a metric fuckton of bayonets.

"Holy shit man,where the hell do you keep those things!" I yell at the man who jumped down the building.

"And who might you be?" The man asks as integra and Rodrigo,now out of the car aim their guns at the man.

Being a devout catholic in my past life,I knew that they wouldn't let us pass unscathed,especially that man,so I lay the only scripture I remembered.

"Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love. First John chapter four,verse eight,my name is Johnathan wick,and you are?" I say holding my hand out for a handshake.

The man heard the verse he smiled and shook my hand." Father Anderson,the paladin of the iscariot organization,so tell me why is a man of god here with the Protestant beside you?"he says pointing at integra.

"I'm a woman!" I hear her say not liking the fact she was called a Protestant,she was a member of the angelican church.

"Well father,she hired Rodrigo and myself to help deal with vampires who turned their backs on god,alucard is safe considering he's my coworker," I say to Anderson.

"So how long have you been catholic son?"

"About 15 years,but I try to help those I can."

We stare at each other as he judges my character as a person,I can see him reaching for his bayonets to skewer me if he deems me a heathen.

Deciding to change the subject before another fight begins I speak about a new subject.

"So father Anderson,we're you sent here to protect sir integra?" I ask which made him stop reaching for his weapons.

"Aye,we were ordered by the church to grant her safe passage."

"So while the nazis are invading…tha Catholics are crusading?"

"You're quite sharp lad,yes this is a crusade,but there is someone I wish to take a stab at."

"Alucard you mean?"

Alright enough chattering you two!" I hear integra say pulling out a cigar and puffing on it.

Anderson understood that we were wasting time,"follow us you three,its time to continue our crusade through the city!"

As we were marching through the city I see a bunch of helicopters in the air with some KKK looking motherfuckers.

"We're you expecting company Anderson?l I say pointing up at the sky.

"Ah Christ!! Enrico has gone mad with power." I hear Anderson mutter as we see a whole army of KK- I mean church factions marching with the man himself in a pope box.

And I watch as I see the nazis and the church people gather around.

And it was at this time I hear integra speak.

"You know Anderson,you could file a complaint." I hear integra say to Anderson,and he did not like it.


"You can nail it to his door"

"Don't you fucking dare!"

"Like a Protestant!"

Sudden we see a bunch of guns aimed at us with some unholy intent,but in the distance I hear the whistling of something falling at great speeds.

*boom* *rumble*

There was screaming from the people hit by the shockwave.

And as the dust settles,I see seras,but her arm was missing,but there was a kind of shadow looking claw replacing where the arm should be.

"Seras report…and explain." I hear integra say as she blows smoke out of her mouth.

"Sir base is secure,everybody's dead,ate pip,became full fledged vampire."

I look at seras and true to what she said her eyes were red.

"And you're going to die a full fledged vampire,and your blood sugar daddy won't be here to stop it!"

"Did someone say daddy?" We all hear an ethereal voice but then we hear…music?

And in the distance I see a ruined warship break through London bridge,and I see the man himself looking at me smiling.

Alucard has made his return.


Now I know I'm basically rushing this mission arc,but its hard writing this mission put considering that the main threats are vampires,so I'm probably going to have to end this mission in 2-3 chapters.

I know that sucks,but it is what it is.

But thank you those who enjoy these chapters and I hope you all have or had a great day,peace😁✌️