(27) Annette Birkin, mother of the year!(Seres POV)

Hey guys, so I have a question, by the end of the resident evil 2(and 3) arc should Annete be allowed to live at the end of this?

(Comment yes here)

(Comment no here)

Anyways onto the chapter.


"How the fuck is that thing still alive?" I hear Leon ask as he holds Sherry right when she saw her dead father, she was trembling like a leaf.

"Nothing dies down here remember?" Ada says to everyone as Mark notices something unusual, "Hey guys, that zombified pharmacist just slipped something down the throat of that fucking gator" he says as we see the evolved Birkin leave the now dead Crocodile alone and wanders Down a separate path away from where they needed to go

"SHEEEEERRRYY!!" We hear Birkin say as he went deeper into the sewers as we all catch our breath, and as we do I turn to talk to Sherry.

"Hey sherry, are you okay?" I ask her ask she was tearing up, "I'm honestly not! I just wanted to find my mama but now finding out my parents were the cause of this, of…everything? Mama really is mother of the year huh?" She said bitterly before she felt a me pull her in for a hug.

"I know it's hard to handle all this, but you aren't alone anymore, you got all of us! So please, trust in us, and trust your mother. Because she probably didn't want for any of this to happen." I say as I hear sobs coming from Sherry, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I see Ada giving me an apathetic look.

"While I hate to interrupt your moment we need to move, the longer we stay in one place the more screwed we will be." She says as I give her the stink eye, I'm trying to cheer up a child for fucks sake!

"No…she's right Seres…and thank you." Sherry said with shaky breaths as I nod, she truly was stronger than she let's on. "Alright, let's move." I say to everyone as we move down the path Birkin didn't go and we come across the G-monsters, they looked like a cross between mutant Turtles and the plague, they shambled closer to us as we fire our weapons at the five that appeared.

(Fun fact, apparently the SaS guns are supposedly twenty times more powerful than regular guns, so a sniper rifle like the one Ada had can dislocate a regular persons arm upon firing.)

"Damn! I don't know where you got these guns but you're making light work of these things!" We hear Leon say in awe as he fires his regular pistol, sure it was modified by parts, but his is basically backwards in technology compared to their 4th millennium technology, it just couldn't compare.

"Oh right! I've got a spare gun you can use." I say to Leon as I toss it to him, it was the (red) RIA 1010, a full auto pistol that fires MEP rounds and it has a large clip capable of holding 60 rounds!

(So plot hole, I realized that while SaS guns are powerful, they don't use the modern ammo of any resident evil games, so to explain it, think of it like the moment regular modern bullets are put into the clip they are modified into the bullets used by SaS operators.)

Leon catches the pistol and whistles as he looks at it, "either you have a genius gunsmith or you guys get paid waaay too much." He says as he shoots down three walkers shambling towards us.

Their heads exploded due to the caliber of bullets used as we find ourselves in front of a giant ski lift, we saw the corpse of a police officer there, he was middle aged with a gray mustache and a hole in his chest, Leon wondering who the officer was walked over to inspect the body, and found his badge and his phone, which Ada took and started looking through it.

"This was sheriff Irons." Leon said as he looks at the hole in his chest, "this kind of reminds me of that movie alien." He says as he notices that Irons was clutching something in his hand and finds a key.

"That looks like it goes to the lift." I say to him as we hear a roar in the distance, it seems we are about to meet Birkin again, "everyone on the trolley!" I say to everyone who don't think twice and rush on, and I start the lift.

As we move down the lift I notice that Ada was still looking through Irons phone, "isn't that desecrating the dead?" I ask her as she looks at me.

"Can you even consider that…thing to be considered human, then yes. Murdering and taking bribes from Umbrella, turning his murder victims into taxidermy, and even threatening politicians, this guy is less human and more monster." She says to everyone as she hands Leon the phone, "look through it, the. You'll understand who your sheriff really was." She tells Leon, but before he did I get a Chat notification from John.

(John) Hey guys are you on the lift? I'm going to clear out the platform of hostiles, I've got Carlos Oliviera with me as backup.

(Seres) thanks dear! We're halfway there.

I turn off the chat and I tell everyone that John is going to meet us at the platform to NEST.

"So I finally get to meet your leader, I wonder if John's okay." I hear Leon say with Claire nodding her head in agreement.

(Hey should I add Carlos and Tyrell as new operatives like Mark?)

"Well then you are going to be surprised how resilient my fiancé is." I say cryptically as we go further down.


Well I hope you all enjoy the chapter, i enjoy making fics like these and whenever I see people enjoy them I feel inspired.

So with that I'll see you all next week, peace😁✌️