(17) going the SaS corp hq

"Alright boys were here,John take our new coworker to the meeting room,I'll park."

Billy and I got out of the car as she goes to park at the lot right next to our base,before getting out and joining us.

As I open the door I see Steve waiting for us as he walks happily towards us,but when he sees Billy he looks at me.

"New coworker." I say to him getting an ahh from him before he reports something to me.

"Oh yeah there was a request from headquarters to meet them in our meeting room,should he come with us?" He asks pointing to Billy.

"Yeah let's bring him along,he'll need to understand what we do besides journalism."I say cryptically raising an eyebrow from both Ada and Billy respectively.

"Alright Circe,begin the teleportation!" I say to the room,making everyone look at me like I lost it.

[understood John,beginning teleportation to space station.] said Circe from within the room,making everyone but Billy and myself to jump.

Soon a light enveloped all of as and then things went to black.


(Inside the SaS space station)

"Welcome back John,captain bane is waiting for you in the meeting room."

We all open our eyes and hear Circe welcoming us at what I assume is the main lobby of the station.

As everyone was looking around in awe only one of them was panicking.

"What the hell just happened,where the hell are we John?!" I hear Billy say as he gets more and more freaked out ,prompting Ada to slap him across the face.

"Better now?" Ada asks Billy who was rubbing his cheek before replying,"yeah,a bit better,but where is this?" He asks as Circe chimes in.

"To receive your answers Mr.coenn,please follow me and everyone else to the meeting room." She says before turning around and started moving,prompting all of us to follow.

As we follow Circe deeper into the station we notice various things.

There was not only living quarters,but even a gym,a mess hall,they even had a 3d combat simulation room.

But before I could ask Circe what else was in this station we make it to our destination.

As I open the door I see an older man sitting in one of the chairs smoking a cigar,mulling over various documents before looking at us.

"It seems there are two of you unaccounted for." Captain bane says before getting up.

"Seras is on her way,and as for Rodrigo I sent him on a mission to observe a possible recruit,captain bane if I'm not mistaken?" I say holding my hand out for a handshake.

Captain bane looks at me before grabbing my hand,"you're correct Johnathan,I as well as the 05 council were watching your mission live and were impressed by how well you did killing those zombies and their variants." He says before looking at Billy.

"And who might this be? He isn't registered in our database." Captain bane asks me as I explain he was a former soldier who was framed for a crimson he didn't commit,so after declaring he was dead,i invited him to join us.

As captain bane was hearing Billy's backstory he looked at him,"well Billy,do you still want to join our ranks? I warning you now,you'll be put through some pretty brutal training." He says as Billy just nods his head.

"If I may captain bane sir,what exactly is this place,I thought John was just a freelance journalist?" He asks,prompting captain bane to take his cigar out his mouth.

"We're a mercenary organization that deals is zombie killing,as that robot Circe told me,you all are way before our time,about 2000 year at that,but a long Time in the future a virus wipes out three fourths of the human population." Captain bane begins to say before I stop him.

"It's okay sir,I'll have Circe compile the SaS corp history into a file for him to view at his leisure,but I'm guessing you aren't here just to visit now are you?" I say making captain bane get a bit more serious.

"Yeah,we got a visit from that Arthur guy,he made a portal so the SaS corp can freely enter and leave your station,so the 05 council wants you to come with me to hq,we need to give you the various injections we give to each soldier,and while you did do flawlessly in that mansion,we still need to give you the nano machines to help your body be more robust and adaptable." He says before prompting us to follow him.

As everyone follows bane to the portal in the lobby I see some unknown individuals guarding the portal,and when they saw captain bane and myself they give a salute.

"Uh captain bane,who are these people?" I ask him.

"Well the 05 council ordered me to have soldiers guard both sides of the portal,so I gave the order for various squads to take shifts guarding it." He says as we walk thrrough the portal and find ourselves in a much bigger lobby where soldiers and various other jobs were coming and going.

"Now while your squad and your new recruit go get their injections,I need you to follow me mr.wick." Bane says as he orders a soldier to lead the others to the injection room near the med bay.

"Uh sure,but why am I not going with the others?" I ask him as he turns to me with a smile.

"The 05 council wish to meet you in person,so they rescheduled your injections for another day."


Well folks I hope you enjoy this new installment,apologies since it's a smaller chapter,but I tried my best.

Now I can't remember the lore behind the injections,but if memory serves the soldiers get nano machines injected into them as a way to not only strengthen their bodies,but make them adapt to various environments,to the point they don't get infected by enemies that hurt or infect you using spores.

But since it's late,I'll let you give suggestions to various worlds for future missions,but they have to either deal in zombies or monsters.

And with that I'm out,peace😁✌️