(18) explaining umbrella origins to the 05 council

I followed captain bane asking the corridor,as I see various men and women stop and give a salute or greeting,making me wonder how high up the man was.

"So you know,ever since that Arthur person visited us,we've been having live feed of your battles with these zombies,and personally I'm impressed by how well you did taking them down."

Captain bane,who was apparently quite high up the chain of command,couldn't help but praise the new guy,making John feel happy but apprehensive on the idea of Arthur visiting.

Suddenly bane stops in front of a door with various locks on them,from a retina scanner to a device that uses blood for identification.

"Is the 05 council the equivalent to presidents?" I ask as bane finished the final identification.

"In your world they would be like the pope,royalty and president combined,very very important,so having someone like you visit them face to face is quite an honor and an unprecedented occurrence." He says before the door opens completely as I see two chairs in front of five podiums,each holding a number,and in each seat there is a person.

"Captain bane,is that the newcomer from another universe?" The man at podium 01 asks as the others look right at me,sizing me up.

"That he is,he is Johnathan wick." Bane says before saluting and taking a seat,l as I follow his example.

The room was silent for a few seconds before 02 spoke up about my prowess they saw.

"You were not only able to hold your own with no formal training,but you also managed to destroy the lab these zombies were made,but we are all curious,who made this virus you spoke of in the live feed?"

I took a deep breath and letting it out,I knew they would ask me about umbrella,but right when I was about to begin,I got a video message from rodrigo.

"Looks like I don't need to explain much,rodrigo gave me a video message as well as a bunch of data,Look towards the board." I say pointing to the message board behind me,catching everyone's attention.

"Hey Circe could you patch it through?" I ask via my ear piece.

[im patching things through as we speak,there.]

Soon the black message board lit up showing live feed of the Spencer mansion,a bunch of people were running to the front door as zombified dogs were running after their prey,and as they jump at Chris,Albert shot it dead and they head inside.

"As you can see there is another mansion similar to the Marcus mansion,and that man in the shades is the traitor to that group,hence why I told Rodrigo to protect Rebecca chambers and the others."

The 05 council were watching the live feed zeroing in on Albert wesker.

"Albert is a high ranking member of the umbrella company,a pharmaceutical company who use medicine as a front,in reality they make bio weapons to sell." I say as the council turned their attention to me.

Soon 01 spoke up for the others,"why hasn't anyone reported what they are doing?"

"Well sir,umbrella has bought off most of raccoon city as well as other areas where their research labs are in,if anyone attempts to do so they will eliminate them by either assassination or capture and used as test subjects,which brings me to one of the victims,Steve burnside's father." I say as I show a family photo of Steve and his dad.

"But before I continue on that subject,I'll explain how the umbrella corp was founded."

I pause the live feed,gathering attention of the council and bane,as they didn't want to miss a single detail.

"So it all began with three rich families,the ashfords,the Marcus',and finally the Spencer's,each studying medicine,they each were corrupt in their own way,you see oswell E. Spencer was a eugenics enthusiast sand wanted to create a society of super humans with himself leading them,and the other two joined in to further advance their own agenda. Soon they began a special virus called the progenitor virus and injected it into various children of great intellect and talent,called the wesker project." I say as the council remember Albert wesker from the live feed.

"But wary of the others,they each sent assassins to kill the other two,they succeeded with James Marcus,and nobody knows what happened to the ashfords head,some say that his daughter turned him into a test subject for their own virus,but with that in mind the have been doing this for a long time,and now a zombie outbreak is coming and now I have to clean up their mess." I conclude as I send digital files that Circe gathered for me to the council,"well that's all I can really confirm or speculate,but Circe manages to grab a bunch of files for you all to read,she put them into a very special file only the council or those you approve of can view,she put it under file keter,she will send you access codes in due time."

"You're dismissed agent John." The council says as I turn around and go to where my team are,knowing I had to be ready for the storm that's approaching.


Gotta be honest I'm don't remember much about the origins of umbrella,but I hope you can agree that it sums it all up.

Anyways hope you all enjoy this installment and I'll see you next week,peace😁✌️